The end has come, my dear friends. Enjoy.

Chapter Fifty-Eight

The sun hung high in the crystal blue August sky; the scent of wildflowers lingering in a strong breeze that kept the hot summer air bearable. Outside a house seemingly kept together by magic, a whole army of people converged in the garden, the majority of them with vibrant red hair.

Ginny Weasley pulled her broom to a stop and hovered high above the Burrow, taking in the scene of happy chaos below, a smile playing on her lips. Five years had passed since the Final Battle and the fear Voldemort's name had once invoked had faded to almost nothing. The Wizarding world, despite the ever present problems in every society, was one of overall peace and integrity. The Weasleys, like most, had moved on with their lives and were enjoying themselves along the way.

Ginny saw George and Angelina entertaining the children (Teddy, Victoire, and Fred) with a slew of new whizbangs while Charlie, Percy, and Audrey set up several tables and chairs at the edge of the garden. Monty, Arthur and Xenophilius lounged in the shade with tall glasses of iced pumpkin juice while Bill and Fleur were walking along the edge of the forest, holding hands and talking softly with each other.

Daphne and Luna were sitting on the pier with their boyfriends, their feet hanging over the edge. Luna had gone on an expedition across Europe with her father last year in search of the ever-elusive Crumpled-Horned Snorkack, and had met Rolf Wilkerson somewhere in the countryside of Sweden. He was a nice young man with curly blonde hair and the bluest eyes Ginny had ever seen. What had been the most amazing is that he not only accepted what Luna had to say but had believed in many of the same things even before meeting her. He said he'd read a very interesting book when he was younger written by Astra Newhart and had become interested in some of the creatures and ideas she described. Astra Newhart was Luna's mother. Luna was the happiest Ginny had ever seen her, including the first summer after the Final Battle when they'd become really close friends.

Daphne, with Bill's help, finally got a job at Gringott's as a cursebreaker. She actually took over Bill's old post in Egypt since the eldest Weasley planned to stay close to home with his family. Much like Bill did when he worked in Egypt, she often sent little tokens to both Ginny and Hermione with regular letters detailing her exploits. She'd met Akiiki Massri on one of her assignments. He was a local guide to the wizarding villages in the area Daphne was assigned to and the two had hit it off over long fireside chats. They shared stories about their childhood, family, and life in general, each finding the other fascinating and easy to talk to. When Daphne was to move on to the next area, Akiiki was once again assigned to her group, and their relationship grew as they spent more time together. Ginny liked the tall, dark haired, dark eyed man. He was funny, friendly, and told some of the best stories she'd ever heard.

Deciding she should head down and see if she could of any help even if it was her birthday, Ginny gripped the scarlet handle of her old (but still favorite broom) casually and was on the ground in mere seconds after a quick dive. A month before she graduated, she'd gotten offers from five of the League's teams, but the first one had been the only one she'd ever wanted and she accepted the Harpies' offer without hesitation. Right after graduating (two days, in fact), she'd attended her first training session, and now, two League championships and one most valuable player award later, she was currently training to tryout for the English World Cup team coming up the next year.

Depositing her broom in the old shed, Ginny made her way to the backdoor, dodging a gnome being banished by George as the watching kids laughed at his antics.

'Oi! I'd like my head to remain attached, you know?'

'Why? It's not like you use it all that much…'

Ginny's jaw dropped in outrage and she glared at her smirking brother, starting toward him.

'Why you cheeky – '

'Ah, ah, sis. Children are present…'

Despite that, Ginny chased her brother around the garden as the three children laughed at them. George put on a good show, tripping over things and making faces to make them laugh, and by the time, Ginny actually caught him, her glare was replaced with a smile and instead of pain, she made his hair continually change from one bright color to another, making the kids laugh harder.

'You know, I think I actually like that better.'

It was George's turn to drop his jaw in outrage as Angelina leaned against the fence, laughing and watching Ginny help her husband up. Ginny looked at her handiwork as they walked back to the middle pathway.

'Yeah, it distracts you from his ugly mug.'

