Well, here it is. The very last chapter. BUT, I have plenty of more Princess and the Frog ideas, so expect more from me! The role call will be at the end of the chapter.
Disclaimer: I own this story, but no one in it.
Something felt wrong. Tiana felt like…it was hard to explain, but she felt.. like something had hit her in the gut. She tried to shrug it off, but it worried her still. Here she was, roaming the dark streets of New Orleans, looking for Naveen, and she had no idea where to start.
She had told Louis to stay behind, that this was something she had to handle on her own. Louis didn't approve of that idea, but when has Tiana ever lost an argument? She looked around for any signs of him, but there were none. Where was 'Pirate's X'?
"Where's a plate of beignets when I need 'em?" Tiana whispered, smiling at how she could never keep her husband away from her cooking.
"Tia!" Tiana heard Charlotte call from behind her. "Tia! Tia, Tia, Tia!"
Tiana turned to face her best friend. "Lottie…I'm in a rush, so…LOTTIE!! What happened?!" She lightly fingered the scar across the blonde's chest.
Charlotte frowned. "Your husband did it! ….or rather, the Shadow Man made 'em do it!" Tears were starting to form in her blue eyes. "Oh Tia! I'll never look the same again! I look like I was in a fight!" She took out a hankie from her purse , and dabbed her eyes. "I'll never forgive him for this! Never!"
Tiana wanted to comfort her overly dramatic friend, but she had a mission at hand. "Lottie…I'm sorry about Naveen, but I'm going to find him soon. Do you know where 'Pirate's X' is? Y'know, the restaurant?"
Charlotte folded her arms. "Tia…I'm scarred, and your husband is on a rampage. I hardly think this is the time for eatin'!"
Tiana sighed. "No Lottie, Mama Odie told me he'd be there." She lightly fingered the magic gourd she had strapped to her back. "I'm ready to bring him home."
Charlotte winced. "He's over there? Oh dear…."
Fear gripped Tiana's heart. "Lottie, what's wrong?"
Charlotte looked at her friend, uneasy. "Tia…I heard the restaurant caught on fire."
Tiana could feel herself become light-headed. Had she been too late? Had Naveen already put people in jeopardy? "When did it happen?"
Charlotte toyed with her fingers. "About four hours ago." she whispered.
Tiana bit her lip. "Did-Did the firemen find anything weird?"
Lottie threw her hands in the air. "That's the funny part! No one will go near it, 'cause they keep hearing crazy screams comin' from the building! It's officially haunted."
Tiana couldn't believe her ears. "What!? Lottie, are you serious?! What if the fire spreads?"
Lottie shrugged. "That's the other funny part! The fire seemed to die away after an hour."
Tiana was confused. 'Pirate's X' caught on fire, and after an hour, it died down. It's like…the fire was there for a reason, and once it was done…well, it was done! And the horrible screaming? This had Voodoo written all over it.
"Lottie, I need to head over there. Naveen might still be there."
Charlotte tried to talk her out of it…..but when HAS Tiana ever lost an argument?
"There's magic in the air, today….and anything can happen…" Tiana sang to herself as she walked the trail to 'Pirate's X'. She often sang when she was worried, or perplexed.
She noticed the stars were shining bright, almost as if they were trying to make her fell better. She looked up her two favorite stars. "Ray, Evangaline,….he's…he's O.K, right? The police didn't catch him, did they?" The two stars glowed faintly. This caused Tiana to become more worried. They always glowed so brightly…
Tiana paused her thoughts as a peculiar smell caught her attention. Being married to Naveen for so long got her used to this smell….it was smoke. Picking up the pace, she ran up the trail, until she saw what was left of the restaurant.
The fire was out, yes, but the smoke still stretched on for miles. She didn't want to believe her prince had done this, but she saw no other way to look at it. Naveen had arrived, and a disaster had occurred.
She walked the remains of the building, feeling terribly gloomy. After all, she owned a restaurant. She would have to be sure to send the owner a fruit basket to cheer them up.
"Naveen?" she called, quietly. He had to be around here somewhere…
She froze as she heard a ghastly voice. It was faint. So faint, it could have been the wind.
Poor child….Poor child…
Tiana pulled her coat up to her chin, and looked around for the source of the chilling whispers. "What in the world…." Then she stopped. Froze, feeling twice as cold as she had only moments ago. Right on the other side of the restaurant, (or at least what was left of it), was Naveen, lying on his side in the grass.
