Punkish furball – Howdy, yall!
Words to Ponder:
Thank you for reviewing: Shiori Mayonaka no Yume, Pissed Off Irish Chick, o0KittyBlue0o, KagomeAngel91, lovelyanimeangel, wolfkagome, Evil RULZ, Haru Inuzuka, DV Anime Productions, Lalala8121, blueflame87, kakashixangela, Stebba stud28, firestone1836, sexy midnight miko, hermonine, GoldenFoxAngel, Lozenger12, Kenjo, silverfox-175, WraithReaper, Minogaki TenTen, tinabug, Cherry989, ThEpPeNgUiNsArEoUtToGeTuS, (no name just a blank space), , LilChickenWings, ShadowYashi, kagome higurashi, The Time Has Come, REVOLUS, p00piehead. All feedback is appreciated! XD
So this chapter has the beginning of the Chiyo/Sakura vs. Sasori fight. Not one of my favorites for many obvious reasons, but it's important. I just wanted to get it over with so I can move on to more fun stuff! XD
I'd also like to take this time to promote Flawless Addiction, a Kagome crossover fan site. It's really cool and has forums, awards, contests and fic recommendations. So check it out and possibly join and talk with fellow readers and writers of Kagome crossover fiction! XD
Site URL: http (colon) / flawless (hyphen) addiction (dot) webs (dot) com
Chapter 2
"Feels good to leave the sands behind, un," Deidara said to his shorter partner. The desert night sky was high above them as the two Akatsuki members made their way towards Kawa no Kuni to meet their organization's other members and their leader. The jinchūriki was held securely in the tail of Deidara's clay bird that followed obediently above his creator.
"Keep moving. I don't like keeping people waiting," Sasori said not once faltering in his step.
"Yeah right. You're one to complain about making people wait. Who's fault was it that I all too so long anyway, un?" Deidara mentioned.
"We're both to blame for that," Sasori admitted without much thought. Deidara sighed as he glanced down as his partner who had his gaze fixed on the path ahead of them. He could tell that Sasori wasn't in the mood to converse with him.
"I suppose you're right," Deidara sighed and continued walking.
Once Deidara became silent, Sasori looked down and smoothed the grains of sand from Kagome's cheek while raking his fingers through her rich raven colored hair. He couldn't actually feel any of its softness or rich texture. The action was slightly therapeutic like tending to a beloved pet.
The cuts and bruises that Kagome obtained when she arrived in the desert sands weren't as serious as they appeared when Sasori first inspected her. In fact, the cuts seemed to be steadily stitching themselves together and her bruises were losing their blackish purple color and their swelling was reduced. Her injuries were slowly healing themselves. It seemed similar to the Mitotic Regeneration technique created by Tsunade, Orochimaru's old teammate from his days in Konohagakure. However, the girl in his arms could not form any hand signs in her unconscious state. It appeared that her chakra was acting subconsciously to heal her.
'A kekkei genkai maybe?' Sasori thought but that seemed unlikely. Sasori was certain that Kagome was not a kunoichi and, therefore, not a member of any clan with such a blood trait. He made a mental note to ask Kagome about this anomaly and about her heritage to answer any questions he had. Hopefully, the technique didn't remove poisons; Sasori didn't carry an excess amount of the sleeping agent he used. It would be troublesome if Kagome woke before they reached the Akatsuki hideout or during the sealing jutsu.
'The effects should last for three days like that of my normal poisons,' Sasori mused, 'She should at least be out until the sealing jutsu is completed. After returning to the main base, I can give her my full attention.' Although he boasted not feeling emotion is his puppet body, Sasori could not deny the feelings of anxiety and anticipation stirring within him at the thought of having her to his self.
"Sasori no danna, what has your attention? You've been so quiet," Deidara asked growing tired of the silence between them.
"Just keep moving," Sasori stated gruffly.
The two traveled on into the cool desert night until morning came and they left the sands for the heavily forested area surrounding their destination in Kawa no Kuni. The sun was in the middle of the sky when they finally reached one of the Akatsuki's hideout.
"At last we're here," Deidara muttered quietly with relief in his voice.
The two stood on a cliff looking down at a pool of water set aside from the river leading into a stone cavern. The large boulder was rolled in front of the cave's entrance just beyond the single red shinmei torii didn't seem like much, but concealed behind it was the core of the Akatsuki.
"Let's go," Sasori said.