Ginny dashed inside at the sound of renewed laughter before George could retaliate, knowing Molly would prevent any troublemaking in her kitchen. The wonderful smell of her mum's cooking instantly hit her and she smiled as she watched the activity in the bustling kitchen. Molly was at the stove with her wand moving between four different pans; Andromeda stood at the counter directing no less than three knives as they cut up various things; Wendy sat at the table counting out silverware and napkins for everyone. The door to Ginny's right opened and stacks of plates and bowls floated through, followed by a woman with curly brown hair and deep brown eyes.

'Mum, I'm going to start setting the table if you want to bring the silverware.'

Ginny stepped forward and stopped Wendy from getting up.

'I've got it, Wendy, if you want; might as well be of some help.'

'Oh thanks, Ginny. That'd be great and I'll help your mum get some of this food out there soon.'

Ginny pulled her wand out and pointed them at the pile of silverware and napkins, winking at a smiling Hermione as she followed her out into the garden. She came up beside the brunette and gave her a kiss as they made their way to the tables. Hermione returned the kiss and turned to smile at the redhead.

'How was your fly?'

'It was good. I still love how that Nimbus handles. There was one thing missing, though.'

Hermione's lips twitched as she tried to maintain her innocent smile and she raised a curious eyebrow as she started to guide the plates around the table.

'Oh? And what was that exactly?'

Ginny smirked and pulled Hermione into her arms as the last plate and napkin landed on the table.

'The beautiful witch I married.'

It would be three years in September that Ginny and Hermione had been married. It was the happiest day of Ginny's life when she walked down the aisle with Hermione through the Burrow's garden and stood in front of their family and friends to pledge her heart to the one she would love for the rest of her life. Hermione had been absolutely stunning in a flowing cream-colored dress, her hair falling over her shoulders in big bouncy curls. Ginny had worn a dress of the palest blue, her brilliant red hair held halfway up with an heirloom hair comb from her mother's great-grandmother.

That may have been the happiest day of Ginny's life but the following years were even better. She considered herself the luckiest person in the world to get to come home to see complete love and admiration in the deep brown eyes of Hermione Granger directed at her and only her. Like any married couple, they still had their arguments, each witch letting their stubbornness take hold every once in a while, but like any couple who loves one another, they always worked through it and ended up loving each other more afterwards.

Looking into the same sparkling chocolate brown eyes of her wife, Ginny marveled at how even now the need for her wife consumed her senses, and as she claimed Hermione's red lips, the same electric current surged through her body. Just as Hermione's fingers weaved their way through Ginny's red hair and Ginny started to explore the brunette's warm mouth, two pops nearby announced someone's arrival.

'Oi! Can't you two keep your hands off of each other for more than two seconds?!'

Ginny reluctantly pulled away to glare at her brother, letting Hermione turn but pulling her back into her arms, which Hermione willing allowed.

'We could, I suppose, but we just choose not to.'

Ginny smirked and Hermione giggled, turning to kiss the redhead once more before stepping away, but keeping their hands joined.

'Besides, I would think you'd be used to it by now, Ronald, since you're the one who's always interrupting.'

Ron's jaw dropped slightly and his eyes narrowed at the smirking pair, getting ready to retort, but before he could open his mouth, a delicate hand gripped his arm and a woman with bright green eyes, light brown hair, and dimples on each cheek stepped up beside him.

'Come on, leave them alone; they're in love! Besides, it's not like we're much better…'

Any anger, frustration, or sheer stubbornness was instantly erased from Ron's face as he turned to face his companion. Melanie Foster was an American witch that had moved into the flat across from Ron's eight months previously, wanting to train at St. Mungo's to become a healer. They'd actually met outside his building when she was moving in. She was struggling with a couple of boxes with her back turned to an already tall pile when it started to tip toward her. She didn't have a chance react but before they fell on her, Ron had drawn his wand and stopped the cascade. Being the great guy he is, Ron helped her finish transporting the boxes while they chatted politely. It was when Melanie opened a box full of Chudley Cannon memorabilia that the conversation got really interesting.

After Anna (who had returned to Austria after training and a mutual breakup), Ron had dated somewhat but never for very long. As a prominent Auror and part of the 'Golden Trio', it was often hard to find women who liked him for him and not the job or title. But Melanie was different. She'd heard about Voldemort while in the U.S., but she really didn't know more than the fact he was an evil egomaniac and he was defeated by a teenager he'd been after for years. It was refreshing for Ron to find someone more interested in talking about Quidditch than his role in fighting Voldemort.

