Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Harry Potter.

A/N: I tried to upload this yesterday, but i couldn't, so i'm sorry that this is late. Please enjoy the last chapter of Something Significant. Here's Albus.

Chapter 4: Albus Severus Potter

Ginny smiled at the small bundle in her arms. Her second son was sleeping peacefully. Harry ruffled the baby's jet-black hair.

"Harry, please don't mess his hair up already."

"Why not? It already looks like he has my hair." Harry pointed out. Ginny shook her head at him. "So do you get to pick out the first or middle name this time?"

Ginny narrowed her eyes at him. "Why? Do you already have a full name picked out or something?"

"No." Harry answered honestly. "I'm just wondering."

"Go ahead and say the name, Harry. You get first name again."

"How about Albus?"

"Albus?" Ginny repeated. "As in Albus Dumbledore?"

"How many other people named Albus do we know?" Harry asked his wife. Ginny thought about it.

"Dumbledore means a lot to you still, doesn't he?" Ginny asked as she looked down at the baby.

"Yes. He might not have always been the man that we thought he was, but he still protected me for a while. He did everything he could to protect everyone from Voldemort." Harry said. "And on top of that, I don't think anyone knew him as well as I did."

"I guess." Ginny said. "I like it. Albus Potter."

"And what about your name choice? Or is he just going to be named Albus Potter?" Harry asked a small smile creeping onto his face.

"Let me think for a moment."

"What? You mean that you don't have one picked out already?" Harry teased her. Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Well, George already named his son Fred. I think that if Dennis has any kids, he deserves the right to name any of them Colin." Ginny thought aloud, watching Harry for a reaction. "Remus is Teddy's middle name and I'm not naming Albus after the traitor Marauder. Maybe we should name him after either Michael or Dean?"

"No." Harry said quickly. Ginny smirked at him. "We're not naming him after any of your old boyfriends."

"I was kidding, Harry." Ginny told him. "We need something really good."

Harry sighed. "Do you want me to pick out another name?"

Ginny glared at him. "Don't even think about it. This is my turn." She thought about everyone that had done something important to her. Then she thought of the perfect person to give Albus his middle name. "Severus."

"Snape?" Harry asked. "You want to name him after Snape?"

"Yes." Ginny looked at Harry. "We're the only two that could have any claim over it. Everyone knows how much you hated him. Everyone knows that you ended up defending him and stating that he was really on our side. You fought to get his painting put up in Hogwarts with the rest of the Heads. And you made sure he was honored with a hero's funeral. Who else has the right to name their kid after him?"

"Alright, fine." Harry said. "But those are reasons why I should name Albus after Snape. What about you?"

"You mean what does Snape mean to me?" Ginny asked. Harry nodded. "Snape protected you from behind the scenes. Without that, you probably would have died a long time ago."

"Not necessarily. There's still Dumbledore."

"True. But he also helped protect me." Ginny looked away from Harry for a moment. "Don't forget that when we went to the Ministry to try and save Sirius, it was Snape that alerted the Order so that they could come and save us."

"There's more than that. What else did he do, Ginny?" Harry asked worried. "Does it have to do with your sixth year?"

"Yes." Ginny's brown eyes met Harry's green ones. "Snape knew that you love me. He could have told Voldemort or delivered me to Voldemort as any faithful follower would've. But he didn't. The Carrows knew. I actually overheard them talking with Snape about it. They wanted to give me over to Voldemort, but Snape refused to let them. He said that it would be more useful to break me to their will and then deliver me to Voldemort. He didn't really think that it would happen, but he was trying to keep me where he would be able to protect me the best he could. Even when he caught Neville, Luna, and me trying to sneak Gryffindor's Sword out of his office, he didn't hand us over to the Carrows for punishment. Instead, Snape sent us out into the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid, which gave us some protection."

"I guess he did a lot more than I gave him credit for." Harry muttered. "So, we're naming him after two of Hogwarts greatest Headmasters?"

"Yes." Ginny said. "Albus Severus Potter is his name."

Harry smiled as Albus opened his eyes for the first time. "Ginny, his eyes…"

Ginny looked down and laughed. Albus had Harry's eyes. "So?"

"That's what Snape loved the most about my mother."

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