Deidara and Sasori jumped onto the water's surface below them. Sasori held Kagome tight to keep her from jostling against him and causing too much discomfort. Deidara walked ahead of him and stood in front of the large stone blocking their entrance to the cave. After Deidara performed the necessary hand sign in front of the boulder, the paper seal on the boulder glowed bright red before the large rock rose into the air opening the entrance to the cave. They walked inside the cavern until the two reached the edge of the water. Just ahead of them was a flicking image of a man garbed in the same black cloak with white outlined red clouds as they wore. He turned to them, staring with his ripple patterned dōjutsu.
"You're late," he announced flatly and turned his back to them, "We must get ready at once."
"The jinchūriki proved to be more powerful than we expected," Deidara explained offering the excuse to his leader, but the man ignored it.
The entrance to the cave was sealed once more and Deidara's clay bird released the Shukaku host onto the ground before it disappeared in a puff of smoke. The Akatsuki leader, Pein as he was known to the organization, quickly performed the hand signs to summon the Demon Statue of the Outer Path in order to extract the Shukaku. Deidara and Sasori both removed their straw hats and stepped closer to the large stone statue appearing at the rear of the cave.
"Now let everyone gather," Pein called out once the statue had fully appeared. The other Akatsuki members began to appear in a flickering image each standing on a finger of the statue. Deidara and Sasori jumped on their respective finger to join their fellow organization members. Pein was the last to take his place leaving only one digit on the statue unoccupied.
"Alright. Shall we begin?" Pein said, "It will take three days and nights to fully remove the Shukaku's chakra and seal it. Stay aware of your physical selves during the sealing. Zetsu-san, have your physical body stand guard outside. Use the one with the greatest range. Understood?"
"I know," Zetsu, the golden eyed image, said with little emotion in his voice.
"Only three days?" the tallest Akatsuki member image, Kisame, questioned, "Isn't it possible it might take longer than that since we don't have Orochimaru-san with us?"
"All the more reason to get started at once," Pein reiterated. The other members readily voiced their agreement.
Sasori said nothing in favor of turning his attention to the precious bundle in his arms. Although the sleeping agent would keep her unconscious, three days was a long time for the human body to be without food or water. Kagome's body lacked the training to deal with such hardships. Sasori would be very irritated if she died as soon as he acquired her.
'This should let her hold on for the duration of the jutsu,' Sasori thought.
Sasori pulled a single Military Rations Pill from the folds of his robe. Using his fingers, he pushed Kagome's lips open and placed the pill in her mouth. He rubbed her throat to ease it down her esophagus. For once, Sasori was glad for Deidara's mortality and poor planning skills. He didn't normally carry these ration pills with his normal battle equipment (seeing as they were useless to him), but his hot-headed partner was far too proud to stop for resting. He couldn't have the boy collapsing on him.
"Sealing Jutsu: Nine Phantom Dragons!" Pein shouted, his eyes shifting to the others in the room.
The Akatsuki members began the sealing technique causing the bit in the mouth of the Outer Path Statue to fall out of its mouth. Each member concentrated and used their chakra, causing the kanji of their rings to appear on the nail of the finger they were standing on one by one until each nail was illuminated. Nine dragon-like effigies poured from the statue's mouth and surrounded the captured host progressively removing the tailed beast from him. Each member stood diligently in their spot without breaking their concentration. Shukaku's chakra was slowly drained from the Godaime Kazekage's body.
The three Feudal warriors looked at the empty patch of ground were their friend and companion just stood. In a bright flash of light, she had completely vanished leaving no traces behind. None of them say a word while their minds fought to comprehend what had just transpired. Shippo had quickly retreated inside with a face full of tears.
"What the hell happened to her?" InuYasha shouted, breaking the silence, "She just up and vanished into thin air!"
"I don't know," Miroku whispered and knelt on the ground to inspect the area, "Perhaps this was also the doll's doing." Sango joined him looking for any clue to where Kagome had gone.
"I told her to get rid of that freaking thing!" InuYasha ranted loudly with his fists shaking in rage, "What the fuck are we supposed to do now? How the hell are we supposed to get her back?"
"Calm down," Miroku reassured the hanyou, "We won't resolve anything if you continue to over react like this." As usual, InuYasha didn't listen to Miroku's calm words and his rash behavior began to escalate.
"Bullshit!" InuYasha shouted, "If we got rid of it like I wanted to we wouldn't be in this mess!"
Miroku sighed and made his way back into the hut with a quiet Sango following behind him. There was no getting through to InuYasha when he was like this. Even though he was only overly concerned for Kagome's well-being, this kind of behavior would not contribute to her safe return.
