Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter; JK Rowling does.

"Mommy! Sirius ate some of the dough again!" yelled Emma. I could hear them all the way from upstairs.

"Did not!" Was Sirius reply, but I heard a thud and then, "Tata-tale baby."

I ran down the stairs before any more fighting could start and then I saw what was going on. On the island counter in the kitchen were my two four year old twins playing with the dough that would be dinner later tonight.

"What's going on?" I asked. Emma started, "Sirius was….

"Nothing!" Sirius all but screeched and covered Emma's mouth with his hand.

"Really?" But before I could continue the door bell rang. And with that Emma's and Sirius eyes lighten up and they both hoped off the counter top, running for the door.

And the next thing was a booming voice belonging to James opened the door.

"Uncle James!" Both Sirius and Emma yelled while being lifted into the air by James.

"Hey what about me?" came from Al right behind James in door way. Both of the kids next went for Al tackling him down to the ground.

By the time all the hellos had been exchanged, James took the twins to the sitting room to play, while I and Al went to the kitchen.

And that's when it all fell apart. "Lily I have to tell you something, there was a break out last night, he escaped from Azkan."

First story on fan fiction. What do you think? Any suggestions might be considered.

Scorpious will be in the next chapter.