Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter; JK Rowling does. But I do own Emma, Sirius, any characters I made, and the story plot.

Chapter 20: Epilogue

"Mommy! Mommy how do you like my dress?" Emma exclaimed. Emma was on top of the bed in the room with Lily, Abby, and Ginny. Emma was dressed in a green and white gown. It had a white body and a ribbon that tied around her middle; the gown flew all the way down to her ankles. Emma's hair in a bun and was tied with the same colored green ribbon.

"It's beautiful, honey." Lily grinned. Lily could barley believe that not only nine months ago, Scorpius had proposed to her.

Lily walked out of Emma's room and went to stand next to Sirius' door.

"Scor are you going to leave again?" Sirius whispered. Lily could barely hear him.

"I don't plan on it, buddy." Scorpius said. Lily looked through the door crack and saw Scorpius tucking Sirius in.

"That's good. Mommy is really sad when you are away." Sirius yawned. Lily could feel the heat rising up her face. "Night Daddy," Sirius murmured.

"Night buddy," Scorpius uttered. Scorpius began walking towards the door. Lily turned around and began walking way, not wanting to get caught eavesdropping. "Oh, no, you aren't going anywhere." Lily heard Scorpius whisper. Lily felt two strong hands come and grab hold of her middle and drag her backwards. Lily was turned around and was now facing Scorpius. "Do you know how long I have waited for you three? I'm not going to let you walk away again."

"But Scorpius…" Lily began. Scorpius reached forward and silenced her with a kiss. Once Lily responded to the kiss, Scorpius deepened it. Lily ran her hands up and into his hair. Scorpius let one hand leave Lily's lower back and move up to her hair. Scorpius broke away once they were both gasping for air. Scorpius rested his forehead against Lily's.

"Do you know how long I have loved you? I'm not going to let you get away. I love you, Lily." Scorpius whispered.

One silent, happy tear ran down Lily's cheek. "I love you, Scorpius."

Scorpius grabbed Lily's hand and began to lead her down the stairs and into the kitchen. Scorpius turned around and looked at Lily and grinned. Scorpius led Lily outside and under the big oak in the back yard. Scorpius stopped and sat down by the tree trunk. Once he was settled, Scorpius grabbed Lily's hand and brought her to sit on his lap. Scorpius wrapped his arms around Lily's body and held her close to him. Lily reached forward and grasped Scorpius' hands in her own. Scorpius lend forward and placed his chin on Lily's neck. Lily began to draw slow patterns on Scorpius' hands.

"What are you thinking about?" Scorpius uttered. The warmth of his breath tickled Lily's ear in contrast to the cool night air. She began to draw the slow pattern up to his wrist and back down to his fingers.

"About how nice and right this feels." Lily replied. Lily looked up into the sky and gasped. The summer night held no clouds in it. The stars and the moon were bright; they shed their light on everything. Scorpius looked at Lily; her face was beautiful in the moon's light. It gave her face a more sweet, anonymity look. Scorpius could look away, captivated by the sight.

"Lily," Scorpius whispered. Lily looked back at Scorpius and felt like melting. Scorpius' face was eliminated by the light off the moon and the stars. Lily didn't want to ever look away.

"Lily, I meant it when I said I don't ever want to let you go. I don't want to ever have to say goodbye to Emma or Sirius, and especially you, ever again." Scorpius said.

"Scorpius what do you mean?" Lily asked. She brought her hand up to cup Scorpius cheek. Scorpius lend his hand into Lily's hand, enjoying the warmth and love pulsing off her hand. Scorpius reached into his pocket and pulled out an object.

"Lily, I found this and I immediately thought of you. I want to be with you and Emma and Sirius. I don't care about anything right now, except us. Lily will you marry me?" Scorpius asked. Lily saw the hope in his eyes. Lily lend forward and pressed her lips to Scorpius. Lily ran her tongue along Scorpius bottom lip. Scorpius was in shock, but soon recovered. Scorpius bit Lily's bottom lip. Lily gasped; breaking apart slightly, her mouth opened. Scorpius took his to advantage. He grasped Lily's neck and dragged her closer; he covered her mouth with his. Lily's and Scorpius' tongue fought for dominants, but Scorpius won. Lily pulled apart slowly; both of them gasping for air.

"Yes!" Lily cried, trying to regain her breathe. Scorpius lend forward and captured her mouth again.