'Whoever or whatever possessed the wooden doll performed some kind of remote transportation technique. Possibly transporting her to where it is,' Miroku mused. Although the situation was less than ideal, Miroku was sure Kagome would be relatively unharmed. The possessed figure was quite attached to her and hopefully the creator of it was as well.
'Hang on as long as you can. We will come for you,' Miroku thought with ironclad resolve.
"Our location has been discovered," Zetsu alerted the other occupants of the cavern, "The enemy approaches."
Which enemy is that?" Pein asked.
"A very skilled and dangerous one," Zetsu answered, "His name is Maito Gai."
"Maito Gai? Who is he?" Pein asked at the mention of the unfamiliar name.
"An elite Leaf Shinobi and master of taijutsu," Itachi answered, his eyes aglow with his Sharingan, "Don't underestimate him."
"Ah that strange 'beast' again," Kisame commented with a slight chuckle in his tone as he remembered the last meeting he had with the Leaf nin.
"We'll use that jutsu against him," Pein instructed his subordinates.
"I'll go," Hidan, a flickering image with distinct purple eyes, said, "Let me take care of him. It'll give me a chance to make up for failing to find my jinchūriki target."
"No, leave him to me," Kisame insisted, "I know him and I have a score to settle."
"Yes," Pein said, "because of your immense chakra levels, you are the most suitable to employ the jutsu. Very well, Kisame-san."
"Excellent," Kisame said with a grin, his sharp teeth showing he was obviously pleased with Pein's decision.
"I'll need thirty percent of your chakra here," Pein reminded the former Mist nin, who complied with the order.
Sasori relaxed at Pein's instructions; he expected the leader to send Deidara or himself to take care of the intruders. He was in no condition to ward off intruders using a portion of his chakra for Pein's shape shifting technique while concentrating on removing Shukaku's chakra and tending to Kagome in her unconscious state.
"More intruders," Zetsu informed.
"I see," Pein said darkly and turned his attention to Deidara, "You didn't cover your tracks well, did you Deidara-san?"
"Well," Deidara began, "as I said before, the jinchūriki proved more powerful than we expected, un."
"You're a bumbler and a fool," Sasori said not missing the chance to taunt and criticize his junior, "Your methods are too crude for any sort of secret operation."
"Crude, un?" Deidara shouted in protest at Sasori, "Those clumsy traps of yours were anything but subtle my friend!"
"Why you—" Sasori began but Pein cut him off.
"Stop bickering amongst yourselves!" he ordered with finality in is tone, "Focus on the jutsu. Now who to send this time?"
"Me! This time it must be me!" Hidan insisted eager for the chance to shed blood.
"This time it should be a Leaf shinobi," Zetsu suggested and looked in Itachi's direction. The former Leaf nin was silent.
"Very well. It's decided then," Pein said leaving no room for argument.
The extraction of Shukaku continued with the red chakra from the Kazekage's orifices into the mother of the Outer Path Statue. An eye on the statue gradually opened.
"So what do you think?" Miroku asked the older priestess. After entering the hut, he led Kaede to the area where Kagome last stood. There were no indicating marks that she was there visible to the human eye. He hoped that there were at least some spiritual markers that were left behind. Kaede was kneeling by the place where Kagome stood running her hands over the earth slowly.
"There are no traces," Kaede answered in a solemn voice and withdrew her hand from the ground. Miroku reached down and helped the older woman stand.
"But a powerful technique should have left something behind," Miroku muttered, looking at the spot his friend had disappeared from.
"I know of very few transportation techniques and none of them are as powerful as this one seems to be," Kaede explained, "It is possible that this technique did not expend any spiritual energy. Perhaps Mushin-san will be able to shed more light on the situation than I."
"Perhaps," Miroku sighed and walked back inside the hut where InuYasha and Sango waited with Kaede behind him, "He has many scrolls at his disposal that might provide a solution to our problem. We'll have to leave immediately."
"But what about Kirara?" Sango protested, "All of us won't be able to travel quickly without her. It'll take too long if we all go on foot!" The nekomata mewed weakly and Sango tenderly ran her fingers over her fur.
"You can stay here until she recovers," Miroku answered, "Someone will have to remain here with Kaede-sama and watch for any abnormalities."
"Right," Sango reluctantly agreed.
"What about me?" Shippo protested. He had calmed his crying but his eyes were bloodshot.
