"It's over" I yelled as I slammed the door and walked over to my truck.

I couldn't believe this is what my life had come to. I've literally wasted two years of my life.

"Bella wait. I don't understand what I did wrong"

"That's just the problem Jake, you don't understand." I spun around to face him. He must have been hot on my heel when I walked out because almost ran smack into his chest. Standing almost a head taller than me, his muscles were flexing out of anger, and eyes looked almost black.

"Explain it to me then. I'll make it better."

"You can't make it better. It's just not working, it hasn't for awhile. I just was really hoping this trip you had planned would turn things around. I was wrong. All it did was make things worse."

"Let's go. I don't know what's stopping us? What do you mean made things worse?"

The look on his face was of utter confusion. I didn't know how to dumb this down any further. In fact I shouldn't have to. Someone you've know your whole life should know just a little bit about you.

"What's stopping us is that you don't know me at all! You've planned a week long hiking and fishing trip for our two year anniversary. Did you confuse me with someone else?"

"You love that stuff, I mean Charlie said…."

"Charlie likes to fish and hike. I like to read and relax. After two years you would think you could keep the two of us straight. I can barely walk on flat surfaces! What makes you think a 5 mile hike through the mountains would be a good idea for me?" I took a breath and tried to relax myself. "Look Jake, let's be honest with each other. Things have been pretty strained. I was ready to give up weeks ago, but then you brought up this trip and when you wouldn't tell me what you had planned I got more excited. I though of endless possibilities. A weekend shopping trip in Seattle, a bed and breakfast in Port Angelas, a rustic cabin on the beach. It never crossed my mind you would plan this kind of a trip. It was the final nail in the coffin. We are just too different."

I could see the pain in his face. I hated to do this to him, but I wasn't happy and hadn't been for longer than I care to admit. We had just been existing, been happy with just settling for each other.

"I'm sorry Jake. I just can't do it anymore. I'm unhappy."

"What about Charlie? He's gonna be heartbroken."

He was grasping at straws.

"He'll be fine. Somehow he'll manage to get over it."

"What about all the money I spent on this fishing trip? You have no idea the strings I had to pull to put this all together in such a short time. I mean to think I put my heart and soul into making this a memorable anniversary and you , well, you've made it memorable."

"Don't do this. We can still be great friends. I just can't do this with you anymore." I motioned my hands between the two of us. "Take Billy with you. You know he would love it."

"Fine! Do what you need to do. But don't come running back to me once you've whored yourself around Forks."


"Ok, I'm walking away now. Be bitter. I don't have to care anymore."

"Wait, Bella, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. Please can't we talk?" He begged.

I saw the hurt wash across his face, and for a moment I felt a pang of guilt. Then I thought of everything he had just said to me and I couldn't bring myself to feel sorry for him anymore.

Without another word I turned around and walked to my truck. I couldn't let myself be dragged back into a relationship which made me unhappy. I wanted something more, somebody who knew what my likes and dislikes were. Someone who loved me for me, not what they wanted me to be.

Once I got to my truck I allowed myself a final peek at Jake through my rearview mirror. He had walked into his garage and was trashing it. Throwing things haphazardly. Things he had put a lot of work into were getting thrown into the ground. I had to get out of here before I ran back saying I was sorry, because it wasn't the truth. I would only say it to stop his hurting and that would only continue mine.

I started my truck and slowly pulled away from Jake's house. I couldn't believe that had all just happened. I always figured Jake and I would be a perfect match. I mean when I say we knew each other our whole life, I mean literally we have know each other since we were babies. We had always just been good buddies. It wasn't until my break up with Mike that I even looked at Jake in a romantic way.

Ugh, Mike. Another one of my epic romantic fails. He was way too full of himself, thought he was God's gift to women. Charlie, my dad, set me up with him. Thought he was a great catch. The fact that his parents own the local sporting good store had nothing to do with it I'm sure. I was just about to dump his sorry ass when I caught him with an old school mate, Jessica, making out in his car. My dad still thinks he walks on water.

Before him was Tyler. No body could sorrier than Tyler. He apologized for everything. It was so annoying. I have my friend Angela to thank for those six months of pure torture. She thought we would be a good match, of course we would have been, if dying by apology was a goal of mine. When I broke up with him he just kept saying sorry, over and over. It was maddenly unnerving.

