Scream for Me

A couple of days ago I developed an odd obsession with Ulquiorra. This is the result of said obsession.


Grimmjow awoke that morning – if you could call any time 'morning' in Hueco Mundo – feeling very agitated. It was nothing new; he'd been feeling like this for the past four days.

Why? Because his little fuck toy was away on a mission. It left him sexually frustrated to the point where, if Ulquiorra didn't come back soon, Grimmjow would either have to start killing underlings or simply find another person to screw. He led in bed for a few moments, smirking at the thought of Ulquiorra's reaction to coming back and discovering he'd been replaced. He imagined the smaller Espada walking in on Grimmjow with his cock buried in someone else and he imagined a look of complete shock and sorrow on Ulquiorra's face.

Of course, the truth would probably be a lot less delicious. Ulquiorra would never show anything bordering that level of emotion. Grimmjow didn't know if Ulquiorra could even feel that much emotion. All he ever seemed to feel was irritation concealed under a cold mask of indifference. And sometimes anger. But it was an entirely different matter when they were fucking. It was thrilling to see Ulquiorra come undone at his hands.

Grimmjow stood up and stretched languidly, wondering if it was worth making Ulquiorra angry to sate his lust. It wasn't like they had any real commitments to each other, and Ulquiorra should know better than to expect him to abstain from sex as long as this. An 'indefinite amount of time' was far too long for Grimmjow to wait. Just what the hell was Ulquiorra doing anyway?

He stalked through the halls of Las Noches, sizing up the underlings who passed by him – both for fuckability and to kill. No one he passed was a patch on Ulquiorra. He ran a hand through his hair and made his way to the spacious training area located at the centre of Las Noches. Maybe he could just fight his sexual frustration out.

He found Szyael Aporro on his knees in front of some sort of machine, pulling apart wires and attaching them to circuit boards. Grimmjow raised a brow. Szyael Aporro was clearly as gay as the night was long. It oozed from every pore on his body.

"Oi Grantz, you a top or a bottom?" Grimmjow asked offhandedly. Szyael Aporro turned to give him a withering look.

"I'm busy, Grimmjow. Go bother someone else."

"What if I want to bother you?" Grimmjow asked, raising a brow.

"Then I suggest you try again when I won't blow your head off for interrupting my work." Szyael Aporro picked up a screwdriver and leaned into the machine.

"I think I'd quite like it if you blew my head." He heard an ominous scraping sound as Szyael Aporro jolted at the comment. He let out a high pitched noise and rounded on Grimmjow, amber eyes blazing.

"Look at what you made me do!" Grimmjow had no idea what he'd made Szyael Aporro do, but it clearly had something to do with the large chunk of circuit board currently dangling from the end of his screwdriver.

"Want to punish me?" Grimmjow asked silkily and Szyael Aporro twitched angrily.

"Out. Get out."

"Jerk." Grimmjow muttered to himself as he stomped off in a random direction. He passed more underlings, glaring at each of them in turn and sending them scuttling away. It would usually have made him smirk, but today he was too annoyed. He was at the end of his tether. People were going to die.

Grimmjow blinked, stopping dead as Nnoitra came strutting in his direction. What the…?

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Grimmjow asked. Nnoitra glowered at him.

"I have every right to be wherever I want."

"But you were on a mission with Ulquiorra." Grimmjow tried to keep the excited smirk off his face.

"Don't remind me. That little creep is fuckin' weird." Nnoitra shivered. "Gives me the creeps to be around him for too long and I bet Aizen-sama knew it when he paired me with him!"

"Ulquiorra's back too then?" Grimmjow asked, his face adopting a predatory look. Nnoitra frowned.

"Of course he is. He went up to his room… oi!" Grimmjow heard the annoyed quinto Espada's yells but paid no attention as he plummeted back through the halls of Las Noches. Little bastard must have been hiding his reiatsu, Grimmjow thought. He'd beat the hell out of Ulquiorra for that – after he fucked him senseless.

