Chapter 13

Sorry, this took a little-okay, maybe a lot longer than I thought it would. I guess after I got those two chapters out in two days, my inspiration burned out and died. :( P.S- The episode Safe Haven SO did not live up to it's name, but that's just my opinion, haha.

Morgan redialed the number after Penelope hung up. All he got was a steady beep-beep-beep - the line was busy.

He waited a few minutes, staring at the phone as if begging it to ring. It didn't, and as his impatience grew, he dialed again. This time it rang. After a few seconds, Penelope's tearful voice came on the phone. "Morgan?" She sounded worse than before, her voice filled with hear and barely a whisper.

"Baby girl, are you okay?" No answer. "Hey, hey, what's going on? Talk to me."

He could hear her trying to talk, but it was as if she'd forgotten how to form words. She finally spoke, her voice coming out in short gasps. "Ke- Kevin, he-" She was breathing hard and fast, and it terrified him. "Help, please, just hurry!" He heard noises in the background.

"Garcia?" Kevin was yelling somewhere in the background. Penelope screamed, and the phone crashed to the ground, then went silent. But all Derek could do was pray, and hope with all heart that help was almost there.

Penelope Garcia could honestly say that she had never been that afraid in her whole life. Not when she got shot, not when the man who shot her was on the loose trying to kill her, not when a man died in her arms, not when she thought Morgan was dead- although that was a close second- nothing compared to this fear.

She had no doubt that, this time, Kevin was going to kill her. She didn't know how far he was, but considering that it took him less than five minutes to find a phone and call her, she imagined it could be very far.

When the phone rang again, she assumed it was him. Seeing Morgan's number flash across the phone brought her relief. He was the only one who could make her feel the least bit safe.

Where was the team? Were they even anywhere close to her? She spoke in a panicked voice to Morgan, not even sure her words made sense.

She heard the key start turning in the lock. She wished Morgan was there to protect her- she needed it more than ever in that moment. But, because of her, he got shot and was laying in a hospital bed.

She was stupid, an idiot, she should have known better. All she had to do was hit ignore, and he would never have known. Never. But she was naïve- through ALL this, she was STILL naïve enough to answer the phone.

He burst through the door. His face was red and he was coming toward her, angrier than she had ever seen him- and considering her experiences, that was bad.

Before she knew it, she was on the ground. He kicked her, again, and again, waving the gun in the air wildly. "I told you Penelope!" He yelled, his foot connecting with her already broken and extremely painful ribs. "I warned you, but as always, you were stupid."

Why couldn't he just shoot her already? At that point, she didn't imagine death could be any more painful than what he was putting her through.

"Did you really think you were going to get away with it? Huh?" Her momentarily went black when his foot connected with her head. "Did you really think I was going to let you go off and fuck Derek Morgan, again?" There was no use in telling him that nothing had happened in the first place. He'd never believe it.

He stepped back for a few seconds, his face grew a little calmer and his lips curled into a smirk. "Did you really think that you would still be alive when your precious team came to save you?"

"JJ." Morgan spoke into the phone. "Tell me your close, please." He had just got finished talking to Penelope and, to say the least, he was panicking.

"Morgan? What's going on?" She asked, obviously concerned.

"I.. I don't know actually. But something-" His voice caught in his throat, and he tried to choke back the tears. "Something is seriously wrong. I'm afraid that he- that Kevin- is going to… he's going to-," He couldn't bring himself to say 'kill her'. It hurt and scared him too much to even vocalize.

"We're about five minutes out." JJ said. He heard the sirens blasting, and he hoped that there was no traffic, and that the warehouse was not hard to find. Even the smallest complication, the slightest lapse in time…could cost them Penelope's life, and he wasn't willing to risk that.

"Kill me." Kevin raised his eyebrows and looked at her in confusion.

"Huh?" He asked.

"Just kill me." Penelope was surprised at how strong her voice sounded. "If you're going to kill me, then just do it. Anything would be better than being here with you for another second of my life."

Kevin's tough façade seemed to falter. "You don't mean that." He said, trying to sound angry but sounded more hurt.

"I do." She said simply. It was working. She'd been trying to distract him, just long enough for the team to get there, and she knew him well enough to know how to. And, it was working.

"You love me Penelope." He said. "We were together for almost a year. You stayed with me. You love me."

"Correction." She said. "I loved you, at first. But the reason- the real reason- I stayed with you, was because I was afraid of you. I was afraid that if I tried to leave you would kill me."

He was rendered speechless for a few seconds, just staring at her with his mouth open in shock. And then, he started to raise his gun. "You asked for this Penelope." She thought the end was hear, and she closed her eyes.

And then, he turned the gun and shot himself in the chest.

Blood spattered, covering her body. She slowly opened her eyes. Why wasn't she hurt? Why wasn't she dead? That was when she saw his body, the gun lying on the floor beside his motionless hands, blood gurgling from his mouth.

That was when she heard it, the sound, more beautiful than a choir of angels: Sirens.

I know, I know. Trust me, I'm just as shocked as you are that Lynch killed himself, but at least the problem is now eliminated :D. Just asking, does this need to be rated M? Or is it safe the way it is? It gets pretty graphic, I guess. And no, it's not over. I literally have no plans for the rest of it, so I don't even have an idea of how many more chapters there will be. They all have a lot of healing left to do. Sorry if it's not the best chapter. Reviews are inspiration :D