Disclaimers; I own nothing but the plot.

Warnings; SLASH

A/N; Erh, how long has it been? Two months? Around there, I think. I'm sorryyy for the late update. I don't mean to be lazy but I guiltily admit that I enjoy reading as opposed to writing. I'm sure loads of you do too!

At least, I think so.

Anyway, I couldn't just leave everyone hanging now could I? That would be just cruel. ;/

So here you go, my hard work and dedication (though it came slow) !

They landed near the lake, and a soft breeze blew past. Neither said anything as Draco laid his broom against a tree before pulling Harry by the hand to sit. He dropped down gracefully, his back supported by a wide bark with Harry seated comfortably in between his long legs.

The comfortable silence continued for awhile but both new they had much to talk about. Well, Harry thought they had much to talk about. Draco thought all was settled. Harry was obviously his, Diggory was hanging by a broom (snicker) and the Slytherins wouldn't dare go against him. He pressed his nose against Harry's neck, and placed a chaste kiss against the warm skin.

He felt a shiver run through the smaller body and smirked.

With gentle fingers, Draco tilted Harry's face towards his and promptly plunged in. There was no taste like Harry's, and Draco basked in the fact that he was the only one with the privilege to abuse his taste buds this way. The dark haired boy let loose a small moan and Draco thought he might've lost it.

Luckily—or not—Harry pushed against his chest, breaking free from the surprise kiss. His cheeks were flushed and lips slightly swollen. The blonde had to admit that he loved the debouched look on Harry most. Despite the pressure against his chest, Draco kept his arms locked around the smaller teen. He'd waited so long, and wasn't about to let Harry loose, not even for a little physical space.

"Shouldn't we—uh—talk a bit? About—you know," Harry was blushing a delightful red. Draco's lips curved upwards in the softest, most seemingly angelic look that Harry had ever seen. He was bewitched. It's with this expression that Draco whispered, softly, "There's nothing to talk about. Nothing but you, and me." He clutched Harry tighter to him.

With stars in his eyes, Harry replied, sounding quite distracted, "But Cedric, and your father—"

Draco hushed him with a soft kiss. Harry's eyes slipped halfway shut, his green irises barely visible. "We're here now, and that's all that matters. They don't mean anything to me. You do, only you," And Harry fell right into his spell. He'd wonder later when Draco Malfoy became so good with words, so romantic. But that would be later, without the distraction of the suave blonde.

So Harry let himself be silenced, enjoying instead the feel of the warm body against his.

They made a beautiful picture, curled together under a large oak tree, its leaves falling softly around them. Their fingers were intertwined, signifying nothing and everything.

The rest of the day passed blissfully, and they made their way back into Hogwart's walls near evening. Deciding to join their fellow peers for dinner, the two headed straight to the Great Hall. As per usual, heads turned and voices dimmed as soon as they stepped in.

Harry ignored the stares and focused instead on Ron and Hermoine. His closest and longest friends sat at their usual spot, helping themselves to the house elves cooking. Harry couldn't help but grin. If there was anyone who understood his hate for the spotlight, it would be these two. They paid him no extra attention, treating him as they always did though he could sense Ron tensing as he made his way towards them—Draco in tow.

He looked back at his boyfriend—lover?—and noticed his gaze elsewhere.

Following the older teen's line of sight, he saw Cedric sitting with his Hufflepuff friends. Well, nothing out of the ordinary, Harry thought. But looking closer, he noticed the bronze haired senior had a cast on his left arm. Harry winced. He must've fallen off his broom after all.

. . .Wait a minute, how did Cedric get out of the infirmary so fast? When he broke a bone—which happened quite often—Madam Pomfrey kept him in that god forsaken infirmary for days! Harry felt cheated. And when Harry felt cheated, Harry pouted.

"Now, now, enough of that. You'll make people want to kiss you," Draco's voice was awfully close to his ear and Harry squeaked. It was a manly squeak, mind you, but a squeak nonetheless. Giving his head a small shake, Harry composed himself before continuing his stride to the Gryffindor table. He ignored Draco's low chuckle.

Gasps echoed as the Gryffindor's reluctantly made room for both Harry and Draco. The blonde sat on Harry's right, with the youngest Weasley boy across from him while Hermoine remained on Harry's left.

Slowly, the hall diverted their attention elsewhere when Harry and Draco made no new moves. Most of them though, were merely feigning disinterest.

Harry greeted Ron and Hermoine quietly, while Draco piled up his plate with more than he could eat. Hoping that Draco would share with him rather than make him eat the whole thing himself, the Gryffindor turned the rest of his attention to his two closest friends. "Um," he began after the short pleasantries.

"I know—I know it's a bit weird, and uh, sudden," he cast a glance a Ron, who looked back at him stoically though not disapprovingly. Well, that had to be a good sign, right? "But what I feel for Draco, its—I can't even put it into words," he ran a hand through his already ruffled hair. Why was he making this longer than it needed to be? He should just tell Ron and Hermoine that he wanted Draco, and Draco wanted him and that would be that.

Harry felt the blonde Slytherin grasp his free hand underneath the table and smiled slightly. Feeling a burst of courage, Harry spat out the first thing that came to mind. "I want to shag Draco."

He must've said it a tad louder than he meant to because quite suddenly the hall fell into shocked silence once more. Harry almost groaned, but managed to bite his lips instead. Ron and Hermoine looked at him, eyes wide. They mustn't have been expecting that. He could hear Seamus Finnegan chocking in the background. Actually, there a few coughs going around. One particularly loud cough, curse and scream came from the Hufflepuff table.

And Draco—Draco was shaking so hard it was almost scary. Worried that the older teen might've taken it as an insult, Harry squeezed the pale hand in his. Draco looked up and Harry reared back.

His face was so red that it wasn't Malfoy-like at all. Draco was trying so hard not to laugh that his cheeks were puffed out and his eyes teary. Harry thought he looked adorable. But he wouldn't tell the other teen that, no way. He'd probably get a, "We Maylfoy's are not cute, we are striking and devilishly handsome."

"Listen, mate, if he's," Harry's head snapped towards Ron. The red-head jut a thumb at Draco. "What you want, then I guess—I guess I can live with it," Ron looked down, blushing at how corny he must've sound. "I mean, it'll take a while, but we've been through a whole lot. And I am. Not. Going to waste all the years I saved your scrawny little ass over an argument over your choice of," he paused, searching for the right word. "Pet."

Harry lips curled up in a wide, face splitting grin. Draco had stopped his failed attempts at controlling his laughter and was instead glaring mildly at Ron, affronted while Hermoine sent him pleased grins. Everyone else—they could just shove it.

He had all he'd ever wanted, Harry glanced at Draco, plus a little more and there was no need for anything else. He was happy, more than satisfied, a feeling he hadn't believed was possible for a little freak like him back with the Dursleys, but he was. And he hoped that karma would bite those arseholes where it hurt.

God knew where he'd end up tomorrow, but today, he was exactly where he wanted to be.


Omg, it's over. ;O You know, when I started this chapter, I hadn't planned for it to end. . . but it did. And I'm SO shocked. It sort of just closed. By itself. Er, ANYWAYS, I hope you guys enjoyed reading! And please, REVIEW. ;DD