Grimmjow found Ulquiorra near his room, talking with one of Szyael Aporro's Fraccion.

"No, ask someone else. I want to rest."

"Sir, Szyael Aporro-sama was very insistent…"

"Tell him to find another test subject." Ulquiorra murmured. The Arrancar quailed under Ulquiorra's stare and nodded before walking away.

Grimmjow bared his teeth in a predatory smirk and flared his reiatsu. Ulquiorra froze in place as Grimmjow advanced on him until he was so close that his breath skated over Ulquiorra's flesh.

"Hiding from me?"

"I'm tired, Grimmjow." Ulquiorra said firmly. Grimmjow chuckled. He grasped the smaller Espada's shoulders and shoved him roughly against the wall face first. Ulquiorra grunted, but made no move to retaliate. Grimmjow felt his heart race with anticipation. He ground his hips into Ulquiorra's arse and let out a purr.

"Damn, I missed you Lukki."

"I have asked you not to call me by the ridiculous name." Grimmjow smirked. He ran his tongue along the smooth skin of his lover's neck, delighting in the tiny shiver it elicited from Ulquiorra.

"And I have asked you to scream like a bitch. We don't get everything we want now, do we?" Grimmjow whirled the Espada around and crushed their lips together aggressively, letting his hands slide down the body he knew oh so well.

Ulquiorra pushed him away roughly, a rare look of anger on his face.

"Are you insane? Someone might see this!"

"Like I care." Grimmjow hissed. "I'm so horny I nearly replaced you with Szyael Aporro." Ulquiorra blinked once, still as a statue.

"Szyael Aporro…" he repeated. Grimmjow bit back a laugh. It wasn't the horror and grief he'd pictured, but for Ulquiorra it was still a good reaction. So the little bastard cared after all.

"Yes." Grimmjow said, shrugging.

"That would have taken care of two of my problems simultaneously." The cyan haired Espada frowned.


"You and Szyael Aporro. I wouldn't have to worry about being accosted by you both constantly if you started pleasuring each other." Grimmjow felt his jaw drop.

"You're sleeping with him!?" he felt liquid rage rush through his veins as Ulquiorra stayed silent. He snarled, grabbing Ulquiorra's wrist and dragging him over to his own sleeping quarters. He shoved the smaller Espada unceremoniously inside and slammed the door shut before rounding on him once more. Ulquiorra was infuriatingly calm. "You fucking whore." Grimmjow hissed, but still Ulquiorra said nothing. He growled, taking both of Ulquiorra's wrists in one hand and pressing him into the wall. As their hips met, Grimmjow was surprised to find out Ulquiorra was hard. Very hard. He ground their hips together and purred at the delicious friction it created.


"That was half-arsed even for you." Grimmjow husked, claiming Ulquiorra's lips once more to quell any more resistance. His free hand slid down the delectable body, tearing open material as it went. Ulquiorra gasped into his mouth as Grimmjow pinched a nipple hard and he used the opportunity to plunder the smaller Espada's mouth, roving over the sensitive areas only he knew about…

Or did Szyael Aporro know them too?

Grimmjow felt a growl building inside him even as Ulquiorra started to melt under his ministrations. His mouth left Ulquiorra's to venture further south, licking and nipping a trail down the pale skin of his throat. He released Ulquiorra's hands and they immediately fell to his shoulders, pushing lightly to hurry Grimmjow's descent. Grimmjow fell to his knees infront of Ulquiorra and rubbed him through the material of his hakama. Ulquiorra shuddered visibly and Grimmjow looked up to see emerald eyes staring back at him, slightly unfocussed. Grimmjow yanked down the offending material and grabbed Ulquiorra's cock tightly, making the smaller Espada squirm.

"Who does this belong to?" Grimmjow hissed. Ulquiorra's eyes slid shut in pain as Grimmjow's grip tightened even more.