Lily was dressed in a white gown that flowed down to her ankles; it was tight around her torso and flew out around her hips and plunge down. Like Emma, Lily's dress had a ribbon that went around her middle and tied in the back. The ribbon fell in line with the trail of her dress. Lily was seated at her dresser, while Abby and Ginny attended her. Abby was applying a little bit of make-up on Lily's face. Ginny began to do Lily's hair. Ginny left Lily's hair stay down, but brought back the bangs. Ginny picked up a green ribbon to put in Lily's hair.

"No Grandma!" Emma yelled. She ran over to Ginny and pulled the ribbon out of her hand. "Mommy too pretty for this," Emma said; she looked down at the ribbon, grasped in between her hands. Then Emma's face brightened up with excitement. "Wait one second, Grandma." Emma giggled. She ran out of the room. Lily and Abby began to giggle, while Ginny shook her head grinning. A minute later, Emma returned. "Mommy wear this." Emma held out an object in her hand. Lily reached forward and took it from Emma's hand. Lily looked down and felt a tiny tear begin at the corner of her eye.

"Hurry Daddy! Hurry, the game is starting!" Sirius called. He ran in front of Scorpius, Lily, and Emma. They were walking into the Annual Sparks Carnival, for the workers and families of those who worked at the Ministry of Magic. Sirius ran up to a game that involved the game of Snaps.

"Sirius it is time to go." Lily said. She and Scorpius dragged a tired Emma in between them; her hands held tightly in each of theirs.

"Please Mommy, one game." Sirius begged. His eyes begged to be able to play. His tiny face held a frown.

"Fine one game, honey." Lily sighed. Sirius' face lit up and his smiled reappeared. He ran over to the game to play. Emma came to rest against Lily; she placed her head and body closely to Lily's leg. Emma's weary eyes drooped down. Lily grinned; she lowered onto one knee and faced Emma.

"How are you tired, sweetheart?" Lily asked. She pushed Emma's bangs out of her eyes. Emma nodded her head; her tiny eyes flickered open for a second and then closed again. Scorpius was still standing next to them, but was watching Sirius. Lily reached over and tugged at his hand. Scorpius looked over at them and smiled when he saw the sleepy Emma. Scorpius reached down and picked Emma up. He placed her head gently on to his shoulder and wrapped his arms around her. Emma's arms went to wrap around Scorpius. Lily looked back at both Scorpius and Emma and smiled. Emma had Scorpius wrapped around her little finger and it had only been four months. Scorpius and Lily walked over to see how Sirius was doing. Sirius had two pairs left, he flipped them, and then he won.

"Yippee! I won! I won!" Sirius jumped down from the chair he had been sitting on and began to jump up and down."Mommy, Daddy, did you see? I won!" Sirius yelled.

"Sirius, honey calm down," Lily whispered. "You don't want to wake Emma up do you?" Lily asked; she reached forward and playfully tugged at Sirius' hands.

"No Mommy," Sirius answered.

"Here you are young man." The woman behind the counter said. She handed Sirius a stuff animal. Sirius reached out his hands and received the toy from the woman. Sirius stared at it in wonder.

"What do you say Sirius?" Scorpius uttered softly so Emma wouldn't be disturb.

"Thank you," Sirius told the lady. Blush crept up his face and neck for forgetting his manners.

"You're welcome," she smiled.

Lily and Sirius bent over to examine the animal. It was a Hippogriff. It was tall and regal and had two, big wings that were attached at its side. The entire animal was soft material except for its beak, it was hard.

"Mommy look," Sirius whispered. His face was in amassment.

"What are you going to name him?" Lily asked. She grinned that the sight of Sirius having fun.

"His name is Butter's Beak; like the one Grandpa had." Sirius smiled.

"Grandpa's was named Buck beak, honey." Lily answered. Sirius shrugged not understanding the different. Sirius grabbed Lily's hand and began to pull her away and towards the exit. Scorpius followed behind them, keeping a tight grip on Emma. Emma was about to fall asleep, but was something that was beyond beauty.

"Daddy look," Emma exclaimed; she pointed over at another game. Scorpius began to walk over to the game to see what had Emma captivated. Lily pulled an awestruck Sirius towards them; Sirius just wouldn't look away from his new prize.

"What is it, cutie pie?" Scorpius asked. The new nickname had been given to her the morning after her birthday. She had eaten an entire pie for breakfast and had it all over her face. Scorpius had seen nothing more cute.

"Look at that butterfly." Emma pointed at a beret that was on a counter of prizes. The game however was tough; you had to guess which potion was harmless. "Isan'i beautiful, Daddy." Emma muttered.