"Naveen!" Tiana shouted, not knowing what to think. There he was, but…he was lying in the grass.. She ran out of the rubble as fast she could, cutting her leg on some burned mettle. But she didn't care. She just cared about reaching Naveen.
She gasped as she saw he was covered in flies. Tons of tiny pests, swarming his body. Even from her angle, she could see one fly crawl right into his mouth…
"Get away!" Tiana screamed, both in anger, and disgust. She swatted the flies away, while shouting, "Get away! Shoo!" As soon as she was sure he was rid of all those pests, she knew she had to make sure he was rid of the pest.
Silently, she turned him over so he was facing her….and her heart instantly broke apart, never to be reattached. There was a butcher knife stuck in her husband's chest.
Tiana didn't say a word. She didn't cry out, scream, or curse…because her heart wouldn't accept it. She refused to believe this was true. Quietly, without a word, she pulled the death blade from her love's heart. He didn't bleed. He was out of blood.
It was at that moment Tiana looked down at her hands, and noticed they were covered in blood. Naveen's blood. He was wearing black, so you couldn't see it, but his entire chest was covered in blood.
It was that final horror that snapped Tiana back into reality. He was dead. Gone. Just like her father. She looked down at Naveen's face. His golden brown eyes were shut, forbidding her to ever look at them again. His face that was always full of life, always begging her to enjoy it with him, was now emotionless, and forlorn of any of his charming features.
Finally, she let go. She transformed back into that eleven-year-old girl who had lost her father, and began to cry. Not caring he was soaked in blood, she laid her head on his chest, and sobbed.
"Naveen…NO!" She let the tears spill freely from her eyes, not even caring if someone was watching. "Naveen…please, you can't be gone! Please, PLEASE, don't leave me!" But he had already left.
Lifting her know blood covered face, she ran her fingers through his dark curls. Never again would she hear his 'ashidanza' cry, (which she had never learned the meaning of). Never again would he play his ukalele, filling the streets with his music. Never again would he tell her how lucky she was to have found such a gorgeous husband, or how lucky he was to have found such a strong wife. Never again would she feel love or happiness.
She looked up at the sky, controlled by her rage. "WHY DID YOU TAKE HIM FROM ME!??!" she screamed, louder than she ever had. She didn't even know if she was referring to Ray, her daddy, or God. "It wasn't his time!!!" She yelled, quieting down a bit. "He never did anything to deserve this!!!!"
She sighed, knowing she shouldn't be angry at anyone up there. She could tell what had already happened. Naveen didn't cooperate with the Shadow Man, and then the demon forced Naveen to kill himself.
Shadow Man. This was his fault. He had taken Naveen from her. He had snatched him right out of her life. Naveen would never see the light of another day, never play his jazz, never become king of his country, because of that witch doctor.
Fury was quickly overcoming her depression. "You….MONSTER!!" Tiana screamed, again. "I HOPE THEY RIP YOU APART ON THE OTHER SIDE!!!" Too tired to scream anymore, she buried her face in her bloody husband's hair, and let his wavy curls stifle her sobs.
She laid there for awhile, promising Naveen she would never fall in love again. Never in her life had she felt so useless or defeated. She should have arrived sooner. She was supposed to save him…but she hadn't arrived on time.
When she was finally out of tears, she sat up, gently placed her prince's head on her lap, and absent-mindedly stroked his hair as she thought of all the good times they had together. Teaching him how to mince, him teaching her how to dance, all the times he tried to get her to laugh when she was over worked, even if it made him look like an idiot….
She was so lost in her precious memories, she didn't even notice two cold, clammy hands on her shoulders until she heard, "Do you need a monster's shoulder to cry on?"
Tiana gasped, and sprang to her feet. "Shadow Man!"
There he was. Dr. Faciler in the flesh. "Aw, who's gonna miss their spoiled mishap?" he taunted.
Tiana couldn't believe her eyes. "B-But…" She pointed towards Naveen's corpse. "He's dead! You should be back in the Other Side!"
Faciler gave her a careless shrug. "I had already drained enough of the boy's energy to become my own man, by the time he died." (A/N: That's why his words aren't in bold anymore)
Tiana let out a strangled gasp. "But…when did you…?"
Faciler waved his hand. "I would have been here sooner, but I was getting a kick out of strong Tiana sobbing her eyes out." He put on a real bad imitation of her. "'Waaaahhhh! He's dead! I'm never gonna see my precious Naveen again!'" He gave her a disgusted look. "Pathetic Tiana." He then casually picked up his cane, that was lying a few feet from the prince. "I'm finally free to roam the streets again."
