Scream for Me - Release

Jealousy has a lot to answer for!

Enjoy :)

Grimmjow made it as far as the gardens before remembering he had no actual heading. He looked around at the synthetic plants and the fake sun overhead and wished to god he could destroy the whole lot to vent his anger, but these were Aizen's gardens and anyone who damaged them would not live to do it again.

He sighed, churning Szyael Aporro's words over in his head. He didn't want to think about them. Part of him already knew the answers he would find, but they were both terrifying and infuriating and he didn't want to admit to them.

"I also believe that you keep returning here so many times because… sex with me is not what you want."

Ridiculous as the words had seemed, they were true. Grimmjow just didn't feel satisfied after sex with Szyael Aporro and so he kept going back for more and more, hoping that he'd get satisfied. But it was never any fucking use. Grimmjow knew that there was only one person who could satisfy him now. Someone he could never have again because the stubborn little fucker was too busy pretending he didn't exist.

Grimmjow growled in frustration, knowing there was no re-bottling these feelings now that he'd let them out. He'd sought out Ulquiorra for sex because he was attractive, powerful and dangerous. There had been nothing beyond physical attraction and the rush of taking such a risk. But it was beyond that now. He hated how Ulquiorra could ignore him so easily when all Grimmjow ever thought about was him; what he was doing, why he'd suddenly cancelled their arrangement, why he acted as if Grimmjow was either non-existent or some very annoying chore. He hated how he thought of Ulquiorra when he was fucking Szyael Aporro. He hated how it was never the same…

"I can trust you with this, can I not?" Grimmjow was jerked from his thoughts as Aizen's voice carried over to him. He moved forwards slowly until the egotistic bastard was in view, talking to… something in Grimmjow's chest did a back flip as his eyes landed on Ulquiorra.

"Yes, Aizen-sama."

"Good." Aizen cupped Ulquiorra's face with one hand and Grimmjow let out a low hiss. "It is good to know I have you to trust with such important matters." He held Ulquiorra for a moment longer before smirking and retreating. Ulquiorra said nothing, watching the man go with the same emotionless look he gave everything in life.

Grimmjow scowled, stomping forwards before he even realised what he was doing.

"What the fuck was that?" Grimmjow snapped. Ulquiorra's eyes snapped to him for the first time since he'd been forced to tell him Aizen was looking for him two days ago. Those deep, penetrating emerald depths sent a shiver down Grimmjow's spine.


"What was Aizen doing to you?" he hissed, glaring at him accusingly. Ulquiorra looked back away from Grimmjow.

"We were just talking."

"Talking? He doesn't need to touch your face to talk!" Grimmjow snapped, grabbing Ulquiorra's shoulder and wrenching him sideways. "I'll give you this, you've certainly traded up."

"I have no idea what you're on about." Ulquiorra muttered smoothly before giving Grimmjow's hand a look which clearly suggested he would not have it much longer if it continued grabbing him.

"Dammit, stop this shit Lukki!" Ulquiorra visibly flinched before jerking out of Grimmjow's grasp.

"Enough." He murmured, before turning and walking away.

"Fuck…" Grimmjow cussed, clenching his fists at his sides. He watched each step Ulquiorra took away from him and a growing sense of dread spread through him. "Oh fuck it… I miss you!" he called. Ulquiorra stopped dead but didn't turn. Grimmjow took in a deep breath, wondering how on earth he could brush off such a stupid fucking remark. He couldn't possibly compete with Aizen if they really were as… touchy feely as Grimmjow had seen.

"Don't lie to me." Ulquiorra muttered and Grimmjow only just heard it. He moved forwards before continuing.

"It's not a lie."

"If you miss me so much why are you sleeping with Szyael Aporro?" Grimmjow blinked. How the hell did he know that? "Is he not sating you any more? Thought you would come to try your luck with me again, did you? Well you're wasting your time."

"Oh what, so you'll be Aizen's exclusive little whore but it's ok to sleep around when you're fucking me, is it?" Grimmjow snapped, only realising how stupid he'd sounded after it was too late. Ulquiorra turned ever so slightly to glance at Grimmjow.

"Has Szyael Aporro never told you the truth of that, then?" Grimmjow frowned. "I lied. I have never slept with that madman. I have more taste." Grimmjow was both proud and annoyed by that. Proud because he was part of that 'better taste' and annoyed because Ulquiorra obviously meant it as a slur against him because he was fucking Szyael Aporro. He also felt strangely relieved.

"Why would you lie?" Ulquiorra paused.

"It doesn't matter. I have to go." Grimmjow scowled.

"Have to go warm the bed up for Aizen do you?"

"I am not sleeping with Aizen-sama."

"Bullshit. I've had tons of meetings with that pompous twat and he's never stroked my face." Ulquiorra remained annoyingly silent. Grimmjow sighed, knowing this wasn't going anywhere fast. He wondered if he had it in him to keep trying. Grimmjow didn't do this chasing shit and he was pretty damn sure his pride wouldn't stand up to a refusal. "If you're not fucking him then what was that about?"

