A/N: Ahhhh! The sequel :O

For new readers, here's the link to the first installment. It's long, so…beware.


And here we go! :]

"And so?" my mom asked. "How was the show for you?"

I could hardly pay attention with my brother's phone beeping, from his violent texting.

"Torture," I nodded honestly. "With some sweet spots."

"Did you meet anyone?"

"Not really." That was my usual answer after going out. Usually because I never really met anyone.


"Excuse me?"

"I watched you on television, Gwen. You can't lie, no matter how much you want to."

"Duncan Lover." My brother interrupted. I punched him in the arm, followed by a, "Shut up, you ass!"

He punched me back. Soon, it got into a mini-catfight until my mom snapped, "Stop it!"

I immediately stopped. I was the good – er, better – child of the family. Mostly because my brother was a wannabe bad-boy douchenozzle.

He didn't go without a final hit to my arm. I turned towards him and growled, "Fuck off."

My mother rolled her eyes and said, "Can we please get home as quick as we can? I mean, Peter is waiting for me, you two."

Peter? Who the fuck was Peter? I didn't have any family members named Peter, and my mom had no social life whatsoever (sorry, Mom). I looked at her, confused. "Peter who?"

"Oh!" she exclaimed. She was suddenly really bubbly, extremely cheery. She calmed down, and said, "You may take it as a shock, but in the time where you were gone, I met a fine man named Peter Winslow at the hospital (my mom works at the cafeteria at Jefferson's Hospital). He was in the hospital for breaking one of his ribs and his arm by falling out of his window."

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed. "How the hell did he fall out of his window?"

"He was cleaning his sister's window. His sister owns a nearby row home. You may know his niece – I think she goes to your school. Well, anyway, a bird flew into the glass. It was apparently a feathery mess, so he stood on a ladder and cleaned it that way. It fell over, broke a rib and his arm. Well…he was ordering a salad and he said I was cute, and I giggled, and he asked me out on a date, and…"

Oh. Shit. "I have a stepdad?!"

Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no! Although I'm all for my mom's happiness, what if this guy's a dick? What if he's a shallow ass?

"No," she reassured me, turning for a moment, and then immediately turning back to the road ahead of her. "Well, at least, not yet."

"You're engaged?"


"Thinking about it?"

"Not really."

"I see."

"Okay, then."

The rest of the ride was quiet, until thirty minutes later, she asked, "So, do you really like that Duncan kid?"

I nodded. "Of course I do."

"Okay." She nodded.

"Do you love him?" My brother asked mockingly. I glared at him.

Despite his dick attitude, I replied truthfully, "Yeah. I think I do."

"Really?" my mom asked, surprised. "Haven't you two just found each other? Isn't that all going a bit fast?"

I shook my head. "The cameras don't capture everything. If you're really elusive, you can avoid them."

My mom nodded and turned towards the road. "Okay."

The rest of the car ride from that point was dead silence. There wasn't much to talk about, rather than the stuff they'd seen on television.

A few hours later, we arrived in Philadelphia. I saw my house – it was a row home, near the Interstate. It was also within walking distance of the Target, the supermarket, and the high school. I got my bags out, and ran upstairs to unpack.

Once I was settled, I immediately called Duncan. He picked up. "'Ello?"

"I'm back in Philly. How about you?" I asked.

"Just landed."

"That's good."

"Guess so."

"…you know something? It sounds pretty fucking weird, but I actually can't wait to get back to school. You know, get back in the usual habit of things, rather than staying in Canada…"

"Whoa there, Gwen. Whoa. You can miss something, but not miss something so much, you beg for classes to come back."

I laughed. "Oh, whatever…"

At that point, I heard the door open and a new voice was heard. It was some guy's voice. He asked, "You're back already?"

"Yeah, hon. We got back here about ten minutes ago." I heard my mom answer.

I turned back to my phone. "Oh, yeah. Guess what?"

"What?" Duncan asked.

"My mom's dating again."

"Really? While you were gone?"

"I know, right? I'm not sure if I want someone in the household. I mean, after sixteen years, you get adjusted to a certain way of life. She could've waited until I got back home. It's still somewhat of a shock to me."

"That's fucked up."

"I know!"

I then heard my mom call, "Gwen! Come down here for a minute?"

I sighed and turned back towards my phone. "I'll call you later, okay?"

"Sure," he nodded.

"Love you."

"Love you, too."

I walked downstairs, awaiting to see my mother's new flame.

I came downstairs, and saw him sitting at the kitchen table. He sorta looked like George Clooney – you know, the guy every old lady falls in love with.

My mother giggled and said, "Gwen, this is Peter. Peter, this is my daughter, Gwen."

He stood up and extended his hand. "Hi, Gwen."

I shook his hand. "Hello."

My mom insisted on trying to get us to know each other. Better sooner than later.

He asked about my taste in music. I told him I liked Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, Escape the Fate, and The Beatles.

He kept talking about how he knew the Beatles' work and shit. It's like, honestly, how can you not know about the Beatles in the first place?

So, I guess that's what he's going to form this whole shindig from. Great.