"Yes, cutie, it is." Scorpius said. He walked over to Lily and handed Emma over to her. Lily wrapped an arm under Emma's bottom and held Sirius' hand. Scorpius walked up to the game and began talking with the man.

"Mommy, what is Daddy doing?" Emma asked; her tired eyes were fighting to stay open as she stifled a yawn.

"I don't know, sweetheart." Lily answered. All three of them watched to see what Scorpius was doing.

"All right, you have five potions. One will give you a headache, another one will give you a toothache, the other will give you a stomachache, the fourth will give you the flu, and the last one is perfectly safe. When you have found the one you believe to be the correct one, you take a sip from it. Do you want to play?" the man in charged asked. Scorpius nodded. He began examining every bottle: sniffing it, testing the temperature, and if it would stir if shaken. Scorpius reached for the black, misty potion filled bottle. He took out the plug and brought it to his mouth. Scorpius took a tiny swallow from the bottle and placed it back on the table. Scorpius sat there waiting for a few seconds nothing happened.

"Congratulations sir, you have just won. What would you like?" the man pointed at the prizes on the self behind him.

"The butterfly, please," Scorpius said, pointing at where it laid. The man reached over and picked it up and handed it over to Scorpius.

"Be careful, that there are actual gems from the Romanian forest." The man said. Scorpius walked over to Lily, Sirius, and Emma. Scorpius handed the butterfly to Emma. Emma's whole face lit up.

"Thank you Daddy." Emma said. She held the butterfly close to her chest. Scorpius picked her up and out of Lily's arms and held her close to him. Emma examined the butterfly. It had beautiful green gems that made up the wings of the butterfly. The gems were held together by white silver. "It's beautiful." Emma whispered.

"Not as beautiful as you, cutie pie." Scorpius whispered as he reached forward and placed a kiss on Emma's head.

"I would love to wear it Emma, thank you." Lily said, only one tear dripped down her face. Ginny took the beret and place it in Lily's hair. Ginny took the long curls of Lily's hair and flared it out over her shoulders. "Emma, why don't you go and see how Daddy is doing? He must be missing you." Lily said.

"Okay Mommy," Emma exclaimed; happy to go see Scorpius. "Don't have the party without me."

"I won't sweetie." Lily placed a kiss on Emma's temple. Emma ran out the room and towards Scorpius'.

"Daddy, why can't we see Mommy?" Sirius asked. He sat on the edge of the bed. This room use to belong to Scorpius until that night about three months after Scorpius had proposed.

Scorpius grabbed Lily's hand and led her towards the bench. Scorpius and Lily had just finished eating at the new restaurant in town. Scorpius grinned at the cheerful, happy Lily. She was dragging Scorpius around by his hand. Scorpius sat down on the bench next to Lily. Lily snuggled up to Scorpius. Scorpius felt Lily's hands reach under his jacket and shirt looking for warmth.

"Lily, we are in public." Scorpius whispered. He looked franticly to see if anyone had seen their position. Lily grinned back up at him; her hand began to drift higher up. Scorpius hissed when Lily's nails scratched his skin and nipples. Lily lend forward and placed slow, open mouth kisses along Scorpius' neck. Scorpius let out a low groan. Lily reached up and kissed the bottom of Scorpius' ear. Scorpius reached down and grabbed Lily's wrist; he lend forward and captured Lily's lips. Scorpius bit Lily's bottom lip and then attacked her mouth. His tongue fought with Lily's, slowly winning over her. Lily let out a moan as Scorpius' hands left her wrist and moved to roam over Lily's body. Scorpius separated his lips from Lily's and moved to kiss along her neck. All Lily could hear was hers and Scorpius' ragged breathe.

"Scorpius take me home, please." Lily moaned. Scorpius murmured something Lily didn't understand. Lily looked around and saw that she was now in Scorpius' arms outside her house. Scorpius carried her all the way upstairs and into her room. Scorpius dropped Lily on to her bed and removed her jacket. Lily moved to go across the bed. Scorpius reached down and grabbed her ankle and dragged her back.

"Oh no Lily, you aren't leaving this bed any time soon." Scorpius chuckled. He reached down and began to place kisses on Lily mouth again. He could feel her smile.

Scorpius grinned at the memory of what happed that night, and then the next morning. Ever since that night Lily and Scorpius had shared a bed, not that is bothered either of them.

"Because it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, you don't want bad luck do you?" Scorpius asked. He reached down to rumple Sirius' hair. Scorpius moved over to the mirror and began to tie his bow tie. Scorpius finished it easily and looked down at Sirius. Sirius was standing next to Scorpius looking in the mirror the only difference, Sirius was having a hard time tying his bow tie.