"You can stay here as well," Miroku suggesting gently, "Kagome-sama will want to see as many friendly faces as possible when she returns." Shippo nodded his head vigorously and rushed outside most likely to keep watch for any signs of Kagome outside.
"So when the hell do we leave?" InuYasha shouted becoming even more impatient.
"Immediately," Miroku answered and mentally sighed. This was going to be a long trip.
"Hmm," Pein mused, "It's getting noisy out there." Though the words couldn't be heard, there was definitely a lot of planning going on beyond the boulder blocking the entrance to the cavern. The three day jutsu had drawn to a close. The Shukaku was secured in the Outer Path Statue and the Kazekage laid lifeless on the ground.
"Seems like we have some expected visitors," Kisame murmured, eyes shirting to the entrance of the cavern.
"But which group is it, un?" Deidara thought out loud, "The one Kisame-san was stalling? Or perhaps—"
"It's both groups," Zetsu clarified, cutting of what Deidara was going to say, which earned him a glare from the blonde artist.
"They all arrived at the same time," Hidan said with a slight hint of mocking, "Interesting. But what a pain. They're too late."
"It seems one of them is a jinchūriki," Zetsu informed after taking in more information from the outside.
"Sasori-san, Deidara-san," Pein addressed the two shinobi, "Take care of our guests outside."
"Un, I had a feeling you'd say that," Deidara commented but didn't protest the order.
"But I want the jinchūriki alive," Pein said strongly as though that piece of information wasn't obvious.
Sasori fought the urge to sneer; he didn't want to waste any more time before he reached the main base. Kagome did not stir during the three day sealing, but the gentle rise and fall of her chest let him know that she was still alive. There were also no noticeable changes in her vital signs. The ration pill worked, but it will only last for a while longer.
'It's an inconvenience, but this shouldn't take long,' Sasori thought.
"Understood," Sasori uttered after he sorted his thoughts.
"Everyone else is dismissed," Pein announced the remainder of the group.
"Come on! Let's go!" Hidan shouted to his partner, Kakuzu. Despite his supposed immortality, he had always been impatient.
"Right," Kakuzu answered and both images flickered away. The other members followed suit.
"Well, I suppose we'll be going too," Kisame said and gestured towards his Uchiha partner.
"Itachi-san," Sasori called to the Uchiha before he and his partner could disappear, "This nine-tailed jinchūriki. What is it like?" Sasori scowled when Itachi was silent and didn't answer him immediately.
"Go on, tell him," Pein instructed. Itachi was silent for a few more moments before he answered the puppet master.
"He is the one who bursts in and barks first," Itachi answered.
"What do you mean?" Sasori demanded roughly.
"Doesn't he have any other identify characteristics other than barking?" Deidara questioned trying to pull more information from Itachi. The Uchiha stared at him with the Sharingan he so hated activated before disappearing in a flash. Kisame followed shortly after him.
"Guess not, un," Deidara groaned with a slight bitterness directed towards Itachi.
"The rest is up to you two," Pein remarked to the two remaining members.
"Not a problem, un," Deidara replied. Sasori nodded his head in agreement.
"I'll be waiting for your report," Pein demanded. With these final words, he disappeared leaving Sasori and Deidara alone in the cavern with the Kazekage's body. Deidara arrogantly took a seat on top of the dead body with Sasori positioned next to him.
"What's taking them so long, un?" Deidara remarked on the two shinobi teams that had appeared outside the cave, "I wish they would just hurry up and get in here." Sasori didn't comment causing Deidara to glance at his silent partner. He was definitely the quiet type, but it was relatively easy for the two of them to converse especially if it concerned something that made him angry. His current silence was a bit disturbing and annoying; it was as though Sasori was keeping something from the clay bomber. Deidara narrowed his eyes at that thought.
"Sasori no danna, what's the matter?" Deidara asked, "Normally, you don't like to be kept waiting, un."
"Yes," Sasori mused absently, "I hate it." Deidara frowned at the answer; something was preoccupying Sasori's thoughts.
'I wonder…' he thought before turning his attention back to the front of the cave.
Sasori's attention was partially on the female in his arms. Kagome's fingers began to twitch slightly and her eyebrows furrowed in her sleep as though she were dreaming of something unpleasant.
'She'll be waking soon,' Sasori thought.
The barrier ahead of the two Akatsuki shattered and four shinobi entered the cave. Indicated by the image on their forehead protectors, three of them were from the Konohagagure: an older male with silver hair probably the jōnin squadron leader, a pink haired kunoichi and a blond shinobi probably chūnin based on their age. The fourth member of the invading group was definitely a surprise, a retired kunoichi from Sunagakure.
