Author Note: I fear my spelling has only gotten worse since I last wrote :/
So I decided to re-write this, because I checked over the original the other day and was appalled at what I saw. The structure is awful and so is the formatting. I think it was kinda rushed and unrealistic. So here we go!
Sort-of important note: I've only read the first 2 volumes in the series.
That was lame.
WARNING: Language will probably be erm... worse.
Kiss With A Fist (Re-write!)
Tohru's POV
I stood outside the room, leaning against the door.I didn't need to listen hard because it's occupants were shouting angrily.
"I'll beat you one day, you damn rat!" Kyo yelled angrily. "I won't drop my guard until I do"
"You idiotic cat, can't you see that not everything in life is about beating people, and trying to become strong?" I heard Yuki reply almost sadly.
By now, I was getting sick of their constant fighting, and I was sure Shigure was getting tired of it too. I didn't say anything about it, I wouldn't want to make a fuss. They were gracious enough to let me stay here, so I can't really complain.
I wished with all my heart they could see past their differences and become friends. They really would be happy then. But I knew that Yuki was stubborn, and Kyo was even worse.
Straightening up, I carried on down the hall as the shouting got even louder, now accompanied by the sound of smashing wood.
Shigure sat in his study, trying to concentrate on his writing, but finding it hard with the loud noises coming from the room above him. He ventured upstairs to find Kyo laying on the floor and Yuki on the other side of the room glaring at him. There was another emotion in his eyes apart from hatred, one rather hard to define, it was almost like... remorse? Sadness?
Kyo stood up, ready to continue fighting but Shigure stopped him. "No more arguing or demolishing the house of I'll have to put your two in cells," He joked. "No, seriously you two, can't you give it a rest, you're constantly fighting and arguing"
"He's the one that always starts it. He's always trying to beat me, but he never will so he should just give up" Yuki answered, smirking.
"FUCK YOU!" Kyo half-screamed before jumping out of the window and disappearing into the woods.
"I hate it when he flips out like this." Shigure sighed.
"Well he is always trying to beat me, I never start the fights,"Yuki answered honestly.
"True, but anyone can see that he's only angry and himself, if he carries on like this he's going to become consumed by his rage and sadness"
Shigure answered. You will too, he silently thought. He sighed and went downstairs. They should really try to be friends, he thought, it's just adding to their unhappiness. He needed to come up with a plan to make them see that the other wasn't as bad as the other thought.
Tohru stood in the kitchen, trying to decide what to cook for dinner. 'God, Kyo's such a fussy eater,' She thought to herself.
"Oh Tohruuuuuuu!" Shigure called, waltzing into the kitchen. "I need your help with something"
"Help? With what?" She asked, curious.
"Well, I think you'll agree with me when I say that Kyo and Yuki's arguing has gone on for far too long. So I need your help to come up with a sneaky and subtle plan to make them see past their differences," He said cheerfully, with a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Well, I have noticed that their arguing has become more frequent, and they have been smashing al lot more furniture" She said slowly, afraid to say something that could offend.
"EXACTLY, and I need so come up with a way to stop it before I go bankrupt"
"Well... Their anger is always directed at each other, so many you could get them to be angry about something else, and somehow get them to be alone together. Who knows? Maybe they'll unite it their anger" She said slowly, thinking.
"Good idea, why didn't I think of something like that?" He asked himself. His eyes lit up as he came up with a plan. "How about..." He leant down and whispered in her ear.
"Perfect" She said, wearing a devilish smirk that was identical to his. "The Plan is decided, now all we need to do is to put it into action"