"If you think I'm going to- ah!" Ulquiorra looked horrified at his own weakness and the hands on Grimmjow's shoulders gripped him tightly. "You." Ulquiorra hissed. "You…" Grimmjow smirked and released his grip on Ulquiorra's cock, only to replace it with his tongue, which twirled sinfully around the tip, lapping at the precome there before running down the length. Grimmjow kept his eyes on Ulquiorra as his tongue made a return trip before he took his lover's cock into his mouth completely.

Ulquiorra's already strangled expression seemed to crumble and he cried out as his head tipped back wantonly, smacking against the wall though he didn't seem to notice. Grimmjow felt his cock twitch in anticipation. God, he loved this bit. There was no way that pink powder puff could make Ulquiorra come undone like this. He licked and sucked Ulquiorra's cock mercilessly, drawing a slurred string of gasps and profanities from the usually stoic Espada. The grip on Grimmjow's shoulders tightened and Ulquiorra started arching into his mouth. Grimmjow backed away with a devious smirk, delighting in the way his lover's face turned from euphoric to furious.

"You're not coming just yet, Lukki." Grimmjow purred. Ulquiorra glowered at the pet name but allowed Grimmjow to undress him and push him down on the bed. The sexta Espada drank in the gorgeous sight of Ulquiorra. Naked, panting, mussed and unfocussed and just begging to be fucked. He practically tore off his own clothes and pounced on Ulquiorra, grinding their erections together and placing kiss after kiss to the dazed Espada's lips. "You're mine." Grimmjow hissed, letting his hands trail over the ivory planes of Ulquiorra's body. He traced the number 4 on his chest and then repeated the action with his tongue before taking Ulquiorra's nipple into his mouth. Ulquiorra groaned and bucked up to drive their erections together again, which nearly sent Grimmjow over the edge right then and there. Ulquiorra never did that. Hell, he mostly acted like having sex was a pleasurable annoyance.

"God…" Grimmjow hissed. "Turn over." Ulquiorra complied, his movements shaky and uncoordinated. Grimmjow growled predatorily as Ulquiorra lay on his stomach, trembling with anticipation. He yanked his lover's hips up roughly and Ulquiorra got the message, supporting his own weight on his knees and elbows. "Fuck, you sexy fucking whore…" Grimmjow purred before his tongue darted out to attack Ulquiorra's entrance. His lover groaned and pushed back into the appendage and Grimmjow slapped him hard for the movement. "Wait." He hissed. Ulquiorra nodded blindly, face buried in Grimmjow's pillow.

Grimmjow continued his assault, swirling his tongue over the entrance before delving inside. Ulquiorra cried out and shuddered, obviously desperate to push back again. Grimmjow smirked and backed away. He noted the hand print on his lover's arse and chuckled before gripping those delicious hips once more and pulling them back. Ulquiorra cursed under his breath as the tip of Grimmjow's cock penetrated him.

"Shh." Grimmjow murmured and for once he resisted the urge to pound into the smaller Espada. He thrust in gently, giving Ulquiorra time to get used to the feeling. He'd show he was a better lover than Szyael-fucking-Aporro could ever be! Ulquiorra's head lifted up and he turned to give Grimmjow a questioning look. Grimmjow just smirked at him and thrust in again gently. It was slowly driving him crazy, but he refused to give in to his urges.

Once he was fully sheathed in Ulquiorra's heat, he took a shuddering breath.

"You alright?" he grunted. Ulquiorra just nodded fervently, head once again buried in the pillow. "Thank fuck for that." He hissed before pulling out of Ulquiorra and ramming back in.

"Ah!" the smaller Espada gasped and fisted the sheets as Grimmjow fucked him hard, driving into him with bruising force.

"Oh god…" Grimmjow murmured, eyes falling shut as he angled his cock to hit Ulquiorra's sweet spot. The body under him convulsed violently and his lover moaned, pushing back to meet Grimmjow's thrusts. Grimmjow was shocked into stillness for a moment but Ulquiorra kept moving, fucking himself on Grimmjow's cock.