'Chiyo-oba-san,' Sasori thought, immediately recognizing her face, 'Even you came for me.' She showed no outward signs that she recognized him, but Sasori knew better. Chiyo had seen Hiruko before.
"Finally," Deidara sighed with a slight hint of relief in his tone, "Well then, which of you is the jinchūriki?"
The only response to Deidara's question was the loud, erratic breathing of the blond shinobi. He trembled with rage and the whisker like marks on his cheeks grew more pronounced and erratic. His gaze was fixed on the dead Godaime Kazekage Deidara sat on.
"You …you bastards!" he shouted, "I'll kill the both of you!" The pink haired kunoichi and the silver shinobi shifted their gaze towards their fellow Leaf nin. Both seemed surprised with his sudden outburst.
"The one who bursts in and starts barking," Sasori said, repeating Itachi's earlier words, "That would be him."
"Sasori no danna, I believe you are correct, un," Deidara quipped with a slight smirk. The others were confused and irritated about behind left out of the conversation. The blond jinchūriki more so than the others.
"You…bastard!" he cried again, "Where the hell do you think you're sitting?"
Sasori frowned in the jinchūriki's direction; he wasn't quite what he expected when he pictured him. He was being rather loud and obnoxious. Deidara seemed to make the same assessment although he was more amused than irritated. Gingerly, Sasori brushed Kagome's hair from her face, idly twirling a few raven strands between his fingers.
'At this rate, he'll wake her,' Sasori thought.
"Well that solves the mystery, this kid's the jinchūriki," Deidara exclaimed with excitement, "He barks first and the loudest. Seriously, Itachi-san was right on the money!"
"Gaara! What are you doing?" the blonde jinchūriki continued to shout, "Why are you just laying there? Get up! Gaara! Why won't you answer me?" He reached out his hands toward the dead jinchūriki's immobile body, but the silver shinobi stepped in front of him and barred his path with his outstretched arms.
"Enough, Naruto!" he said sternly, "You know full well…" The shinobi trailed off at the end of his statement, but his meaning was clear. The blond jinchūriki, Naruto, took several deep breaths and pulled his hands back to his sides.
"He's right and you know it too," Deidara grinned trying to antagonize the jinchūriki, "Your friend's been dead for a while now." He mockingly tapped his knuckles against the Godaime Kazekage's cold cheek.
"Give him back!" Naruto yelled and began charge for them, but the silver haired one ceased his assault once again.
'The boy is reckless,' Sasori thought, 'This should be easy.' He turned his attention back to Chiyo; the hag had yet to make any moves. Despite her age, taking her own would be the most difficult and time consuming fight. Sasori didn't have the patience to deal with that now.
"What is it, un?" Deidara asked, ignoring the shinobi team in front of them, "Something on your mind, Sasori no danna?"
"I'll hold on to him," Sasori informed while looking down at the dead jinchūriki, "Since it seems that the jinchūriki will stop at nothing to get him back."
'I can't count on Deidara to get things done quickly,' Sasori thought.
"That's putting it lightly," Deidara grumbled and began to chuckle nonchalantly.
"Well, Sasori no danna," Deidara began, "I know you don't wanna hear this, but I'll say it anyway. I'll be the one taking care of this jinchūriki, un."
"Look," Sasori replied, "Our quota was one a piece. Don't push your luck, Deidara-san."
"An artist must always seek even greater stimulation, un," Deidara informed his companion, "lest his senses go dull on him. Rumor has it the nine-tailed jinchūriki is pretty powerful. A canvas truly worthy of my artistry." Sasori scoffed in contempt; Deidara's conceit was more annoying than the loud jinchūriki.
"Those pyrotechnics of yours, art?" Sasori commented with disdain, "Art is a work of beauty. Captured and left for prosperity. Art is eternal beauty."
"Eternal beauty? Are you kidding me?" Deidara protested loudly, "Don't get me wrong, un. As a fellow artist, I respect your point of view, but true art is fleeting. A flash of beauty burning brightly than vanishing in a heartbeat."
"What did you say?" Sasori asked slowly, it was clear he did not share Deidara's opinions, "Apparently, Deidara-san, one of us doesn't understand what true art is."
"That would be you, my friend, un," Deidara replied.
"Nonsense," Sasori countered, "Eternal beauty constitutes real art."
"Don't be absurd, un. Real art only lasts a moment," Deidara responded.