So to say the least, when Jake and I finally hooked up I was relieved. How could things go too terribly wrong. We already knew about each others past, and about all our faults. But that thought process blew up right in my face. From day one he treated me no differently that if I were just one of the guys. Which when I was just his friend was not a big deal. But when you start sleeping with each other, I expect things to change a bit. Maybe instead a friendly pat on the back I wanted a real hug, one that warms you from the inside. Or maybe taking me out for dinner every once in a blue moon instead of bringing home a bleedng dead fish, bird, or deer for me to cook. The more I thought of all the little things that got to me over the past two years, the more upset I got at Jake and myself. I couldn't believe I let myself be this miserable for this long.

On top of all that was going through my mind, it was beginning to snow. My old truck could barely handle when it rained, which is always, but now I had to travel back to Forks in the snow. It seemed like it was just getting worse by the minute. Seriously could my luck get any worse? The day I finally decide to leave Jake and storm out in a very dramatic temper tantrum (well at least in my head it was) the state of Washington decides it will take it's yearly dose of snow.

Just then an annoying beeping sound came from my radio.


This is a SAM97.9 weather alert brought to you by Dazzled.

Seriously , they are plugging some knick knack store in the middle of a blizzard.

Due to high winds and heavy snow fall roads are being closed across Clallam County. If you are currently traveling please be advised that road condition are extremely slick and have very poor visibility. Emergency travel only.


They repeated the message a few more time before it went back to playing some crappy country song.

I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I was closer to La Push, but I knew I couldn't go back there. Jake would for sure talk me into going on his stupid trip and I'd be going right back down the rabbit hole. But I wasn't sure if I could make it back to Forks. It rarely ever snows here and when it did I would just stay home. I could barely walk in snow, let alone drive in it.

I decided I would just creep along. It's not like there are many other idiots out on the road right now. If there are they are likely doing the same thing I am.

I was going at a steady pace of 15 mph, when another warning came over the radio 20 minutes later stating that the snow was accumulating and visibility getting worse. I wish I had turned around and gone back to Jake's place. Now I was neither closer or further from either Forks or La Push, just pretty much smack dab in the middle. And as if the weather heard the announcement it started snowing harder to where my wind shield wipers were having trouble keeping up. I could barely see two feet in front of me, and the road was getting slicker. On top of that the wind had picked up and I was having a hard time controlling my truck on the icy roads. Whichever way the wind blew I was sent hurdling in that direction.

Even though my situation right now couldn't get any worse, I had to laugh. The weather outside mimicked my life, completely out of my control. Everything I had done had been because someone else had told me I should or thought they knew what I wanted. I didn't even know what I wanted, how would anyone else know? And there lied my problem. What did I want?

I had always been so worried about everyone else that I never took a step back to ask what I wanted. My dad for example, had to maintain his bachelor status by never learning to cook anything besides Ramen noodles or making a check out to the Forks Diner. So when I came to live with him my junior year, I started making the dinners. Then it turned into doing the laundry and making sure the house was clean. Don't get me wrong I don't mind doing those things, but they were for Charlie. I had become his caregiver. Most parents had to force their children to do chores, I had to do them or they wouln't get done. And my mother, well she's a whole different story. I was the adult in our relationship. She'd come up with a zany idea and talk her down from it. She would stay out all night, I'd be home pacing the hallway wondering if she was ok. Even in my romantic relationships I was more worried about the other person happiness than ever stopping to consider my own. Hell, I couldn't even tell you if I've ever had an orgasm. I think that speaks for itself. My friend Alice always told me it you have to question whether you had one or not, you didn't.

I was so sick of being everybody's babysitter. It was time for me, Bella Marie Swan to stand up and say "fuck you all, it's my way or no way". Well maybe not in those exact words, but you get the idea.

I must have been lost in my own thoughts because the next thing I knew I felt a huge push and suddenly I was sliding sideways on the road. I didn't have time to react everything happened to fast. One minute I was driving slowly and cautiously the next I'm sliding off the road into the ditch.

I suddenly came to a crashing halt. I don't know if I hit a tree or a street sign, I did know that it hurt like hell. I heard popping and snapping sounds all around me. I honestly didn't know which sounds belonged to the car and which were coming from my body. What I did know is I could smell blood. Not good, that was definitely coming from me. Cars don't bleed do they? Oh god, I have a concussion, I'm wondering if cars have a circulatory system. And let's not forget I'm talking to myself.

