Author's Note: Chapter 46 is the seventh and last part of a post-first kiss episode that began with Chapter 40. In this chapter, Shaniqua calls upon Uhura to examine her relationship with Spock. Occurring during Uhura's third year as a Starfleet cadet, this chapter features Spock, Uhura, and Shaniqua.

Your comments are always welcome.

In the Manhattan apartment of an actress and friend named Shaniqua, Uhura sat on the couch sipping a glass of water. At 9:15 PM on Christmas Day, the bemused East African listened to Shaniqua's strained, overly happy voice as she gave parting words to a middle-aged couple who were leaving her apartment.

"Thanks Bill and Kate for everything . . . no, it was totally a surprise. In his last telecom, Jacob didn't even mention you were going to surprise me like that . . . Oh, yeah . . . love you, too . . . Have a safe drive back . . . Merry Christmas to you, too . . . love you more!"

When Shaniqua is finally able to close the door, she leaned back against it and let out a loud sigh.

"Geez, I didn't think they would ever leave. Sorry, girl, I really didn't see that coming. Sure didn't plan to have us spend Christmas Day with my future in-laws."

"I thought it was sweet." Uhura said teasingly. "They drove all the way down from Canada . . . "

"Windsor . . . Windsor, Ontario. Right across the border from Detroit."

". . . just to make sure you didn't spend Christmas alone."

Shaniqua walked over to the couch and plopped herself down. "Don't I wish that were the case. However, when they found out I was having company for the holidays, I'm sure they just wanted to find out if I were taking the opportunity to cheat on their baby."

"How can you be so sure?"

"They can't believe that an actress could be monogamous. It's a prejudice against people in my profession which goes back hundreds of years."

"I think you're being a bit paranoid."

"Oh, yeah. Well, didn't Jacob's mother spend quite a bit of time in my bedroom?"

"She was using the bathroom. You know you can't get to the bathroom, without going through your bedroom."

"Explain why she had to close the door to the bedroom? Isn't it enough to just shut the bathroom door?"

"Well, I've got to admit that was a little peculiar."

"She was snooping. That's what she was doing."

"Do you think she found anything?"


Uhura laughed. "Oh, girl, I was just playing with you, because you're taking this too seriously. In retrospect, exactly what harm was done by their visit? And as a bonus, Jacob's folks brought all the food and insisted on cleaning up."

Shaniqua paused to reflect for a few moments before she acquiesced. "Yeah, I suppose you're right. And, the cooking was almost as good as mine."

Her friend's comment reminded Uhura the actress certainly had no problem with self-confidence. "In the end, both of his parents genuinely seemed to like you. I'm sure they'll give Jacob a good report."

Alarmed, Shaniqua quickly sat up. "They'll do what? Do you think Jacob put them up to this? If he did, I'm going to give him a piece of my . . ."

"Hey, wait a minute." Uhura interrupted her. "I wasn't trying to start an interglobal incident."

"If Jacob doesn't trust me, he shouldn't have gotten into this relationship."

Uhura watched as Shaniqua grabbed a large handful of maple-covered popcorn from a nearby bowl and stuffed it into her mouth. The East African laughed as her friend with her puffed out cheeks struggled to move her mouth, made almost immobile by her overindulgence.

Shaniqua attempted to speak, but only produced a mumbling sound.

"Chew, girl, then talk." Uhura advised, and then handed Shaniqua her water glass.

After the actress was finally able to chew and swallow, she drained the water from her friend's glass. "Now, what were you saying?" Uhura asked.

"I absolutely hate sweet popcorn!"

"Nobody forced you to eat it."

"Damn Canadians! Whoever heard of putting maple syrup on popcorn!"

"Shaniqua," Uhura looked at her friend warily, "I think you'll survive."

"You know his parents probably brought it over here on purpose." Shaniqua grabbed another handful.

"Shaniqua – I don't think you need anymore of that." Uhura warned.

"It's Jacob's favorite snack!" Tears sprang from her eyes as she again stuffed her mouth.

Uhura moved over to her friend and allowed Shaniqua's head to find comfort on her shoulder as she gently rubbed her back. "You certainly have it bad, girl."

The actress attempted to speak with a full mouth, but Uhura admonished her. "Shaniqua, chew!"

"You know Jacob looks a lot like his Dad." Shaniqua finally managed to say.

"Well, yeah . . . it is his Dad."