The shinobi (at least the Leaf nin) was confused at the two Akatsuki members sudden dismissal of them for their conversation on art. Naruto, obviously furious that he and his team were being ignored, initiated an attack the quarrelling duo with a large shuriken. With little effort, Hiruko's tail deflected the air born weapon. The two carried on as though the attack didn't occur.
"Are you trying to make me angry?" Sasori growled at his partner.
"Hey easy!" Deidara protested, "I said you wouldn't want to hear it. Give me a break will ya?" Deidara sighed; the two of them always ended up in a similar conversation when they "discussed" their views on art.
"I don't need to remind you what happens when I get angry, do I?" Sasori warned with Hiruko's tail hovering dangerously close to Deidara, "Why don't you explain it to me again?" Deidara smirked and stood up from his seat. A small clay bird appeared in his palm and he dropped it on the ground.
"Art is one thing and one thing only. The explosion itself!" Deidara exclaimed. His creation grew in size with a large puff of smoke. It lowered its head and grasped the dead Kazekage in its beak.
"It isn't even in the same league as you grotesque puppet show," Deidara said with chuckle. He jumped into the air and mounted the clay bird before Hiruko's tail could strike him.
"See you around," Deidara grinned before he took the skies. He gave one final look to the blond jinchūriki before leaving the stone cavern behind. Sasori groaned when the blond jinchūriki turned his attention to Deidara and followed him as he took to the skies. The silver haired shinobi followed after him before instructed the pink haired kunoichi, Sakura he called her, and Chiyo to stay behind and take care of him.
'Perhaps it isn't a total loss,' Sasori thought when he released who his main opponent will be. He may not have initially wanted to take on Chiyo because of his time constraints, but there wasn't any harm in having a little fun.
'This may prove to be entertaining, but I can't keep you waiting for too long,' Sasori thought. He brushed his thumb across Kagome's lips causing the girl to let out a soft, sweet sound.
"The way I heard it, you retire a long time ago," Sasori said to Chiyo and ignored the girl situated so close to him for now. He didn't launch a direct attack yet; underestimated the hag now would be a big mistake and waste his time even more than waiting.
"I suddenly longed to see my grandson's face again," Chiyo stated although there were no fond emotions in her tone. The pink kunoichi trembled by Chiyo's side; it was clear she had few encounters with an opponent as skilled as Sasori.
"Sakura-chan, do not fear," Chiyo informed trying to sooth the kunoichi by her side, "I am here with you. You just step back now, dear." Sakura complied and slipped further behind the old woman but didn't drop her defensive stance. Chiyo withdrew several kunai from the sleeves of her robe with a pale blue chakra thread and launched an Assault Blade attack towards her grandson. Sasori quickly deflected each kunai with Hiruko's tail although he shredded his Akatsuki robes in the process. Hiruko's body was no longer concealed.
"If you insist on interfering with my mission, I guess I have no choice," Sasori sighed and lowered Hiruko's tail from his face, "How would you and the little brat like to be part of my collection, Obasan?"
"What is that thing?" Sakura asked the older kunoichi by her side. She had be skeptical at first, but after the robe had been removed, she was certain to no human body could look like the person before her.
"What you see is not Sasori's real body," Chiyo answered, "That's merely a puppet." Sakura cringed; Kankuro was the only puppet master she had seen fight and she didn't have any battle experience against one. This was going to be a tough opponent.
"Then where is his real body?" Sakura asked, "The puppet master has to be pulling the strings from somewhere, right?"
"His real body is inside that one," Chiyo answered again, "Puppet masters aren't good at direct hand to hand combat. Controlling their puppets leaves him wide open for attack. To overcome this weakness, Sasori crated this puppet serve as both his weapon and his armor."
Sakura visibly relaxed. There was a higher chance of their victory with the experienced Sand kunoichi fighting with her.
"But do you know how I prepare a new specimen for my collection?" Sasori questioned with his raspy voice cutting into the still air of the cavern, "First, I drain all the blood from the specimen's body. Then I remove all the organs and wash it inside out. Make it nice and clean. And then, after I have preserved the body against decay, the final step is to fill the body with hidden weapons. As the hag said, this one is Hiruko. He is one of the many specimens in my collection. After you and the girl, I will have collected exactly three hundred. This is my art!"
'He has that many puppets?' Sakura thought and cringed at the ghastly practice Sasori described.
"You call it art do you?" Chiyo remarked her tone full of contempt.