The Weasleys liked Melanie, too, her humor, wit, and easy-going attitude mixing well with the fiery family. At the third family dinner she attended, she actually pulled a prank on George, cunningly switching his slice of pie with one laced with chili peppers without the jokester noticing. She then tricked him into an eating contest with Ron through some rather ingenious baiting. The beauty of the whole thing was the fact none of the other Weasleys had any idea until George's face turned red and he chugged down a pitcher of water, Melanie sweetly smiling at him. Needless to say, she'd solidified her place in the hearts of the Weasley children from that day onward.

Standing now beside the tall redhead, Melanie smiled sweetly up at him, making Ron's smile grow.

'I guess you may have a point there.'

Without any hesitation, Ron closed the distance and kissed the waiting witch, taking his time. Ginny rolled her eyes, but couldn't help a smile forming on her lips.

'Get a room you two!'

Melanie pulled away after another second with a smile and winked at the youngest Weasley.

'All in good time, my dear.'

Both Ginny and Hermione laughed as Ron's ears and face turned red, a silly smile on his face. The sound of the back door pulled their attention as Molly started out with a whole parade of food behind her.

'Oh good, Ron and Melanie are here; that's everyone then. Hermione, Ginny, would you get everyone, please?'

'Sure, mum.'

The couple headed around to the various little groupings to announce dinner and soon joined the already crowded and overloaded table. Since it was Ginny's birthday, most of her favorites were on the table including the Grangers' chicken alfredo. Ginny sat between Luna and Hermione and was reaching for the green beans when a loud crack sounded and a small grouping of people appeared in a nearby field some distance from the Burrow. The entire party stopped their movements and stared at the figures.

Ginny squinted to see them better and saw a man with dark hair, a woman with blonde hair and a small child with short dark hair. It appeared they were conversing, the woman holding onto the man's arm, reluctantly letting go and holding the child closer as the man turned away. There was something vaguely familiar about the dark, ruffled hair of the man, but before Ginny could place it, he spun on the spot and disappeared. Before anyone could move, there was another crack and nearly everyone at the table gasped. Walking toward them, his black hair sticking out just as bad as always, a somewhat uneasy but excited smile on his face, and his green eyes focused on them from behind a set of glasses was none other than Harry Potter.

'Arthur, please tell me, I'm not imagining things…'

Ginny turned to look at her mum, who was standing now, one hand over her heart the other gripping Arthur's hand tightly.

'If you are then we all are. Merlin's beard…'

As Harry approached the table nearly everyone stood but didn't move from their spots. Ginny remained seated, unsure whether her legs could handle standing from pure shock. Harry stopped a few feet from them and nervously ruffled his hair.

'H-Hello e-everybody…I'm…uh…I'm not interrupting…am-am I?'

Molly let out a sob-like laugh and nearly bowled poor Harry over as she pulled him in a crushing hug.

'You're back! You've finally come back!'

Harry returned the embrace as best he could and was soon surrounded by most of the Weasley family as they welcomed back the long lost Boy-Who-Lived. After a rally of greetings and hugs, backslaps, and handshakes, the family parted and Harry stepped forward to face the four still seated figures. A wary Melanie looked between the three sitting beside her and the young man she recognized as the friend in the pictures with Ron, Hermione and Ginny; the one Ron had told her had left after the war. She instinctively reached out to Ron when he stood, unsure what he was going to do, knowing Harry's leaving was still a sore spot for him. Ron gave her a small reassuring smile that really did nothing to ease Melanie's nerves.

Ron walked around the table and stopped in front of a nervously smiling Harry. The two best friends looked at each other for what seemed like hours but was really only a few seconds before Ron's eyes suddenly blazed and his arm came swinging around, hitting the side of Harry's face with a loud crack. Everyone was so stunned, no one moved as Harry stumbled back and a scowling Ron stepped toward him.

'That was for leaving without saying goodbye…and this –'

Ron drew his wand and pointed it at a surprised but unflinching Harry before anyone could move. A yellow light flew from his wand and hit the same spot he'd just punched, glowing for a second before fading. Harry dropped his hand, the spell seemingly healing the area.

'– is for coming back.'