Am I saying all this out loud?

"Oh my god, I am" I started to panic and couldn't control my breathing." I'm hyperventilating. Quick, what did you learn in Health class? Put your head between your knees, right!" I went to move and realized quickly that might be big mistake. "What if I have a neck injury? If you can't breathe it doesn't matter it you've broke your neck." I quickly reasoned.

I quickly moved my head around, and when I was sure I didn't have any broken disk in my neck, I tried to move my head between my knees. My actions were thwarted again when I saw I was pinned beneath the dash.

"Oh my god, I can't feel my legs!" I started to thrash violently hoping to somehow wiggle free of my confines. Shooting pains were traveling up and down my legs. " Wait, I can feel my legs. Fuck! That hurts!"

I didn't know what else to do. I was obviously stuck here until someone found me. Someone would find me right?

The roads are closed. I was going to die in my car. I would be the only person in the history of Washington state to die in the snow. I did the only logical thing I could think of.

I cried.

I cried until I ran out of tears, that or they froze up, I'm not really sure.

I had to try to get out of here. I had to know I gave it my best effort. So I tried once more to free my legs. I braced my self for the pain and pulled as hard as I could. I heard a ripping sound and felt something warm trickle down my leg. I was afraid to look down, but knew I had to access the damage.

I had sliced my leg open pretty good. Enough that the smell of my blood this time was making me dizzy. My eyelids felt droopy and my breathing hard.

Then nothing.

Complete darkness.

Maybe I'd dreamt the whole thing. I would wake up in my warm bed. Still thinking of the endless possibilities of the trip Jake had planned. And when I arrived to greet him, he would have a bouquet of Calla Lilys for me, only to throw them aside to scoop my in his arms and give a hug worth a more than any dollar amount. He would tell me he's got a romantic weekend planned and hope I packed plenty of lingerie, because where we were going that's all I would need.

"..Miss? Can you hear me?"

"Dad, go away I'm sleeping. You're ruining my dream."

I heard a laugh I didn't recognize, but it was the most angelic, soothing laugh I'd ever heard. I must still me dreaming.

"Ok, sweetheart, whatever you say. I'm gonna get you nice and warm, but this might hurt a bit."

I opened my eyes enough to see my handsome stranger's face. He was beautiful. Flawless skin. Piercing green eyes. He had a crooked smile that could melt the snow right off my truck. I'd never seen somebody so perfect. I was definitely still dreaming, but if this is what I got to look at, I'll take unconsciousness any day.


"Ready when you are Angel." I liked dream Bella. I was so much braver, and suave.

His brows furrowed in confusion, but then gave me that crooked smile once more.

I really hoped I was in a coma. I never wanted to wake up if I never got to see this beautiful creature again.

"One. Two. Three."

He pulled me out of the truck and I'd never felt more pain in my whole life. I cried out in pain loud enough to wake any bears that might have been hibernating. But quickly I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. He was warm and I felt instantly at ease.

"You're bleeding."

"No shit Sherlock. I wrecked my damn truck." I sounded drunk. Ok, scratch the suave, but definitely braver.

I followed his eyed down to my thigh, and saw my blood soaked jeans.

"No, no, no. No more blood. I can't....."

Darkness again.

Every now and again I would come out of my self induced coma to hear heavy breathing and the sound of my harrowing stranger's snow pants as he walked. It felt as if we had been walking for hours. And in one of my brief moments of awareness I'm pretty sure I asked him if he was "Goddamn Grizzly Adams and had to pick the farthest cave to live in." He just chuckled and kept on trekking.

The next few hours, or days even were a blur. I honestly felt like I might actually be in a coma and would never wake up. I remember my handsome rescuer doing something with my leg. Whatever he was attempting to do was probably unsuccessful. I clearly remember telling him to "back up off me, you ain't no damn doctor." No more listening to crappy rap music before I go to bed, that is a given. If I ever woke up that is.

The last thing I remember is being laid down in what felt like a cloud. I've never been in something so comfortable. I could stay here forever.

Beside the whole running off the road, this was the best dream ever.

A/N Ok, so please let me know what you think. I live and breathe off of reviews.