"What do you mean?" Sakura asked.
"When he lived in the Hidden Sand," Chiyo began, "Sasori was revered as a renowned puppet craftsman. However, his true passion was making puppets from living specimens and adding them to his collection. He calls this monstrous construct art. That puppet, Hiruko, he was a shinobi of a nearby village. Sasori turned him into what you see now. A puppet that retains the shell of its previous physical form, a human puppet."
"And the same fate awaits you," Sasori informed and raised Hiruko's iron tail, 'You will soon become works of art."
"This puppet is skilled in both offense and defense, deadly at both," Chiyo warned the pink kunoichi, "First thing to do is find a way to force Sasori out of there. In order to do that, we have to destroy Hiruko."
"Well we should be at an advantage right?" Sakura suggested, "You know all about that puppet, don't you."
"Not so," Chiyo said surprising Sakura, "This Hiruko is different than the one I remember."
"If that's so then why hasn't he launched an attack yet?" Sakura asked.
"Sasori may be powerful, but he is not reckless enough to make the first move against a more experienced opponent until he knows more about our strategy," Chiyo explained self-assuredly before explaining their plan of attack to Sakura, "Our main obstacle is that protective shell on his Hiruko's back. To destroy it would take monstrous amounts of strength that I simply do not possess. You do, Sakura-chan."
"What?" Sakura questioned.
"You wield the monstrous strength of Tsunade-sama herself," Chiyo stated, recalling the way the younger kunoichi shattered the Akatsuki's barrier, "You must somehow get close enough to break through Hiruko's defenses." Sakura nodded affirmatively; Chiyo had all the experience and expertise while she had youth and strength.
'There's no way that brat has the battle experience for this. Chiyo-oba-san is my true opponent. I had better be cautious,' Sasori thought while he watched the two kunoichi discuss their plain in hushed tones he could not hear. It was completely infuriating, but it was to his benefit to give them the first move.
"Alright, I'm ready when you are," Sakura exclaimed and she quickly drew a kunai from her pouch and slipped into an offensive stance with Chiyo following the motion at her side.
"Are you sure?" Sasori asked tauntingly, "It's about time. I hate to be kept waiting."
"No need to worry, Sasori," Chiyo stated in the same mocking tone of her grandson, "We'll end this quickly." Both kunoichi charged towards the puppet master. Sasori promptly removed the cloth covering Hiruko's mouth and unleashed a barrage of poison needles towards Chiyo and Sakura. Chiyo dodged each of them expertly as did Sakura much to Sasori's surprise, but the attack was not one of his strongest.
'They're not half bad,' Sasori had to admit, 'Seems like they anticipated that attack.'
Sasori launched a second attack that was much harder to avoid that his prior one. He detached Hiruko's left arm and set the appendage flaying across the stone cavern's floor emitting a fine purple mist. Wooden spears emitted from the detachment and each one released a shower of poison needles. Once again, they dodged every one.
'The hag I understand. But this brat? How could she anticipate my every move?' Sasori thought. He scoffed when Sakura began charging at him without Chiyo at her side. Sasori moved to the strike her with Hiruko's tail, but the attack stopped just short of her face. He noticed the faint blue chakra string attached to the metal tail.
'So it was her,' Sasori thought in realization.
"Sakura-chan, now!" Chiyo instructed.
"I got it!" Sakura shouted and raised her fists in front of her. Sasori knew there was no avoiding the Leaf nin's oncoming attack. The shell on Hiruko's back will slow down the attack and decrease the force of its impact so there shouldn't be any damage to the interior. However, this information did not stop Sasori from focusing on the precious cargo he held against his chest. Sasori pulled Kagome close to his chest and tucked her head underneath his chin before Sakura's fist connected with the puppet's back. He could see her eyelids twitch and her brows furrow even more than before.
'She'll be waking soon,' he thought with a scowl. He wanted Kagome conscious when he returned to the Akatsuki base, but it seemed she would awaken during this battle.
'No cure for it then,' he thought.
Hiruko's body shattered and Sasori quickly leapt from the debris and landed close by. Once he was on his feet, he stood to his full height. A black cloth worn over his body obscured himself and Kagome from the two kunoichi's sight.
"So you've finally come out, eh Sasori?" Chiyo addressed her grandson.
"So that's his real body," Sakura said taking a good look at the shinobi in front of them.
"Come now," Chiyo urged the obscured man, "It's been twenty years. Let me get a good look at you. I came all this way just to see you."
