Disclaimer - Transformers (c) Hasbro




Prime stood in front of Prowl and Jazz, red optics narrowed angrily. "Prowl?" he asked softly.

"Yes, sir?"

"Were you aware that Sideswipe was going to help Bluestreak escape?"

"How could I be? I had only been an Autobot for a few hours. That is hardly enough time for me to even begin to learn your troops names, let alone how they think." Prowl pointed out.

Prime considered and nodded before turning to Jazz. "And you?" he bit out.

Jazz scoffed. "Like Siders woulda told meh anythin', Prime. He didn' trust meh an' we all know it. Ya'd be better off askin' Sunstreaker." he said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"Oh, don't worry, I will." Prime growled, a hint of steel hidden in the gravelly tones. "You two are dismissed."

Jazz and Prowl nodded before filing out of the room, Prowl moving around him to get to his office. Jazz smirked and followed him, tilting his helm as he watched the play of light against the doorwings on Prowl's back.

Prowl sat at his desk and looked up at Jazz briefly. "Is there something you need?"

"Yeah. Ya ta change yer optic color. It's unnervin' ta see blue optics when they're supposed ta be red." Jazz said, crossing his arms over his chassis.

"Do you have a problem with my optic color?" Prowl asked as he signed off on a datapad before looking back down.


"Then I shall endeavor to keep my blue optics as long as I can." Prowl said dryly. "I suspect there is another reason to this visit, aside from discussing my optics."

Jazz bent close to Prowl, their noses practically touching. "Ya knew Bluestreak would escape."

Prowl leaned back in his seat, and folded his hands over his middle, regarding the TIC with mild amusement. "Really? And how do you figure that?"

"Ya were alone in th' brig fer days."

"Yes, and if your recall, I was in stasis lock 90% of the time." Prowl rose a condecending optic ridge. "That was thanks to you, I might add."

Jazz waved a hand, dismissing Prowl's point. "Details. But ya two talked."

"Yes, we did, Jazz. Thank you for noticing. Now if you're done questioning me, hand me that datapad and shut up."

Jazz scowled, but did as he was told, handing Prowl the aforementioned datapad.

"Thanks, now get out." Prowl said absently, already absorbed in his work.

Jazz blinked, frowned, and left, turning back and staring at Prowl before the doors hissed shut behind him. A small laugh escaped him as he walked down the hall. "I'm thinkin' I might be in love." he remarked to himself.


A/N - I'm sorry it took so long to get this typed up. But here it is, in all it's glory. I'm afraid there won't be a sequel, though, because my creative muse for this has pretty much bid me adieu. Anyway, hope everyone liked the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. So please read, review, and let me know what you think!

Until next time,
