Thanks to all of the great reviews I got! Sorry it took me so long to update, I've been really busy lately. I have decided to go with no Weasleys. I found out from the reviews that I need to give you guys some more information about the story- Sirius is in the story, I will introduce him later, Neville is in the story(his parents are sane), Harry is not the chosen one, and he was still abused at the Dursleys. Thanks for the questions guys!

And here's chapter 2!

"Whose that?" Hermione asked, looking up at the giant man.

Harry smiled and said, "That's Hagrid. He's the Gamekeeper at Hogwarts. He brought me my letter."

"Oh. Well, should we head over there?"

"Sure," Harry said and started his way over to Hagrid. Soon, he felt a slight tug on the back of his robes. Harry turned around and saw Hermione there.

"I don't want to lose you," she said apologetically.

Harry nodded and turned back around, weaving his way through the crowd of students, still feeling Hermione holding onto his robes. They reached Hagrid and Hermione dropped Harry's robes. Harry looked up at the large man and said, "Hi Hagrid!"

"Harry! Good to see yeh! And whose this?" he said, looking at Hermione.

"This is Hermione Granger. She's a first year too."

"Nice ter meet yeh, Hermione."

"Hello," Hermione said shyly.

Hagrid looked up at the crowed around him and said, "Is everyone here? Good. Everybody this way!" Hagrid set off along a path. They soon reached multiple boats at the edge of a large lake.

"No more'n four to a boat!" Hagrid said, getting into a boat of his own, and taking up the whole thing.

Harry and Hermione stepped into a boat, joined by a boy with sandy brown hair and a girl with red hair. As soon as all of the first years were in a boat, they headed across the lake. As soon as the castle came into view, multuple "Ooh"s and "Ahh"s were heard through out the boats. They gently bumped into earth. Everybody got out of the boats and crowed on the bank. Hagrid stood at the front of the crowd. Behind him was a large oak door. Once all of the students were in front of Hagrid, he turned and opened the door. Inside was a large entrance hall. Harry looked around in aw. In front of the crowd of students was an older woman dressed in dark green robes. She looked at the students, as if she were judging each person on their looks.

"Hello. Welcome to Hogwarts. My name is Professor McGonagall. While you are at Hogwarts, you will be in a House. Your house will be like your family. If you break any rules, your house will lose points. Any good deeds will gain points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points, wins the house cup. Understand?" Every student nodded, mesmerized by the way she talked. She had a short, crisp tone that made you feel like you were in trouble. "Good. When we go into the Great Hall, you will be sorted into one of the four houses: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Follow me." With that, Professor McGonagall turned and walked through two large doors. The students followed her hastily. They entered the Great Hall, where hundreds of students were already sitting at four long tables. Professor McGonagall led the scared first years down the middle aisle, and stopped in front of a raised platform, on which sat another long table, this one holding teachers.

Professor McGonagall turned and faced the students. "When I call your name, please come up, and sit on this stool. I will place the Sorting hat on your head." She looked at the new students and then at the roll of parchment in her hand. "Hannah Abbott." The girl with red hair that was in Harry and Hermione's boat walked up to the stool she sat down. Professor McGonagall placed an old pointed hat on her head. After a moment, a rip in the hat opened, and it shouted, "Hufflepuff!" Hannah got off the chair and walked over to the table that was cheering the loudest for her.

And so it continued:Professor McGonagall calling a name, the student walking up, the hat calling a house, and the student going to their table. When Professor McGonagall called Hermione's name, Harry felt her stiffen next to him. "It'll be alright," he said to her.

She smiled and walked up to the stool. Professor McGonagall placed the hat on her head. Moments later, the hat called out, "Ravenclaw!" Hermione smiled and walked over to the cheering table. Harry caught her eye and gave her a thumbs up. She smiled and nodded, as if saying, Good luck.

Finally it reached Harry's turn. Professor McGonagall called his name and he walked up to the stool. When the hat was placed on his head, a small voice sounded in his ear. "Ahh, yes. Plenty of brains, a lot of courage, very loyal. But one of them is most noticable. I'll have to go with, Ravenclaw!" The last word was shouted to the whole school. Harry smiled as he got off the stool and headed over to Hermione. She was beaming as Harry sat down next to her.

The rest of the Sorting went off without a hitch. When the last student was sorted, Professor Dumbledore stood up and said, "I have a few start of term announcements to make. The Dark Forest is forbidden to all students, no magic in the hallways, and Quidditch tryouts will be in two weeks. If you would like to try out for your house team, please give your name to the Quidditch captain. Captains, once you have your lists, please pass them along to your Head of House. That is all for now, please enjoy the feast." With that, Professor Dumbledore sat down and food magically appeared on the tables in front of the students. Harry jumped slightly at the appearance, but settled in quickly. He grabbed as much food as he could, and put it on his plate.

After they got settled in, Harry and Hermione started to talk to one another about Hogwarts and other random subjects. Another first year across from them was listening in, but she didn't say anything. Hermione noticed her and introduced herself.

"Hi," Hermione said, "I'm Hermione Granger. What's your name?"

The girl looked up shyly and said, "I'm Sarah."

"Hi Sarah, my name's Harry Potter. Nice to meet you," Harry said with a warm smile. "So, what do you think of Hogwarts so far?"

"It's really nice. A lot better than my old school. Our teachers were really mean and the uniforms were ugly." The three of them laughed.

"So your a muggleborn?" Hermione asked.

"No. I'm half-blood, but my parents wanted me to have a firm foundation for my education. What about you guys?"

"We both come from Muggle families. Hermione's parents are dentists, mine were a witch and wizard, but they were killed when I was a baby."

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Sarah said, frowning.

"No, don't be. It was an accident. I grew up with my really mean aunt and uncle. They did not like me, to say in the least," Harry said with a grim smile.

There was an awkward silence after that. It was soon overcome when dessert appeared before them. The children lit up and began talking once again, but about other topics.

Once dessert was done with, Professor Dumbledore stood up. The dull roar in the Great Hall ceased immediately. All students focused their attention on the headmaster. "Well, get to bed. I want you all to have a good night's sleep for your classes tomorrow. Good night!"

All of the students stood up. The first year Ravenclaws followed the prefects to their tower dorm. The prefect, whose name Harry and Hermione soon found out was Penelope Clearwater. She explained Hogwarts and classes and dorms. The boys and girls went up to their respective dorm rooms, where they found their luggage waiting.

Sorry its kinda short. I promise the next one will be longer.

Please review!