A smile spread across the tall redhead's face and he held his hand out to his still surprised friend. Harry looked from the offered hand to his best friend and a matching smile slowly spread across his face as he stepped forward and took the hand before pulling him into a hug.

'It's good to see you again, mate. Thanks for going easy on me; I know I deserved worse.'

Ron stepped back and chuckled lightly.

'I suppose so, but we can talk about it later. I'm just glad to have you back, mate.'

The two wizards exchanged another smile and Ron stepped to the side, and Harry was instantly engulfed in another vice-like hug by Hermione, who had made her way around the table while he'd been talking with Ron.

'Oh Harry, I'm so glad you're okay!'

Hermione pulled away so fast she almost gave Harry whiplash, stepping back and standing with her hands on her hips, her brown eyes blazing with warning.

'And don't you dare pull any crap like that again! If I have to, I'll find a permanent tracking spell and use it on you; you know I will.'

Harry stared dumbfounded at the steaming brunette but once again, he couldn't help the smile from crossing his face.

'I know you would…I'm glad to see you're still as brilliant as ever.'

Hermione let her scowl fall and she smiled at her friend, pulling him into another embrace. Letting him go, she glanced over her shoulder at the remaining person at the table before taking Harry's hand and leading him around to the sitting redhead. Ginny watched her wife leading the man she had, at one point, loved beyond all others. It seemed like a lifetime ago that she'd stood in the side chamber and watched him disappear from her life, and as she watched him come closer, she was a little surprised at what she was feeling.

Ginny stood as Hermione arrived with Harry by her side. She looked into the questioning but loving brown eyes and gave the brunette a small reassuring smile before turning to the man that was The-Boy-Who-Lived. Harry nervously ruffled his hair and glanced at Hermione as she stepped away, receiving a small encouraging nod. Turning back to the last Weasley, he sighed and cleared his throat.

'Um…Ha-Happy birthday, Gin. I-I'm sorry for intruding; I figured everyone would be here and I thought it'd been long enough…'

He trailed off, unsure what Ginny was thinking as she looked at him silently and blankly. Finally, the youngest Weasley stepped forward and surprised Harry with a gentle hug.

'Welcome home, Harry.'

It hadn't been anger or hurt that had sprung up in Ginny's heart upon seeing Harry, but relief and happiness at seeing her good friend again. She'd gotten past being upset with him years ago and had moved on to find love with Hermione. She only hoped that he had been able to do the same, and if the people walking up the lane were any indication, she knew he had. As she released him, Ginny returned Harry's smile and nodded toward the approaching woman and boy.

'If I'm not mistaken, I think you have some introductions to make.'

Harry's smile grew, giving Ginny's arm one last squeeze before quickly heading toward the new visitors. Hermione came up behind the watching redhead and put her arms around her waist, pulling her close.

'Are you okay, luv?'

Ginny nodded and turned to face the brunette.

'Yes, I really am. I'm so glad he came back, but my heart's belonged to another for quite some time now.'

Hermione returned Ginny's loving smile and the two joined the entirety of the Weasley family waiting for Harry as he exchanged a few words with the woman before picking up the boy and bringing them the remaining distance.

'Everyone…I'd like you all to meet my wife, Klara and my son, James.'

Klara was about the same height as Harry with blonde hair, fair skin, and pale green eyes. She smiled nervously at the large group, recognizing many of the freckled redheads from a set of photos Harry had shown her.

'H-Hello. I've heard many stories about you all and it's nice to finally meet you.'

She spoke with a slight Russian accent but her voice was soft and friendly. Molly stepped forward from the group, her warm eyes smiling behind tears of happiness as she approached the young woman, taking her hand in her own.

'It is wonderful to meet you, my dear. Harry has always been like a son to us, and any family of his, is family to us. Welcome.'

Klara smiled gratefully and the Potters were soon surrounded by the rest of the Weasleys and friends as they all welcomed the new additions to the family.

Ginny leaned back against the tree and let out a sigh as she watched the kids running around in the newly cleared space where the tables had been set up. It had definitely been one of the strangest but best birthdays she'd ever had. She'd forgotten it even was her birthday for most of dinner, listening to Harry and Klara talk about the last five years of their life.