"Fucking hell…" Grimmjow purred, eyes wide with disbelief. It was the hottest thing he'd ever fucking seen! He paused to watch Ulquiorra for a few more thrusts before driving into him again, feeling himself nearing the edge. He reached around Ulquiorra and pumped his neglected cock, reaching up to his lover's ear. "Scream for me." He husked, nipping the Espada's lobe. Ulquiorra shook again and arched down into his hand.

"No… n,no…. ahhh!!!" Ulquiorra screamed, unable to stop himself. He came hard all over Grimmjow's bed just as Grimmjow released his seed into Ulquiorra, panting hard.

For a moment, they were both silent, both exhausted. Ulquiorra was internally writhing with embarrassment and Grimmjow was dancing in joy. He'd screamed. Really fucking screamed. Take that, Szyael Aporro! He pulled out of Ulquiorra and sat back on his haunches as his lover turned to face him. Grimmjow grinned, waiting for the tirade that always followed their sex sessions.

"You tell anyone about this…"

"I won't."

"You ever call me a whore in public…"

"I won't"

"You ever have sex with Szyael Aporro…" Grimmjow frowned. That was a new one. He felt anger building inside him, totally killing his post-sex buzz.

"Bit hypocritical today aren't we? You're the one shagging him behind my back."

"You don't own me." Ulquiorra said, slipping back into his cold mask of indifference. Grimmjow growled.

"I fucking do."

"No, you don't. You're able to have sex with other people, and so am I." Grimmjow scowled. The bastard had a point.

"Fine." Grimmjow hissed. "Fine." Before he could say anything else, there was a knock on the door. Grimmjow cursed under his breath. He crossed the room, not bothering to put anything on and wrenched open the door, making sure to obscure Ulquiorra from view.

He had to try very hard not to fire ceros at the Espada he found at his door.

"Grantz." He muttered. Szyael Aporro gave him a seductive smirk.

"I've finished fixing my machine, even though Ulquiorra refused to help me with it." Even Ulquiorra's name on Szyael Aporro's lips was infuriating.

"And?" Grimmjow snapped.

"And I have another little machine in my room. A very different machine that I've been wanting to try out." Szyael Aporro moved forwards and whispered exactly what the machine did into Grimmjow's ear before nipping playfully at it and retreating. Grimmjow's jaw dropped. He felt himself growing hard and cursed not putting any clothes on. Szyael Aporro's eyes flitted down to the appendage and licked his lips. "I believe you said something earlier about me blowing your head?" Grimmjow stuttered stupidly for a moment, completely caught off guard by the very erotic images whizzing through his mind.

He was suddenly wrenched backwards and Ulquiorra took his place at the door, fixing Szyael Aporro with his usual frown.

"He's busy right now." Ulquiorra murmured before slamming the door in a dumbfounded Szyael Aporro's face. Grimmjow blinked, as shocked as the pink haired Espada. Ulquiorra turned to him and glowered.

"…W,what the hell?" Grimmjow managed finally. "After all this time threatening my life if I ever told anyone I was shagging you… and you just saunter up naked to Grantz and fucking announce it!?" Ulquiorra crossed his arms over his chest defensively.

"If it bothers you so much, go after him." Grimmjow paused, letting his eyes trail over Ulquiorra's form, from his hair sticking out at odd angles, to the bites on his neck, to the bruises already forming on his hips and the glistening trail of come on his leg. Grimmjow felt his body burst into flames. Very aroused flames. He advanced on the smaller Espada and claimed his lips again, hands cupping Ulquiorra's face.

"No," Grimmjow whispered against Ulquiorra's lips. "I think I'll stay here." Grimmjow could have sworn he heard Ulquiorra breathe a tiny sigh of relief, but was too preoccupied with pulling his lover back to bed to care.

Hope you enjoyed it!

In case I didn't make it as obvious as I'd hoped to, Ulquiorra didn't sleep with Szyael Aporro. He was jealous and annoyed and wanted to get back at Grimmjow. I think it worked out very nicely for him ;)