Once a child, naïve and cheerful, innocent and pure…

Now an assassin, cold and unfeeling, wise to the ways of the world.

Once a carefree spirit, laughing and smiling without a thought…

Now a tool of the government, focused only on destroying my next target.

Once part of a family, a circle of warmth, sheltered and protected from harm…

Now a loner with an aura of ice, striking fear into once untainted hearts.

Taking security for granted and with unfounded trust, I never realized how soon it would end.

One day a close family, laughing and smiling, the next both my parents were dead.

My mother a martyr, a sweet and kind soul; destroyed by her husband for her ancestors faults.

My father, blinded by prejudice and fear, by my own hand soon after to fall.

Instantly an outcast, seen as one without a soul

Left on my own, to die all alone

Tormented by memories of that whisper and taunt

Images of death without ceasing haunt

Huddled in a dark ally, trembling from cold and fear

Resigned to the reality that my death was near

A hand rested upon my shoulder and a deep voice spoke out

I lifted my head, my eyes filled with doubt.

For the longest time, he spoke not a word,

And when he opened his mouth, I could scarcely believe what I heard

His offer was frank, no emotion was shone

But none the less I had a chance at a home

Desperate for help I did not dare hesitate

He gave me a purpose when I believed it was too late

Now I stand by his side, a symbol of fear

To which no one dares to wander too near

My hand rests on my sword and my gaze is like ice

They watch in stunned terror as I now snatch away their lives

They plead with their gods, screaming for me to spare them

But I am bound to my master, I must complete my assignment

I will follow him to the death

Obey him without protest

I protect him with everything

And shut out my guilty feelings

My actions are dictated by his words

from my lips, no objection is heard

My young hands are daily, stained with fresh blood

I no longer feel remorse for these things I have done

But deep in my heart, so frozen and dead

The pain still burns on with each fateful step

They'll never know, but there's a small part of me

Hiding within, crying at what he sees

The small child locked inside

Watching my actions with eyes so wide

Their screams of terror eternally echo in his dreams

Haunting his being for all eternity...

Hey everyone, this is a poem I decided to write about Haku's feelings after his first encounter with cell 7.

I'm not quite sure if I like how it turned out. It's definitely not my best work but let me know what you thought. :D