"A mission to the human world. I cannot discuss it. Is there anything else or can I leave?" Grimmjow placed his hand back on Ulquiorra's shoulder, gently this time.

"I lied too, you know. I guess I should tell you since you 'fessed up." Ulquiorra froze under his hand, becoming hard as marble. Grimmjow didn't know whether it was a good sign or a sign that he should remove his hand and run for it. "I didn't sleep with any of the people I said I did. It was to get back at you for Szyael Aporro, which I guess was your fault for lying in the first place."

"My fault." Ulquiorra repeated in a low, dangerous tone. Grimmjow's hand on his shoulder twitched nervously. The next three seconds went by in slow motion as Ulquiorra whirled around, grabbed the offending hand and threw Grimmjow bodily to the floor before jumping on top of him with a cero aimed straight at Grimmjow's face. "My fault!?" Ulquiorra roared and Grimmjow could just barely see the look of pure rage emanating through the green light of the cero. "You think this is my fault?! This is your fault! Everything is your fault! Why couldn't you have just left me alone?!" a violent tremble shook Ulquiorra and his cero flickered dangerously. Grimmjow was in a shocked silence. He'd never seen such emotion from Ulquiorra. It was hot, his completely inappropriate mind mused. "I hate you! I wish you had never come into being!" Grimmjow blinked three times rapidly, staring up into Ulquiorra's angry green eyes. "SAY something!" the smaller Espada yelled and his unstable cero pulsed dangerously closer to Grimmjow's nose.

"G,get that fucking thing outta my face." He managed. Ulquiorra glowered down at him and another violent pulse brought the orb of light even closer to Grimmjow. "Lukki!" Grimmjow snapped and the cero instantly disappeared. Ulquiorra stayed perfectly still, a blank look on his face as his fingers pointed uselessly down at Grimmjow.

Grimmjow breathed a sigh of relief and edged up slowly until he was face to face with Ulquiorra. His lips were parted slightly in shock and Grimmjow had to fight the urge to kiss him – he doubted that would go down very well. During Ulquiorra's rant, something had finally clicked in Grimmjow's mind.

Ulquiorra had feelings for him. The hardest, coldest and most dispassionate Espada in Aizen's army had real feelings for him. That was why Ulquiorra lied about Szyael Aporro. That was why he'd called off their arrangement when Grimmjow said he'd been sleeping around. It was almost laughable – in an 'if you ever made a joke of it, Ulquiorra would kill you' kind of way. Grimmjow let out a soft chuckle and leaned forwards, wrapping his arms around Ulquiorra. Ulquiorra, if possible, went even stiffer.

"Do you want to lose these arms?" he murmured. Grimmjow nuzzled the smaller Espada's neck and felt him shudder. He sighed, wondering if it was possible to catch emotions. He certainly didn't have these feelings – or even the ability to feel them – before Ulquiorra.

"This is the only time you'll ever hear me say this. I'm sorry. For everything."

"…You needn't be sorry. It's not in you to be loyal. You're like a wild animal."

"True." Grimmjow murmured. "But I could give it a damn good try if you want." Ulquiorra pulled back slightly, fixing Grimmjow with a curious stare.

"What?" Grimmjow shrugged.

"I've never wanted anyone like I want you. You're something else. If anything, this time apart made it clear." Ulquiorra's expression, which had been softening slightly, returned to its previous annoyed glare.

"So I was right. You slept with Szyael Aporro and didn't like it as much."

"Well… yeah…" Ulquiorra started moving away. Grimmjow cussed and tightened his grip. "Oi, listen! It's not like that. I've only been sleeping with him for a few days because I got sick of moping around missing you and it didn't work anyway. I just thought of you the whole time and even then I didn't enjoy it as much. He's not you. No one can replace you. So well done… you've successfully tamed me."

"Tamed…" Ulquiorra murmured. "I don't think you could ever be tamed."

"There's just no pleasing you is there?" Grimmjow muttered, scowling. Ulquiorra considered him for what felt like an eternity.

"We'll see." He said before leaning forwards and capturing Grimmjow's surprised lips with his own. Grimmjow felt like his body had melted and then been set on fire and he wondered how Ulquiorra could possibly accomplish that with a simple kiss. He moaned, tongue darting out to ravage Ulquiorra's waiting mouth. Fuck, it had been too long… his lips left Ulquiorra's to travel down his jaw and neck.

Ulquiorra's hands ghosted up Grimmjow's body and splayed on his chest, head tilting submissively to give his lips better access. Grimmjow moved one hand up to cup Ulquiorra's face as he nipped and sucked at his lover's pure white skin and the smaller Espada moaned, his fists curling in the material of Grimmjow's jacket and pulling until Grimmjow was hovering over Ulquiorra. Grimmjow smirked into Ulquiorra's neck and thrust down hard with his hips, grinding their growing erections together. Ulquiorra let out a small gasp and seemed to melt and Grimmjow sat back to admire the smaller Espada.