Tiana should have been scared, but she wasn't. This man had killed Naveen…all she could feel was hate. "What do you mean 'you're free'? You still have a debt to pay, don't you?"
The Shadow Man looked at her, greedily. "Yes….there is that matter, isn't there?" He walked, almost glided, up to her, and fingered her curls. "Why don't you give me a hand with that?"
Disgusted, Tiana shot out of his tender grip. "You have got to be kiddin' me."
Faciler shrugged. "Well, you're not really getting a choice in the matter." Then, a horrible smile spread on his face. "But first…" he reached into his shirt, and pulled out a small, golden bottle on a rope. "I need to deliver the royal package."
Tiana's breath caught in her throat. That couldn't be… "Is…is that….?" she asked, in a shaky voice.
Shadow Man didn't answer, but placed his fingers to his lips, and gave a shrill whistle. The ground began to shake, knocking Tiana to her feet. Green, and purple light began to flash through the sky, allowing Tiana to realize what was coming next.
The trees seemed to bend away as, seemingly out of nowhere, giant sized Voodoo masks began to chant.
Bum, Bum, Bum
Tiana gasped. It was just like the night awhile back. The night the demons, and shadows of the Other Side dragging the Shadow Man down to Hell. That night, Tiana had actually felt a little guilty about it, but now she was praying for it to happen again.
What really stopped her heart was watching Dr. Faciler remove the chain from his neck, and holding up to the masks. "Yes friends, I wanted to hand deliver this particular soul to ya'll." He sent a smug look to the terrified woman on the ground. "Prince Naveen of Maldonia."
Tiana's eyes grew wide. "No…NO!" she cried out. That was Naveen's soul! He was going to feed it to his 'friends'!
The horribly ugly masks eyed the golden bottle, greedily. Finally, the largest one opened it's mouth to reveal a dark, swirling green portal.
Dr. Facilier chuckled. "That's right friends! Take the boy's soul! Take his soul, and drag him down THE FIERY PITS OF HELL!!!!"
"NOO!!" Tiana screamed. She pulled the gourd from her strap, and shoved it into the Shadow Man's back.
"GAAAHHHH!!!" Dr. Faciler wailed. He turned around to glare at her. "Why you little…"
But Tiana wasn't intimidated. Not when her husband was in danger of being tortured for all eternity. She didn't care she was surrounded by demons. "If you want to take him," she lifted the gourd, "you have to take him from my dead, cold hands."
The Shadow Man smiled a clever smile, but it vanished he heard the his 'friends' become uneasy. He turned to them, and tied the bottle back around his neck. 'This will only take a minute, boys." He lit his cane on fire, and turned to face Tiana. "Do you know how many people I've killed with this?"
Tiana lit the gourd. "Well, here's the thing Shadow Man…I'm not like other people."
With that, he lunged at Tiana, stick flaming. Tiana blocked him with the gourd, then brought her knee to his groin, forcing him to double over in pain. She took that chance to stab him once in the back.
Growling, Facilier burned Tiana in the stomach. She groaned, and rolled out of his reach. She now had a huge tear in her dress, but she ignored it. She noticed the masks had gone back to their bone-chilling chanting,
Bum, Bum, Bum
Tiana was momentarily distracted, and Dr. Faciler burned her shoulder. "Ahhh!!" she cried in pain. She blindly struck the Shadow Man in the face, causing him scream in anguish.
Bum, Bum, Bum
Enraged, he kicked Tiana in the stomach, causing her to fall on her bottom. Before she could get back up, Faciler stuck his cane right next to the girl's throat. "Just give up, Tiana. Why don't you save us both the trouble, and walk through that portal like a good girl?"
Tiana glared at him. "You forced Naveen to kill himself. There' ain't no way I'm gonna let you get away with that!"
Faciler looked stunned for a minute, then burst out laughing. "You think I killed the prince? No sweet thing, he gained back control for a minute, and killed himself on his own free will." He enjoyed seeing Tiana sputter.
"W-What!?" Naveen had done this to himself!? Willingly!?
Bum, Bum, Bum
Shadow Man smiled. "I told him I was going to kill you, and he ended up stabbing himself! See, that's why I don't fall in love. It just gets you hurt."
