'Mommy, Greg ate all my candies!'

'I just didn't want you to spoil your teeth. If you eat too much sweets, you'll be toothless by the age of 20!'


'Enough. Buy her another packet of candies and go away.'

'Mommy, Greg took my coloring book and painted Sleeping Beauty all black!'

'She's not black, she's Afro-American. You should learn tolerance from early age.'

'Okay. Honey, black is a nice color. House, don't do that again. And now go away, someone is trying to work here.'

'Mommy, Greg said I'm stupid, because I didn't know what paraskavedekatriaphobia means!'

'Please, not again... Darling, he doesn't know what politeness means. Why don't you just tell him to be quiet?'

'Next time I will. Thanks mommy!'

'That's okay. But now go away, both of you.'

'Mommy, Greg put a spell on me!'

'Excuse me?'

'He said "Abracadabra, all your hair will fall out!" and then hit me with his ball. I don't want to be bald!'

'Geez, kiddo, that was a joke. Magic doesn't exist at all… I hope.'

'Moom! Tell him!'

'Honey, why don't you go and play with Uncle Jimmy? He won't play stupid jokes at you.'

'Okay. Bye, Mommy!'

'Bye. And House? It will be better for you if she doesn't come here again.'

'Cuddy, your little angel has just deleted all songs from my iPod!'

'If that means you'll stop singing, I'm totally for it.'