Ulquiorra was fucking gorgeous. Strong, powerful, beautiful and all his. Forever, if he could keep his cock to himself.

Ulquiorra bucked up impatiently and Grimmjow nearly purred. Oh, he could definitely keep it to himself. He ripped Ulquiorra's jacket away and threw it somewhere behind him before attacking the exposed skin with his teeth and tongue, slowly reducing Ulquiorra to a writhing mess, completely undone and muttering wonderful, wonderful suggestions under his breath that made Grimmjow shiver with anticipation.

He had no idea how he made it out of his own clothes or what happened to the rest of Ulquiorra's. The next thing he was aware of was that his hand was clasped around their joined cocks, pumping hard and sending delicious waves of pleasure through them both. Ulquiorra's eyes were half-lidded in pleasure and he was bucking up erotically, destroying any hopes of a rhythm but the scene was too hot for Grimmjow to give a damn. Grimmjow noticed through his lust-filled haze that Ulquiorra was fisting the fake grass beneath him, pulling out large clumps. He grinned. Ulquiorra was gonna have his arse handed to him by Aizen later. His hand left their cocks and Ulquiorra moaned in annoyance and loss. Grimmjow smirked as he lowered himself down between Ulquiorra's legs, tongue venturing out to lap at his lover's head whilst his fingers got to work on his beautifully tight entrance.

Ulquiorra gasped as the first finger entered him, obviously caught between the desire to thrust up into Grimmjow's mouth or down onto his fingers. Grimmjow made the decision easier for him by setting up a furious pace, sucking him off relentlessly as another of his fingers joined the first to thrust up hard into Ulquiorra.

"Oh god…" Ulquiorra murmured shakily. He gasped and mewled and bucked and lost himself in the moment and Grimmjow drank in the scene hungrily.

Ulquiorra's hands left the decimated grass to fist Grimmjow's messy hair instead. He yanked hard and Grimmjow growled in annoyance but complied, hands and mouth leaving their places as he moved up to claim Ulquiorra's lips once more, cock brushing tantalisingly close to his lover's entrance.

"Ready?" Grimmjow asked, past really caring about the answer. Ulquiorra's exasperated look made him laugh; he knew Grimmjow well.

Grimmjow thrust up hard into Ulquiorra and hissed as his cock was engulfed in the tight heat of his lover's arse. Fuck, he'd missed this. How could he ever have jeopardised this? This feeling was as close to heaven as he was ever getting. Ulquiorra's erotic slur of suggestions was back and Grimmjow had to pause to stop himself from coming right then and there. He jerked up hard into Ulquiorra in an effort to shut him up but it only made him moan louder, sending Grimmjow into overdrive.

Grimmjow kept up a deliciously fast pace with Ulquiorra slamming down to meet his thrusts, hands once again clawing at the grass and eyes screwed tightly shut as a litany of the sexiest noises Grimmjow had ever heard issued from his throat. Grimmjow felt his release building and he watched Ulquiorra for the last few moments possible before grabbing his cock and pumping hard. Ulquiorra's eyes met his, fuzzy green and lust-filled blue and Grimmjow felt an odd twinge of something in his chest.

"Lukki, scream…" he hissed before quickening their pace until his hips were crying out in protest. Ulquiorra looked away as pleasure tipped him over the edge and he came screaming Grimmjow's name. Grimmjow followed moments later, riding out the last waves of orgasm inside his lover's body before collapsing beside him, gasping for air.

"Holy shit…" he managed, watching the muscles in Ulquiorra's amazing body as he breathed in and out, panting lightly. He felt completely spent and utterly satisfied for the first time in weeks.

A strange sort of silence settled over them. They were too exhausted for it to be awkward, but it was too tense to be comfortable as their earlier argument and Grimmjow's declarations flew through both of their minds. After a while, Ulquiorra began to look uneasy.

"What you said before…" he murmured, "I don't expect…" Grimmjow cut him off with a very fake cough and dragged the naked Espada unceremoniously towards him until he was spooning Ulquiorra. He nuzzled the part of Ulquiorra's neck he could reach – damn mask remains – and smirked at his stillness.

"This mean I get to call you a whore in public?" he whispered. Ulquiorra relaxed in his arms and let out an exasperated sigh.

"If you no longer value living." Grimmjow pressed a kiss to his neck, grinning.

"How about 'Lukki'?"

"If you ever…" Grimmjow chuckled contentedly and tightened his grip on the smaller Espada, happy to listen to his lover's rants and slowly drift off to sleep.

He could definitely get used to this.

I'm sorry about the delay... my life's a bit hectic right now D: Hope you guys enjoyed it and please review! :)