Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Knight or the song Benny and the Jets...
HEY EVERYONE! :D Hope u enjoy this fic. I've been playing around with the idea of IchijouXRimaXShiki ever since I saw the anime. It was screaming to be written down so I finally succumbed to making my fanfiction account. This is my first fanfic so it will take me some time to loosen up with the way I write.
Ichijou Takuma screwed his face up, perplexed, mentally trying to block out the sound of that confounded song which had continuously been playing in his head since morning. Quickly, before the chorus came, then he'd truly be lost.
Must stop, must stop, must stop, must stop, mu—
Too late.
Ichijou flinched. How could the others not be noticing this? Couldn't they hear it?! Shiki and Rima were eating Pocky, as unconcerned as they ever would be, perched on a large sofa across from Aidou, Kain and Ruka. The latter two were absorbed in a quiet conversation of their own. Why did they just sit there, not bothering to react? Didn't they notice the degree of pain he was currently in!? His fingers twitched before curling into fists. Must not react violently. Must find harmless outlet to pent up frustration. Must drown out Elton John's voice. A light bulb suddenly switched on in the blonde vamp's head.
He began running in circles around the huge, dimly lit room that was the main gallery of the Moon Dorm. Screaming all the while. To drown out the sound, he reasoned with himself. The other occupants looked up in wide eyed surprise. Yep, the cheerful, blonde Ichijou had officially lost it. The trauma he had experienced thanks to dear old gramps in his childhood had finally caught up with him it seemed.
Ruka and Kain left the room. Rima and Shiki ate some more Pocky.
He had taken about five laps of the whole room and a few trips up and down the stairs before Aidou, who had been busy flipping through an obnoxiously thick book about nuclear physics like it was a magazine (MAGAZAEEEEEEEENE!!! Damn him and his geniusness!), stuck out a long (slender, muscular aaahhhhh *drools*) leg, sending him flying into—
Well, he wasn't sure what.
The world had gone kinda dark and there was no tell-tale cracking sound to signal that he had just broken his head on the marble floor. Something had obviously cushioned his fall. His face was pressed against something soft and warm. And it smelled good too. He was faintly aware of Aidou snickering in the background. Other than that no one made a sound. Ichijou could hear a thudding noise. Deep, like the beating of a drum. He reached his hands up, positioning them at either side of his head, trying to find something to hold and steady himself so he could get up. They came into contact with the same soft, warm something his face was buried in.
Ichijou lifted his head up; the way a small child might lift its head from a pillow it had been hiding its face in.
Buttons. Why was he looking at buttons?
His gaze travelled upwards. Collar bones and a slender white neck. Electric blue eyes and honey coloured hair. A FLUSHED ANGRY FACE.
Colour rushed to Ichijou's cheeks. Just before it completely drained away that is. He looked down to where his hands held two small, rounded mounds of flesh. Rima's breasts. He stared for a moment, her nipples pressing up against his palms. Then he looked back up at her, somewhat reluctantly. From the corner of his eye he could see Shiki leaping to his feet.
HOLD ON. Shiki… Leaping to his feet?
Like that's possible… Since when has he been doing energetic things like that?
Since you've been practically squeezing Rima's breasts. IDIOT.
Rima's face didn't even twitch, though the drum that was in fact her heart was beating as fast as a humming bird's.
A look of comprehension dawned on the male vampire's features.
Wait— WHAT?! Her BREASTS??!!! OH FU—
But before Ichijou could pull himself away or be pulled away and possibly possibly beaten to death by Shiki, a surge of electricity (not THAT kind ;) that had already been at work) passed through Rima's breasts and sent him flying, once again—this time to the floor. And the whole while, before it went black for real this time, that STUPID song was blaring in his head. Even though the lyrics had changed slightly.
:D OH MY EFFING GAWD I LOVE ICHIJOU :D He's so cute and just oozes NICENESS ya know? *crickets sound in background* YA KNOWWWWW!??????????........... Ah well, just u wait. It'll get better. Shiki and Rima will get it ON soon and then eh heh heh, it's only a matter of time before Ichijou jumps on the same wagon ;) Aidou rocks just by the by... Oh and REVIEW PLEASE 0_o I'll update as soon as possible.