"And his Mom, Jacob's got her eyes."

"I know you're crazy about him." Uhura tried to console her. "It's natural that you miss Jacob with him being so far away."

Shaniqua lifted up her head and began to wipe her eyes. "You know, it would really help if you talked to me about something to get my mind off of all of this."

"Sure, what do you want to talk about?"

"You and Spock."

Uhura looked at her friend suspiciously. "How much of that performance was real?"

Shaniqua smiled slyly as she leaned back against one of the sofa cushions. "I'm good, aren't I?"

"Well, it's not going to get me to say another word about my relationship with Spock, again. Not after all the relentless teasing I endured when I told you about the red scarf."

"Not the red scarf per se. It's what he did with the red scarf that had me howling! From your little brown neck to his big green –"

"Shaniqua, can you just shut up about it?" She took a breath to try to calm herself down, but it was having little effect. "First of all, Vulcan blood has a greenish hue, but their skin is not noticeably green in color. Second, I've never seen . . . it, so I have no idea of its size."

"You've never seen what?"

"You know . . . it!"

"Nyota, you're a grown woman. It's all right to say the word."

"I can say it if I want to. You act as though I've never said the word in my entire life."

"Then what's stopping you now? Say it."

Uhura hesitated. Then, taking another breath, she said quietly, "I have never seen Spock's . . . penis." When Shaniqua smiled and nodded approvingly, Uhura grew in confidence and raised her volume as she repeated. "I have never seen Spock's penis."

"What about his dick?"

She giggled. "The dick of Spock has never been in my sight."

"And his cock?"

"No, I've never before beheld," she shouted, "SPOCK'S COCK!"

The women laughed hysterically like naughty children. Finally exhausted, the two lie back against the couch side by side.

Shaniqua spoke first. "So, now will you tell me more of your story about you and Spock."

"Are you going to behave this time?"

"Do you want me to lie to you?"

"If you must."

"All right. I promise I'll behave."

Uhura paused for a moment to gather her thoughts. "Where did I leave off?"

"Did you talk with Spock about the red scarf when you finally saw him in person?"

"Shaniqua, how long have you known me?"

Her friend laughed. "I take your answer as a no."

"Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't ever think about sex or that I don't ever feel . . . sexual. And, Spock . . . he's quite adept at knowing how to . . . get to me."

"Details please!" Shaniqua said excitedly.

"All right . . . all right! But you know how I am when I'm telling a story –"

"Yeah, I know." Her friend interrupted Uhura. "It takes you awhile to get to the good parts. So, get on with it, girl."

"OK . . . OK." A smile came over her face as she thought back. "The last time I met with Spock was at the San Francisco SkyPort, while I was waiting for my flight to visit you. Even there we had to be careful. With so many Starfleet personnel leaving for the holidays, we couldn't risk sitting together. So, while I was waiting in the terminal, Spock called my personal communicator."

"From his office?"

"No, he was in the terminal, too. He arrived later after I had been there for a while. I recall when I heard the signal, I was watching Everybody Loves Hosni."

"Everybody Loves Hosni! That show is hilarious! Did you see the episode when he accidently deposited most of his company's credits into his own bank account and became an instant billionaire?" Shaniqua laughed. "It cracks me up just thinking about it. I can't believe the show was recently cancelled."

"I thought you wanted to hear about me and Spock."

"Oh, right. Go on with your story."

At the SkyPort in a domestic flight terminal, Uhura sat amongst other waiting passengers. Dressed in civilian clothes, her braids hung loosely about her shoulders and framed her face. With her flight bag at her feet and iTablet in hand, she appeared to be in the midst of looking at something that gave her pleasure. At one point laughter escaped her lips and several nearby people turned their heads slightly in her direction and smiled.

Uhura's activity was soon interrupted by the tone from her personal communicator. A smile came to her face when she recognized the caller's identity. She quickly slipped on her earpiece.

"Spock." She said as she scanned the terminal with her eyes. "Where are you?"

"Look 90 degrees northeast, approximately 100 meters from your position."

"90 degrees northeast?"

"I am standing next to a structural support."

Uhura turned her head slightly to her right and looked across to another waiting area. When she saw the tall Vulcan standing next to a post, she wondered how she missed seeing him. He looked quite stylish dressed in a black turtleneck, leather jacket and slacks. "Oh, yeah. I see you now."

"What were you reading?"