Sasori didn't answer and pulled one arm from underneath Kagome's body and flexed his fingers. Hiruko's head shot into the air and fired a barrage of poison needles at Sakura. Chiyo moved quickly and used her chakra strings to move the kunoichi from harm's way.
"So that's how you did," Sasori commented, "I would expect anything less form you, Obasan. That explains why this brat could dodge my attacks. You foresee my attacks and manipulate the girl's body with chakra treads you attached to her. You also attach threads to Hiruko's tail when you threw those kunai."
"Very good," Chiyo remarked at her grandson's assessment, "Even though I used the least bit of chakra to make the strings, you still detected them."
"But of course," Sasori said, "After all, it was you who taught me how to play with puppets."
"Indeed," Chiyo replied, "but unfortunately play time is over!"
"You don't know how right you are, Chiyo-oba-san," Sasori said and pulled the cloth from his body revealing himself and the raven haired girl in his arms. He darkly chuckled at their shocked faces. Chiyo's was the most entertaining.
"Chiyo-sama," Sakura asked, "Is that really his real body?" She looked over at the older woman and gasped at the unresponsive look on her face.
"How can this be?" Chiyo said softly in disbelief, "You look exactly the same. You haven't aged." Sakura turned her attention from Sasori to the girl in his arms. She didn't look like a kunoichi and was clothed like a civilian.
'Or maybe she's another weapon,' Sakura thought and narrowed her eyes.
"Chiyo-sama," Sakura called out, "that girl. Is she another puppet?" Chiyo regained her focus and turned her attention to limp girl in Sasori's arms and studied her closely. She focused on the slight but steady rise and fall of her chest.
"No, she's still alive," Chiyo said and narrowed her eyes accusingly at Sasori, "What have you done to her?"
"I acquired her a short time ago," Sasori explained with a smug look on his face, "I didn't anticipate keeping her throughout an entire battle, but as they say, 'Business before pleasure'. She's a magnificent beauty, isn't she?" Sasori smirked as he gently ran his fingers through Kagome's hair and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. He delighted at the way Chiyo sneered at him.
'Finally got under your skin, hag,' he thought. Sasori turned and placed Kagome's body against the wall of the cave in a sitting position. She moaned and resisted being set down but didn't awaken from her unconscious state. She would be safe from harm behind him not that his two opponents would purposely attack her.
"What's the matter, Chiyo-obasan?" he asked once he stood in front of the two kunoichi, "Are you so filled with emotion that you can't even speak?" Sasori pulled out a summoning scroll and the summoned a puppet to serve as his weapon.
"Don't you like it, obasan?" Sasori asked while proudly displaying the black haired, brown robed puppet, "He brings back fond memories, doesn't he? He's one of my favorites." Chiyo gasped when she recognized who this puppet once was before she clenched her wrinkled fists in anger.
"How day you betray your village by attacking the Kazekage for a their time?" Chiyo shouted.
"A third time?" Sakura asked.
"That puppet is the lost Sandaime Kazekage," Chiyo said angrily, "In addition to that and kidnapping Gaara, he also took part in the death of the Yondaime Kazekage." Sakura's eyes widened; that Kage's death occurred during the first Chūnin Exam she and the others participated in and was orchestrated by Orochimaru.
"I was not involved with that," Sasori clarified, "Although Orochimaru-san was affiliated with the Akatsuki and my former partner once before, he left our organization and acted of his own volition." He was surprised with the pink kunoichi grew cold and hardened and her fists clenched by her side.
"So you worked with Orochimaru," she stated with great malice and hatred in her voice, "That means you have all the answers I'm looking for."
"Sorry, but I hate to keep people waiting. I don't have time to listen to your petty questions," Sasori informed the pink kunoichi, "Not only do I have to capture the jinchūriki, I must see to that young woman over there. I haven't been able to tend to her properly and give her my full attention." Sakura slipped into an offensive position and Chiyo withdrew two summoning scrolls from her robes.
"Sakura-chan, we must defeat Sasori and recover the girl," Chiyo instructed. Sasori could tell the hag was determined she and her new charge would succeed.
"You really think it'll be that easy?" Sasori scoffed at their confidence, "I've been waiting a while to possess her and I won't be letting go that easily. Now shall we begin?"
punkish furball – So Kagome was unconscious for this chapter, but she will be awake in the next one! XD I'll try to update sooner; I already have an idea in mind for the next chapter and I got started on it. Until next time, L83R, DUD35!
(beta-ed 06.05.2011 by Yuki)