Chapter Ten


I woke up the next morning to get ready for a new day. The sun was shining through my window onto my eyes so, I had to use my hand to cover my eyes up. I got up, and shut the blinds so, I could get dressed.

After I got ready I went downstairs to meet my mom sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in her hands, and a phone next to her.

"Hey dear, your friend Tawni called asking if you wanted a ride to the studios." My mom said.

I'm still mad at Tawni but, she is my friend, and I did the same thing she did, with Chad so, why not forgive her? "I'll take up on that offer." I said smiling, and walking over to the phone to call Tawni.

After we drove to the studios, I went straight to my dressing room for rehearsal. I wanted to visit Chad later so, he could tell me that important thing he wanted to say yesterday.


Okay so, I'm sitting in front of the mirror starring at myself. I mean sure I usually do that but, I'm going to tell Sonny Munroe that I love her today. I was planning on doing it last night on our romantic date but, we got interrupted sadly.

I was wearing a plane white t-shirt with jeans. So, I was casually dressed. Sonny always told me she didn't like it when guys always dress with suits, and all fancy. Something about her being in Wisconsin, and them dressing normal, and that's what she likes.

But, if that is what she likes, I'm all for it. Tawni told me I need to tell her I love her before it's to late. Meaning before some other guy snatches her up. That wouldn't be good for me now would it? It could be another Zac Efron deal.

I was practicing saying: I love you in the mirror. Over, and over, and over again. I want it to be just right. My mom always told me when you love someone, it's going to be hard to tell them the first time. But, once you do, your going to be happy you got it off your chest.

She told me love is the most beautiful feeling, that someone can experience. I didn't experience love until Sonny came along. She stole my heart. She's made me a nicer person too. Usually I would yell at anyone who messed one thing up for me but, when my assistant Bart, messed up my lunch, I forgave him. He was surprised by my behaviour but, who wouldn't be? A little ball of sunshine took my ego too. Half of my ego is gone because of her. I don't mind, people see the good side of me.

My family was the only people to see the real Chad Dylan Cooper. Before fame, I was a sweet person. I didn't break the hearts of girls or, anything like that. But, after fame, I did it every other day. But, once again Sonny changed that for me. She's something special, and I love her for that.

I could go on, and on, tell her things that I love about her. But, that could take hours, days, weeks. I love her that much to make it go on. She makes my day when I see that smile of hers, it's one-of-a-kind. She could just walk in the room, say one amazing comment then, everyone feels better. I honestly want to tell people that, she's my Sonny.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door. I got up to answer it. Right there was Blondie or, should I say Tawni.

"Hey Chad, just wanted to see if your going to tell her." She said smiling.

"Of course I'm going to tell her, why else would I be starring at my reflection thinking of ways to tell her." I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well, you usually stare at yourself because you think your so beautiful. But, no one could compare to my prettiness." She said flipping her hair.

"Diva." I muttered.

"Yes but, I'm a controllable diva. Anyways good luck Chad, your doing the right thing. To follow your heart." She said giving me a sincere smile, and a pat on the back.

"Thanks, and thanks for all the help. By the way, here's your gift for helping me out," I said walking over to my desk, and pulling out five tubes of that famous lipstick she is obsessed with, and a big wad of cash.

"Oh my gosh Chad, thank you!" She said almost knocking me over to get to the gifts.

"No problem, that's what you get for working with CDC." I said winking, and pointing at her.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now, I have to go try this stuff out! I should of got this before rehearsal." She said walking out.

I left the door open a crack, and walked back over to my mirror. I sat there starring at myself again. I told Sonny yesterday to come see me so, I could tell her the news. So, she should be coming soon.

"I love you." I said quietly into the mirror. I felt really weird saying that to the mirror. And, I usually say it all the time! Just not to a girl, besides my mom. This is going to be hard.

Then, a thought came to me. I whipped out my phone, and dialed my mom's number. She picked up after a few rings.

"Chad?" She asked surprised.

"Hi mommy." I said. Yes, don't laugh, I'm a mama's boy.

"What's up honey?"

"Well, I kind of need some love advise."

"Oh honey! Who's the girl tell me all about her!"

"Where to start..."


I was walking to Chad's dressing room to see what he wanted to tell me. As I was walking to his door, I heard his voice talking to someone. I walked up to his door, and opened it a little. His back was to me so, he couldn't see me. I didn't intend to spy but, I stood there until he was done.

"Where to start..." He said scratching the back of his neck. What's got him so nervous?

"Well, she's very beautiful. She has long black wavy hair, that flows down her back. Her eyes are so beautiful, I'm sure you could probably get lost in them, I know I can. She has a beautiful body, and a beautiful laugh. She laughs so freely, like no one could bring her down. She has the most beautiful smile. Mom, her smile is so beautiful, I feel I need to smile with her. She has a sunny personality, and is very sweet." Chad said.

I was shocked, who was he talking about?

Chad took in a deep breath, and started to talk again.

"Mom, her name is Sonny Munroe, and I love her. I love her, I love her, I love her. I didn't know what love was until I met her, mom. I don't know what I would do if some other guy takes her away from me. I love Sonny Munroe." He said.

I put a hand over my mouth to prevent me from crying.

Chad loves me.

Chad loves me.

Chad loves me.

That kept going through my head. I couldn't believe he felt this way. I couldn't control myself so, I blurted out something before I though about it.

"I love you too." I said.

Suddenly Chad turned around. He dropped the phone, and starred wide-eyed.

"Oh my gosh Sonny, you heard that? W-why are you crying?" He asked running up to me.

"Because Chad, no one has ever told me that before. The things you said, were they true?" I asked trying to stop the tears.

"Of course Sonny, I truly love you." He said giving me a hug.

"I love you too Chad." I said hugging him tightly.

"You do? Seriously?" He asked with excitement in his voice.

"Yes, seriously." I said smiling.

He picked me up, and spun me around his room. Then, he put me down, and looked me in the eyes.

"Sonny Munroe, will you be my Sunshine?" He asked me.

"Yes!" I said jumping in his arms again.

He put me down, and kissed me with passion. I kissed him back then, he pulled away.

"I love you Sonny." He told me again.

"Love you too Chad." I said smiling again.

Then, we continued to kiss with all the passion we had.

Enemies - Frienemies - Friends - Best Friends - Friends With Benefits; Buddies With Benefits - Boyfriend, and Girlfriend

But, mostly categorized with me being his, Sunshine.

Crazy things happen when you have a friend, and you have benefits with them.



Hey everyone! Thanks for all the reviews I received, and all the other viewers. I truly had a great time writing this story. I love to read your reviews, they inspire me to write more. If it wasn't for you all, this story would be a failure. But, it wasn't so, thank you so much! Please review, and tell me what you thought of the whole story!