"I noticed you laughing and wondered what you were reading on your iTablet."

"Oh, Spock, I wasn't reading. I was watching a situation comedy I had downloaded."

"A situation comedy?" His voice tinged with contempt. "Nyota, you surprise me. I had no idea you spent your time on such trivial pursuits."

"Well, then, it won't be the last time I surprise you. You should know there are times when I do choose to spend my time on matters of little consequence. Then, there are also times when I'm just down right silly. I can't live my life as a drama all the time."

"Life is a serious endeavor."

"True, but its hardly worth living if it does not include joy and laughter."

"Is that so?"

"I just know whenever I take myself too seriously, God seems to find a way to trip me up as a way to let me know I need to lighten up a bit."

"Your deity maliciously seeks opportunities to cause you to stumble? He does not sound to be the compassionate God you have claimed him to be."

"You just did it." Uhura countered.

"I just did what? Please explain."

"I heard you laughing."

"Nyota, you are mistaken. I made no such noise that could be identified as laughter."

"Your laughter came from within you, Spock. You see, I've come to realize you find pleasure in playing word games with people. Poking fun at language and the way it often fails to adequately convey meaning is your favorite sport from which you draw great enjoyment. You may not make an audible sound when you do it, but I can still hear you laughing."

The Vulcan does not respond.

"Spock, is this not true?"

Still no response.

"Spock, why the silence?"

"There was no silence, Nyota. I was just waiting for all of the laughter to die down before I offered my retort."

Nyota rolled her eyes, although knowing the gesture was probably wasted due to her distance from Spock. "It was a yes or no question. Did I not accurately describe your source of amusement?"

"If you derive enjoyment from your elementary attempts to analyze my alleged comedic thought process and behavior, I would not endeavor to spoil your dubious fun by confirming or disproving your theory so soon in our relationship."

"You're evading."

"On the contrary, I am allowing you to fill more of your hours engaged in meaningless pastimes that you contend are a necessary aspect of human existence. By your standard, are you not feeling more fulfilled by each minute we expend as we continue speaking of something that has absolutely no significance?"

Uhura does not respond.

"Do I not speak the truth?"

Still no response.

"Nyota, is your communicator suddenly inoperative?"

"Oh, no, baby, my communicator is working fine. I was just waiting for the laughter to die down."

Spock paused to take in the moment . . .

Uhura paused to take in the moment . . .

He loved the sound of her voice . . .

She loved the challenge of his words . . .

Her tongue . . .

His wit . . .

His Nyota . . .

Her baby . . .

Their thoughts were suddenly disturbed by an announcement that the flight to New York City would soon be ready for boarding.

Uhura felt pressed for time as there was so much she wanted to ask him before boarding. "Did you have a chance to see Jack?"

"Actually, he came to my apartment before I had a chance to do so."

"Were you able to let him back into your life, Spock?"

He paused to reflect before he answered. "It would be more accurate to say the boy showed me how to reopen the space I had closed to him. His argument was quite . . . persuasive."

The Vulcan could see her wide grin from across the terminal. "I'm sure Captain Pike was especially pleased. It would have been such a shame for your relationship to be affected by that incident. From what you have told me, you have relied much on his counsel and friendship in the past."

"It is true the Captain has been more than a mentor and more than a friend to me for much of the time I have been with Starfleet. However, there are some matters for which I will no longer seek his ear."

"Spock – " When the announcer's voice interrupted Uhura with a call for first-class passengers, she decided to save further discussion about Pike until her return. She had other matters on her mind. "So, Spock, are you looking forward to your meeting with T'Lau?"

"She is scheduled to arrive on December 27 at 10 AM on a flight that originated in Frankfurt. I will meet with her as planned after her 2:00 PM appointment with Admiral Pok."

"So . . . who else will join you for your meeting with her? Other members of the Oversight Committee?"

"No other members of the Oversight Committee will be in attendance. Only T'Lau and I will be present. Our consultation will concern sensitive matters not appropriate for others to be privy to."

Uhura fought to suppress it, but she could not stop herself from pursuing a nagging question she had wanted to ask since she first encountered T'Lau. "Spock . . . I kind of feel funny about asking you this. I mean, it's like whenever someone at the Academy meets another Cadet from Africa, they act as though I should also know that person. But . . . when I've talked to Ms. T'Lau . . . the way she behaves toward you . . . it's like she's got a sense of . . . entitlement."