Harry had wandered around Europe for half of a year, trying to blend in with crowds as he dealt with his feelings of loss and guilt. He ventured to Moscow, looking for anonymity and finding it in the cold eastern city. Living off of the gold he'd gotten from his vault before leaving and doing odd jobs, he'd come across a small broom shop looking for help. After a friendly conversation with the old man, Dmitry, running the shop, he took up the job in exchange for boarding and a small paycheck. It was then that he'd met Klara, the shop owner's granddaughter.

Klara often came to help her grandfather on the weekends and had been rather surprised to show up and find Harry standing behind the counter instead of Dmitry. Harry had been mortified when she'd come in and started yelling at him in Russian, having no idea what she was saying and more focused on the wand in her hand. Luckily, Dmitry came out of the back room and explained everything to Klara before she cursed Harry. After that, however, Klara was much friendlier.

It turned out that Klara spoke English fairly well, having been studying it for years in hopes of working in the International Relations division of the Russian Ministry. At first, Harry wasn't too keen on sharing much about himself, the guilt he felt still too much for him, but slowly he found himself opening up and talking more about his life to the patient, understanding, and comforting Klara. He started looking forward to the time he spent with Klara and gradually their friendship turned into something more and a year and a half later, they were married.

Ginny giggled lightly as she watched James stumble, still getting used to running on his young legs, and get up almost instantly to chase after Fred. A year and a half after they were married, James Anton was born, named after both Harry and Klara's fathers. He had the same messy black hair of his namesake but his eyes were more like his mother's pale green, matching his fairer skin. He seemed really bright and got along with the other three children quite well.

Ginny was pulled from her musings as the father of the boy she was watching came over and stood in front of her with a smile.

'Hey Gin, mind if I join you?'

Returning his smile, she patted the ground and motioned for Harry to sit.

'Please, have a seat.'

Harry gladly complied and sat down to Ginny's left, watching the same scene for a few minutes. With a small chuckle at Fred acting like a dragon, he turned to Ginny with a happy sigh.

'It's good to be back. I've really missed everyone.'

'No one was keeping you away, you know. You could have come back at anytime.'

Harry frowned slightly and nodded his head sadly.

'I know…I just wasn't ready. I'd been thinking about it for a while but when we got those new Quidditch puppets in from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, I knew it was time. I talked with Klara and here we are.'

Ginny listened with a small frown, understanding but still a little sad it hadn't been sooner. She smiled after a moment, though, and took Harry's hand in her own.

'Well, I for one hope you decide to stick around or at least keep in touch. We've really missed you, too. Five years is far too long, Harry. Besides, I want to be there the next time you get married so I can stand up and make a big stink about how you can't marry her because I'm carrying your child.'

Harry busted out in laughter and Ginny soon followed. Ginny had almost forgotten what Harry's laugh sounded like but it was so great to hear it again. After a few moments, they composed themselves and Harry squeezed Ginny's hand.

'As funny as that would be, I wouldn't dream of leaving Klara. She's such a great mother and I love her so much.'

Ginny smiled, seeing the love in Harry's eyes as he looked at his wife talking with George. He sighed happily and turned to Ginny, lifting her hand up pointedly.

'Looks like you're not the only one who missed a wedding. Where is the lucky bloke anyway?'

Ginny's smile faltered a little, surprised her marriage hadn't come up in any of the conversations during dinner. Harry raised a questioning eyebrow at the change in the redhead and didn't notice the other person approaching.

'Hey you two, what are you up to?'

Hermione sat down on the other side of Ginny, her smile faltering as well as she took in the expressions on the other two's faces.

'What is it?'

Ginny shook her head, shaking off her surprise, and replaced her frown with a smile.

'Oh, it's nothing. Harry was just curious as to who the 'lucky bloke' was that I married.'

Hermione smiled again and raised an amused eyebrow.

'Oh, really? And did you tell him?'

'I was getting there. Unless, 'the bloke' would rather tell him instead.'

By now, Harry was completely confused and was looking between the two smirking witches for some kind of answer.

'Am I missing something here? Does he even have a name? You just keep saying 'bloke'.'

Hermione smiled at her friend and entwined her fingers with Ginny's other hand, holding the two up so Harry could see her ring.

'I'm the 'lucky bloke', Harry. Ginny's my wife.'