"Daddy, I can't get it." Sirius whimpered. Sirius looked down at his feet, his face growing bright red. Scorpius lowered onto his knee; he placed his hand under Sirius' chin and raised his head.

"Of course, Buddy," Scorpius said. He reached out and began to tie Sirius' bow tie. Scorpius finished with one last tug. "There you go, bud." Sirius looked into the mirror and smiled.

"Thanks Daddy," Sirius smiled.

Nock. Nock.

"Yes?" Scorpius asked. His head looked over to the door to see who it was. The door opened to reveal Emma.

"Can I come in, Daddy?" Emma asked. Her head was poking out of the door, and she was biting her lip.

"Emma come here Daddy is showing me how to tie this." Sirius said, pointing down at his bow tie. Emma walked into the room and over to Sirius.

"Daddy can you show me how to do that?" Emma asked as her finger touched Sirius' bow tie. Scorpius looked down at Emma, the only reason she would have to learn how to tie a bow tie was when she would get married and have a husband of her own, and that was going to be a long, very long time from now.

"Sure thing, cutie pie, but after the wedding, speaking of which we should be heading down there." Scorpius said. He extended his hands towards Emma and Sirius. They both took one of his hands and began to drag his down stairs.

"Are you ready Lily?" Harry asked. Lily was pacing back and forth waiting for the wedding to start. Lily looked up and at her father.

"Dad, what if I screw this up?" Lily asked, biting on her lip. She was gripping her hands inside each other. Harry looked at his daughter and then walked over to her. He drew her in his arms and squeezed her to him.

"Lily, Scorpius loves you and Emma and Sirius. He will be with you threw it all. There is nothing that could screw up your guy's relationship." Harry said. He placed a kiss in Lily's hair. He pulled away and still saw doubt in her eyes. "What else is it, honey?" Harry asked. Lily looked down at her feet; Harry saw the blush run up her neck and fill her cheeks.

Lily muttered something.


"Mh..Pregongt." Lily muttered.

"What honey?" Harry asked again; his brow wrinkle in confusion.

"I'm pregnant." Lily whispered. She peeked at her father though the corner of her eye. She couldn't really understand his reaction. He looked mad but yet something else. "Dad?"

"Well, let's just say its lucky for him that he is marrying you today." Harry grinned down at Lily. "How far along are you?"

"Four months," Lily said. Harry looked down and saw the little bump starting to show.

"Does Scorpius know?"Harry asked. Lily looked down at her feet again, embarrassed.

"No, I only found out two weeks ago. I'm going to tell him tonight." Lily said. Harry reached down and lifted her chin up to look at him.

"Lily, he is going to more than happy about this. You have nothing to worry about." Harry said.

"Thanks Dad," Lily said.

"Any time, sweetie," Harry replied. He reached forward and kissed Lily's cheek. Lily and Harry heard an instrument begin to play. "It's time." Harry gathered Lily's arm in his and began to walk with her. Harry led her past the red and white roses that made a path to the backyard. The turned the corner and saw everyone. Teddy, Ginny, and Tonks were sitting together watching all of this with smiles. Ginny was sitting next to Teddy, as he held her hand; tiny, happy tears fell down her cheeks. Emma was standing next to Sirius. Both of them were standing next to Katie. Katie and Abby were Lily's bride's maids. Sirius was holding Emma's hand; both of them were smiling up at Lily, their mother. Lily looked over and saw Albus and James standing by the alter, groom's men of Scorpius. Lily looked to Albus' left. There he was. Scorpius. He was smiling down at Lily. Lily smiled back. Warmth swept through her entire body. Her feet ached to run to Scorpius. Her heart was screaming to be in his arms. She now knew what her future held. It was filled with Emma, Sirius, Scorpius, and their future children. Lily felt the doubt wash away from her body. Harry grasped Lily's arm tighter and began to lead her forward. Lily looked ahead seeing her future with open, loving eyes.

The End.

Thank you everyone for reading this story. It has been really fun writing this story for you. I hope you liked this story. I have started my new Lily and Scorpius story; it is called: Devil's Kiss. It should be out within a week. If you want I was thinking about writing some one-shots about Lily's and Scorpius' future together, but only if you want. They would all be written before the end of the summer. Thank you all for reviewing it got me though all the tough weeks of writing. I hope to see you guys in the future. And again, Thanks for reading!