"You need not weave such a convoluted path to your question. What exactly do you want to know, Nyota?"

"Before Ms. T'Lau became involved with the Enterprise construction project, were you acquainted with her . . . back on Vulcan, that is?"


That was not the answer she wanted to hear. Still, she felt compelled to move on to the next question. "Did you know her . . . well?"

"Is there more substance to your inquiry?"

"I want to know were the two of you involved?"

"Our families have maintained a close association for generations."

"I'm not asking about anybody else, but you and Ms. T'Lau. If you think it's too personal, I'll understand."

"What do you want me to tell you, Nyota?"

Although not sure if she was ready to hear his response, she could not stop the question from leaving her lips. "Have you had sexual relations with her?"

"Yes." He did not hesitate to answer her.

Uhura wanted to disbelieve what she heard, but she knew that it would be foolish to do so. She then decided to ask a question she hoped would somehow make the situation more palatable. "You were sexually involved with her before your Academy days?"

"Yes." Then he added, "We also engaged in sexual activities after I became an officer."

Confused and hurt, Uhura grabbed her flight bag and headed toward the gate upon hearing her flight was ready for general boarding.

"Nyota!" Spock commanded. "You will not leave me this way."

Uhura grew hot and angry with herself for stopping upon hearing his voice. She cursed herself, as she felt the wetness of her tears on her face. With her back to him, she moved herself away from the stream of people lining up to enter the gate.

"Now, wait just a minute." She could not soften her ire. "Why are you suddenly sounding as if you are the offended party?"

"Earlier you criticized me for being evasive about something which did not matter. Now when I answer your questions directly about something that does make a difference to our relationship, I draw your hostility. Make up your mind, Nyota. Am I to be a man of deceit who keeps you in blissful ignorance? Or, am I to be a man of grounded in fidelity?"

Spock waited for her reply and was not disappointed as she finally whispered, "I want you to be honest with me."

"My admissions of my former relationships may cause you difficulty, but I swear my words were born out of a need to be utterly faithful to you."

Again, Spock gave her room to find her voice. "Maybe . . . " Uhura finally managed to say. "Spock, maybe . . . I'm just not mature enough to handle this . . . I'm 25, but right now . . . I'm feeling like a kid."

"I have waited this long. I can give our relationship a little more time to give you a chance to grow up."

The sound of her sudden laughter filled his ears and found its way to his heart. Still laughing as she turned to him, she covered her mouth so not to draw attention to herself. She then discreetly wiped away her few remaining tears with her hand.

He continued. "Nyota, do you hear it now?"

"Hear what?"

"My laughter intertwined with yours."

"Our laughter?"

"Sort of a hybrid, is this not so? Our laughter . . . an oddity . . . a curiosity to some . . . a freak of nature to others. It definitely has never before been heard."

Uhura paused and stood quietly for a moment. "Yes, now I believe I do hear it. And, I can tell why it appears so bizarre. It's a mixture of my melodious tone and your halting, cackle."

"You dare to describe my sound as a cackle? Something that is harsh and shrill?"

"I said it was a halting, cackle."

"Do you add that adjective to mean my laugh is also somewhat imperfect? Defective in some way? Really, Nyota, your ears seem to be playing terrible tricks on you."

"My auditory perception needs no correction." She commented playfully.

Moments passed, when there were no words from either one of them. Then, he quietly spoke one word.


"What?" She asked.

"It pains me not to be able to touch you."

"Spock, you know we can't take that chance."

"Then, I will have to make do with the memories."


". . . of the warmth of your breath on my cheek . . . "

"You remember . . ."

" . . . the gentle caress of your fingertips under my chin . . . "

". . . wanted to touch you . . . "

" . . . and the sweet tenderness you lay upon my lips . . ."

" . . . love the taste of your lips . . ."

Uhura heard what sounded like a sigh as the Vulcan added, "Ah, yes . . . until you return, I will live upon that delightful reflection."

The East African could feel a warm flush spread over her body. Without thinking, her eyes closed to embrace the sensation as a sigh escaped her lips.

"Nyota." She heard the Vulcan's voice and wondered what deliciously romantic words was he now going to speak.

"Yes, baby." She cooed not expecting his cool rejoinder.

"Remember, you are in a public place."

Uhura eyes sprang open in embarrassment. Gratefully, she heard an announcement for the final boarding call for her flight. She quickly removed her earpiece and snatched up her flight bag.