Tiana didn't say anything. Naveen had killed himself…for her. Shadow Man threatened to force Naveen to kill her….so he beat him to it…
Dr. Faciler assumed Tiana must be blaming herself, so he lifted his cane above his head, and said, "Don't you worry Tiana, you'll be joining him soon enough…" he smiled as he pulled his cane down….
….and watched as Tiana kick it out of his hands.
Shadow Man's mouth dropped open. Tiana's foot was now burnt, but she didn't care. And the look of fierce anger was enough to temporarily petrify the witch doctor. "How.. How did-"
But before he could finish, Tiana struck him in the stomach, sending him a few feet backwards. Tiana's anger was boiling over, but she kept her tone even. "You are pure evil," she said through gritted teeth.
Bum, Bum, Bum
Everyone who knew Tiana, knew to fear her when she was angry. "Now Tiana, let's not-"
He didn't get to finish, as Tiana burned his arm, causing him to stagger back. "You caused me to turn into frog."
He raised a hand. "Hey! That was all princey's fault! I didn't make 'you kiss-" But Tiana wasn't letting him speak. She stabbed him in his other arm.
"Your shadows gave me a goin' over!" She stabbed him again, harder this time. "You nearly killed my best friend's father, you actually did kill Ray!" Anotherr stab.
Bum, Bum, Bum
"He was nothin' but a-"
She pointed the gourd to Faciler's face. "And now you do THIS!!" she shouted, her anger finally seething out. She leaned in close to him, and growled, "What makes you think you deserve to live, while my husband's heart is frozen, you devil?"
Faciler scowled at her. "You honestly think I'm scared of you?" he laughed.
Tiana motioned with her head. "Look behind you, hot-shot."
Faciler rolled his eyes….and yelped. The portal to the Other Side was right behind him! He turned back to Tiana. "C'mon Tiana, I'm sure we can make some sort of deal!"
Tiana didn't bat an eye. "After everything you've done, you don't deserve happiness." She would feel guilty about this later, but right now, she needed to avenge her prince.
Dr. Facilier scowled. There was no way he was going to be defeated by this woman a second time! He made a lunge for the gourd, but just got burned as a result. "You honestly think you can hold a pure weapon?" Tiana said, then burned his ankles, causing him to fall to his feet. She frowned as she pointed the gourd to Faciler's chest.
Bum, Bum, Bum
Now the Shadow Man was panicking. "C'mon Tiana! You're not.. you're not this kind of girl! You can't send me off like this!"
Tiana pondered this for a minute. "You're right….Dr. Faciler." Shadow Man began to relax, but it died away as Tiana grabbed the gold bottle from his neck.
She leaned in close to the demon, until their noses were practically touching. "You ain't worthy enough to hold my husband's soul," she said, deadly serious.
And with that, she shoved the gourd in his chest, pushing the Shadow Man into the mask's gaping mouth.
"NNNOOOOOOO!!!!" he screamed, as he was swallowed into the abyss, once again. The masks growled, and slammed their mouths shut, knocking Tiana off her feet.
Silence. Tiana sighed in satisfaction, grabbed the Shadow Man's cane, and snapped it in two. She let out a scream as she threw the pieces over her shoulder.
Finally, she calmed down. She sighed, thankful to be alive. Then, quietly, she examined the golden bottle. So….this is all that's left of Naveen? This is his life? Fresh tears spilled from her eyes as she looked over at Naveen., still lying there in the grass.
The air seemed to grow colder as she made her way over to him. He looked so peaceful, so calm. But she didn't want peaceful, or calm. She wanted Naveen.
She looked at the small bottle, then at her froggy prince. "I guess it's time to let you go, huh baby?" She stroked the side of his face, lovingly. She was sure once she opened the bottle, his soul would go up to Heaven. She wiped away her falling tears. She couldn't keep him with her, she had to let him go. "Thank you for giving me an adventure…..I'll never forget you." She leaned over, and kissed his forehead. "Don't you fall in love with any angels, ya hear?"
She gave the bottle a little kiss, then opened it. She watched as a golden aura floated out, and rose into the sky. She felt the wind pick up, giving her the chills. Tiana knew it was over. She had stopped him from going to Hell, but now she had lost him for good. She broke into quiet sobs, as she pressed her face against his. She had never cried so much in her life…
She was so busy crying, she didn't notice the aura halt in the sky. She didn't notice the two brightest stars in the sky give off a radiant glow. She didn't notice the aura slowly flow back into the body of the dead prince….
