Hey guys. Life's been a little crazy. I graduated and what not, plus my computer crashed so I lost this chapter for a while, until the other day while I was clearing out a flash drive to make room for pictures and music, and noticed this lone word document and became curious, And then I felt bad. I've left you guys hanging. Well wait no more.

Akol's yawn inturruped what was a perfectly fine session of sucking face. After he accoplished the yawn Akol drew in for a continuation of what they'd both been enjoying, but was stopped by a hand in front of his face. He looked up at Magnus who had a smile set on his lips "Sleepy?" Akol shook his head, though he actually was. It was growing late, way past the time where he tended to turn in, which happened to be considerably early for a warlock. Magnus chuckled at Akol's stubborn answer.

"You don't have to lie darling, I have a big comfy bed that's calling our name." Magnus said running his fingers down Akol's spine as he spoke. The action and words made Akol twitch a bit, he wasn't sure it was right to sleep with someone this early in a relationship, even if you were just sleeping. But before he was given a chance to say no, he was being pulled off of the couch and dragged into, what he presumed was the bedroom.

The door was opened before them and closed behind them as the emerged into the room with the huge bed. The first thing Akol noticed was the bed, but that was hard to miss. Magnus promptly dragged him over to it and, pulled Akol infront of himself smirking at the younger warlock "Strip." he said, and Akol's face burned red.

"What?" Akol said alarmed, it wasn't that he was nervous, but this was moving way too fast for him, he pulled away from Magnus a bit looking up at the talled warlock "L-listen Magnus, if you just wanted a fuck buddy, I'm not the type to just leave it at that." his face was still burning but was starting to fade.

Magnus laughed. Akol gave the High Warlock a confused look, he didn't get what was funny about this situation. The Magnus spoke "I ment change." he chuckled again, looking over his shoulder and onto the bed, where a pair of pajamas were laying "You didn't want to sleep in your clothes did you?" and with that Akol's fading blush burned again, this time out of embarassment. But really, how was he supposed to know what Magnus ment?

Akol sighed, knowing he was probably going to regret it later but still "I think I should get home." the hurt look on Magnus's face had Akol racking his brain for an excuse, anything to make that face fade away "It's just that, uh, I have this friend who will randomly drop in, and the last time I went somewhere with out telling them, it was chaos."

Magnus was shaking his head "Don't worry about it darling. Go on home. But..." Magnus pulled the young warlock to him and whispered into his ear "Make sure you text me as soon as you wake up." Akol could hear the smirk in his voice as the high warlock spoke. Magnus pulled away from Akol's ear and drew his lips against Akol, drawing out their parting kiss. Akol pulled away, needing to breath, and Magnus placed one last quick peck on Akol's lips before releasing him and taking a step back, giving Akol a chance to edge towards the door. Magnus smiled "Good bye Akol." he said waving as Akol twisted the knob to the door.

Akol took in a sharp breath when Magnus spoke, he was on edge. Reguardless he turned and smiled at the High Warlock "Bye Magnus." With those words, he left, their last kiss still tingling on his lips.

Akol rolled over for what had to have been the thousandth time. He couldn't get back to sleep. Why? Because his mind was tryng to make sense of the dream he just woke up from. He took a deep breath playing through it again.

Why were we here again? Because of that girl. That girl that he's been taking risks for. There are downworlders everywhere. Magnus. Magnus looking at me, watching, analyzing. What does he want? Does he know?

Akol pressed the heels of his palms against his eyes and rubbed them, it didn't make any sense. What girl? And what would Magnus know? Was it supposed to be a secret? It felt like a dream he'd had before, but he knew he never had. The dream was more thoughts than anything. those thoughts, bright lights an abundence of bodies. Eyes, Magnus's eyes. Staring into his. It was captavting. Akol sighed. He rolled over again, and grabbed his phone off the table, flipping it open and scrolling to Magnus's name. He opened a new text window and let his fingers hover over the keys for a moment before finally deciding to put something.

So, I'm awake.

He waited for a moment, deciding the Maguns had probably gone to bed. It was very late after all. But his phone buzzed, and a small smile formed on Akol's face.

Oh? Why is that?

I hade a weird dream.

Care to share the details?

Akol sighed and typed out what he remembered, and it seemed to be a long time before Magnus replied. And his reply was less than satifactory.

Interesting. Was all he typed.

Well it's left me rolling around sleepless.

There was no reply for several minutes and Akol sighed, figuring Magnus had fell asleep on him. He turned over, and closed his eyes trying to sleep again. His mind was filled with thoughts of Magnus now, the dream pretty much forgotten. He soon slipped back into unconsiousness.

Magnus sighed. He was disappointed and mopey. He supposed he shouldn't have pushed Akol staying, getting ahead of his self, but he got lost in the moment, and had noticed that Akol was tired. He'd been sitting on his bed pouting for quite a while now, Akol was probably home and sleeping cozy in his bed. Magnus wanted nothing more now to have Akol in his bed, snuggling with him. Magnus sighed again and settled into the bed and pulling the covers over himself. He'd just closed his eyes when he heard his phone vibrate from the nightstand, he graoned and grabbed it opening his eyes to see who dare disturb him in the middle of the night. He smirked seeing it was Akol. After exchanging a few texts he was left lost in his thoughts.

Akol's dream had sounded more like he was reliving a memory. One that he remebered from his point of veiw. He remembered watching Alec that night. What he found strange was that Akol had a dream aboutl a memory of Alec's. He figured it might be a coincidence, and shrugged it off. He'd worry more about it in the morning. He figured that Akol had probably fallen back asleep and settled him self back to bed.