And, as she hurried to her gate, Uhura was sure she could hear him laughing.

Shaniqua watched as her East African friend stuffed a handful of maple-covered popcorn into her mouth. The actress commented, "You've got it bad, girl."

Uhura tried to speak.

"Chew, Nyota."

Uhura obeyed her friend's command and struggled to swallow.

"This situation is trully twisted. You've got to watch your step with that Vulcan."

"I know what you mean. Just when I think I'm able to match wits with him, he gets to me when I least expect it."

"It's deeper than that."

"What do you mean?"

"He's a Vulcan, so he turns off his emotions."

"Shaniqua, Vulcans don't turn off their emotions, they suppress them."

"Same-difference. Their feelings are muted by choice. Yet, your Vulcan seems to get off by taking you through all of the emotions in the book."

Suddenly realizing, Uhura voiced her thoughts. "It's as though he's projecting his own feelings through me . . . as though I am his conduit for expression. I don't know why I never before understood that."

"It's too close to you . . . you're too caught up in that Vulcan's heat."

"Vulcan heat?" Uhura tried to play it off. "First you claimed he muffled his emotions, but now you're saying he's throwing off flames of passion. How can both be happening simultaneously?"

"I can't speak for Spock and what he was actually experiencing. But, from your own account he certainly had a direct hand in raising temperature bar. Given more time and a more private place, who knows what would have happened."

"Come on, Shaniqua, don't you think you're overstating the situation? So what if I was turned on a bit . . . "

Her friend looked at her warily.

"Or, even a lot." Uhura added. "We're not wild animals. We can still control our carnal desires no matter how strong they may appear at times."

"Well, if you're not yet ready for your relationship to go in that direction, you're going to have to find a way to put a little distance between you and Spock."

"Put a little distance between us? What are you talking about?"

"Right now, he's the one in control of the tempo, pitch and intensity of this relationship. You can't win any of your matches because he's got circumstances stacked in his favor. You know I'm right about this, don't you Nyota?"

Uhura trusted all of the precious ones and valued their advice. Yet, she did not come all the way to New York for Shaniqua to question her relationship with Spock. "What are you trying to say? That he's just using me? That you don't think he's good for me?"

"Settle down, Nyota. You're jumping to a lot of erroneous conclusions about where I'm going with all of this." Although still a little wary, Uhura was willing to hear what her friend had to say.

Shaniqua continued. "I'm not saying Spock isn't right for you. I only know what you've told me about him and let's face it . . . he's a very complex man."

Uhura could not argue with that statement. She had never known anyone like him. Just when she thought she had peeled away a part of his clandestine shell, a new complication would arise.

"Allow yourself the space to take a step back to take a look at your relationship from a perspective unobscured by his shadow. Then you'll know better if you really want to take this unchartered course."

Uhura cast her eyes down. It was sage counsel, the kind she felt she needed. "All right, I'll let him know that we'll need to cool it for awhile."

"Cool it? Those weren't my words. If you adopt that approach you'll be giving that T'Lau bitch an opportunity to get back into his pants while he's feeling neglected."

"But you said I needed to put some distance between Spock and me to give me a chance to assess the situation."

"I swear Nyota we're about the same age, but there are some matters in which you are quite naïve."



Nyota resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"Yes, put a little distance between the two of you, but you keep the sexual tension taut." Shaniqua advised. "That way, he won't dare to stray, while you give more thought as to whether the pairing is actually best for you."

Ironically, Uhura thought, even Spock would have to agree her friend's recommendations were quite logical. The East African would give her consent to the plan and then spend the next couple of hours talking about strategy until both were too exhausted to speak any longer.

Shaniqua retired to her bedroom. Uhura stripped off her clothes and donned an oversized t-shirt she used as a nightgown. After she readied the sofa bed, Uhura turned out the lights and climbed under the covers. Lying there, she waited patiently for the sleep she was sure would soon come.

But it was not fatigue or her need for rest that met her.

For that night, she was overtaken by thoughts of love . . .

His love . . .

The Vulcan's love . . .

In the security of Spock's love, Nyota was lulled gently to sleep.

Author's Note: I plan to end this storyline - entitled "Needs" - with this chapter and pick up the plot under another title called, "Operation No Return." Within that next episode, T'Lau will emerge as a major character. Hopefully, I will post the first chapter within 7-10 days of this post.

Your comments are always welcome.