Tiana just couldn't stop crying. She just couldn't imagine going back to a life without him. "Naveen… I love you…" she whispered.
"I…I love you, too."
Tiana's eyes snapped open as she sat up, sharply. She looked at Naveen's still body. "Oh God…please don't do this to me…" She held her breath as she heard the prince groan. Then slowly…his golden brown eyes fluttered open.
Tiana couldn't believe it. He was alive!!! She placed her hand on his chest. The blood was gone!! "Na-Naveen?"
Naveen looked at his wife. "Tiana?" He placed a hand to his chest. "I am…alive?"
Tiana bit her lip to stop herself from crying. She failed. She wrapped her arms his neck, and collapsed in his arms. "NAVEEN!! You- You didn't leave me!!'
Naveen rubbed her back. "Well, you put up a huge fight for me, yes?"
That accent. She would cherish that accent throughout all eternity. But wait…"You…You saw all that? Me, and the Shadow Man?"
Naveen nodded, and examined her arms. "I could see through my soul, and I hope he suffers greatly for all these burns he placed on you." He stroked the side of her face. "But I am so proud of you, my princess. You saved me."
Tears of happiness were starting to form in her eyes. "Naveen…I though I lost you." She buried her face in his shirt.
Naveen resumed rubbing her back. "It is all right, Tiana. We are together again, that is all that matters."
"Really? You don't feel like cryin' at all?" Tiana's voice was muffled from his shirt.
Naveen shrugged. " I am a man. Men do not cry, they comfort their wives who are crying."
Tiana sniffed. "Really? I won't think any less of you if you do."
Naveen buried his face in Tiana's hair, and started sobbing. "I thought I lost you as weeeeeellll!!"
Tiana smiled, and inhaled his smell. There was no specific title for it, but it always made her feel welcome. A wind blew by them, causing Tiana to shiver…but she could have swore she heard a voice say,
…they just the CUTEST couple, ain't they?
Tiana pulled herself from Naveen's arms. "Ray?" she whispered.
Naveen smiled up at the two stars in the sky. "Thank you, my friends." He turned to Tiana. "I think it was them that helped me stay, my love."
Tiana smiled…then frowned. Oh yes….THAT. She smacked Naveen upside his head. "OW!" he shouted.
"How could you kill yourself?!?!" Tiana demanded to know.
Naveen waved his hands. "I did to save you! Do you think it was easy to stab myself!? It hurt!"
Tiana scowled at him. "Do you know how I felt when I thought you were dead? I thought my life was over!!"
Navven crossed his arms. "Hey, I was a hero for that!" A mischievous smile crossed his face. "Instead of hitting me…I think I deserve a kiss…." He puckered his lips for a kiss, but Tiana pulled away.
"Sorry Naveen….but a fly crawled into your mouth earlier….I'm not kissin' that."
Naveen's mouth gaped open. "I- Really? I killed myself for you, and you cannot make the sacrifice of a germy mouth?!"
Tiana shook her head, and smiled. "Nope."
Naveen raised an eyebrow. "Too bad. I have had a rough day. I am getting some Tiana love!" He pulled her into him, and began planting kisses all over her face, despite her protests.
"No! Nav- Naveen! You have fly germs!" she laughed. Finally he placed his lips on hers, and she instantly sank in. She had feared she would never feel this magic again.
It was a long, passionate kiss, and once they broke apart, Naveen whispered to her, "I love you, Tiana. I would die for you."
Tiana smiled, and said, "I love you too, Naveen. I would go to Hell, and back for you."
Naveen held her in his arms, something he feared he would never get to experience again. He had survived. The Shadow Man was gone, and now it was time for a new adventure. The two of them. Together.
I wonder of Tiana wants children?
The End
I did it! I finished my second chapter story! I thank you all for your support, and now for the promised role call:
NausicaaoftheSpirits + 6
Lovesaphira + 7
Jacky Solis
Alpha T. Signa
Queen Skelington +2
Mama X unicorn +4
Whiteling +5
Sesshy's Mate 2012 +5
Bloddy Aphrodite +3
Lily Yamomoto
Conejo-sama +6
Future DisneyImaginer +4
Katie Shmatie
Maxilove +4
Lizziemagic +5
Myal yah +3
Persephone's Melody +3
13overload13 +2
Laura's Imagination
Barlowgirlfan16 +2
The Marchinant
I love you all!!!! Expect more storied from in the future!! As they say in Maldonia, "Abinaza!"
Or something like that.