Harry stared at the glittering silver band on Hermione's finger and then looked down at Ginny's matching one. He looked back up, looking for some sign of jest in his friends' smiling faces, but seeing none, an incredulous smile started to form on his face.

'Really?! You're married?!'

Hermione nodded, her smile widening as Harry tried to wrap his brain around it.

'Yes, for almost three years now.'

'Merlin's pants! I don't believe it!'

Ginny giggled and released Harry's hand to grasp Hermione's with both of hers, looking at her wife.

'Well, you'd better believe it because much like you said about Klara, I wouldn't dream of leaving her. I love her more than anything.'

Hermione smiled loving at Ginny and placed a lingering kiss on her pink lips.

'Bloody hell! Seriously, two seconds; is it that hard?'

For the second time that night, Ginny pulled away from her wife to glare at her brother as he sat down beside Harry.

'It is rather difficult with you around. I swear, it's like you've got a sixth sense or something for interrupting…'

Harry chuckled and shook his head in amusement as the two Weasleys glared at each other.

'It's good to see some things are the same. I was starting to think everything had changed. Next thing I know, someone's going to tell me Hermione's obsessed with Quidditch…'

Ginny started to giggle, the others giving her curious looks.

'Well…you know the puppets George has been selling?'

Harry nodded, confused as to what that had to do with anything.

'Guess who created them…'

Harry continued to stare at Ginny in confusion but understanding slowly dawned on his face and he turned to a smirking Hermione as he started to laugh.

'Really?! You made them?!'

Hermione nodded and Harry dissolved into laughter, the other three soon following as it became infectious. The four reunited friends laughed together under the tree in the fading sunlight, oblivious to anything else, including the click of a camera.

Hermione opened her eyes as the sun drifted in through the curtains and she rolled over onto her back and stretched. She turned her head and smiled at the sleeping redheaded beauty beside her, images of the previous night's activities popping into her mind and making her smile grow. Leaning up on her elbow, Hermione moved closer and started kissing Ginny's exposed freckled neck, smiling between each one. Ginny began to stir and let out a small moan. Hermione leaned back and smiled as Ginny slowly opened her eyes to look at her.

'Good morning, luv.'

Ginny smiled sleepily and scooted closer, nestling into Hermione's chest.

'Mmm…it is a good morning, waking up like that.'

Hermione giggled and ran her hand through Ginny's hair, sharing a peaceful minute with her wife. Glancing at the clock on Ginny's side table, though, she sighed and kissed the top of Ginny's head before rolling the redhead over.

'Come on, we've got to be at Harry's in an hour.'

Ginny groaned but sat up, yawning and wiping the sleep from her eyes.

'Alright, alright, I'm up. Do you want the shower first?'

'No, you go ahead. I'll make some coffee.'

Ginny nodded and got out of the bed but turned right away and leaned back over to kiss Hermione.

'Thanks, luv. I'll be done soon.'

Hermione nodded and smiled, the love reflecting in Ginny's hazel eyes warming her heart. She watched Ginny enter the bathroom and sighed happily looking around their room. She'd been married to Ginny for five incredible years and she still wondered when she was going to wake up from a dream; she couldn't imagine being happier with anyone else.

With another sigh, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed, but stopped as a movement to her right caught her eye, and she smiled at the two photographs on her side table. One was the same as the one inside the book-shaped locket she still wore nearly every day of four teenagers enjoying themselves on a summer day. The other was of four adults laughing under a tree in the fading light, their faces reminiscent of the four teenagers. They were Hermione's favorite photos, but the best part was that they weren't the only ones of the four laughing friends, and she knew they wouldn't be the last.

Standing with another contented sigh, Hermione made her way to the bedroom door. Just as she was heading to the kitchen, she heard Ginny singing in the shower, and making a quick decision, she flicked her wand over her shoulder as she made her way toward the bathroom. The coffee would be done within minutes which gave her a few extra minutes to enjoy her beloved redhead in the shower. It was times like this that Hermione loved magic.

I want to say thank you one last time to all of my reviewers and double-triple-quadruple thank you to those who reviewed more than once. It was encouraging to know there were people actually reading and enjoying the story I wrote simply for my own enjoyment.

I also want to thank my best friend in the world turned love of my life for embracing my geekiness and sharing her own geekiness with me. She is my Ginny and I'm her Hermione.