Hello all! I'm alive! Barely… D= My life have been busy with all the projects and life. I haven't forgotten about this story! Oh and I have edited it a bit and made some changes in CHAPTER 1. You guys might want to reread it if you haven't.

Thank you those who have favorite this story (which btw I was very speechless and surprised o.O) and/or putting this story on your alert. Also thanks for the reviewing as well. Few things I want to mention. (That's if anyone reads this _)

1) This story is supposed to take place before the 25 years later and after the third movie. YES it's going to end up with Matt and Sora together as well as Ken and Yolei in the end. So please don't ask me to change the pairings. -.-; Although there will and probably be some drama in their relationship (uh…more like Matt and Sora) but we'll see how it goes as I keep plotting.

2) This is a combine story of the anime and V-tamers (the manga) so if you're not familiar with the characters from V-tamers, you can consider them as OCs if you want or you could go and read up on V-tamers. Sorry if the characters act OOCish. I'm trying my best! It's been a while since I read or watch Digimon! Plus I'm not so sure on how the V-tamer characters will be when they're older so I'm giving my best shot on how they might be.

3) The V-tamers will have upgraded Digivices in this story. It will have a combination of features from the Digimon games (such as dusk and dawn) and probably from the other season as well as some of my own tweaks on it.

4) Any digimons that is unrecognizable in this story and you're curious about it, please go google digimon wikia. =P Your No.1 digimon database.

Just for those of you who are curious how I'm attempting to combining V-tamer series and the anime.


First Movie = V-tamer (manga)= Unknown event that happen with the V-tamers = Adventure= Our War Game!= Adventure 02/ 3rd movie=Revenge of Diaboromon= Digitization =25 years later

Thank you for those that have read this semi long author's note. And just some thought, I am unsure when it is the next time I will be updating this story. So I suggest put this story on alert if you guys are curious on what's going to happen next and when I do update it. Also thanks to my friend for helping me edit this. Happy Reading. =3

Terms and Etc:

The Digital World – Season 1 and 2 refer to as their digimon's world

Digimon World – V-tamer refer to as their digimon's world

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Digimon or V-tamers or anything of DIGIMON! = (


Chapter 2: Meetings

Tai stood in front of the entrance of the stadium where he last battled Neo. He looked up at the dark sky and recalled that day. It was another Digimon tournament that he tried to enter with Zero, however officials still refused to allow Zero to participate as he was still not considered to be a real Digimon according to the tournament rules. Even though he wasn't able to participate, he was grateful that Neo, who won the tournament (again), challenged him. The battle was close but no winner was determined because of an unexpected change of event.

"You really need to get a haircut." Tai snapped out of his thoughts and turned his head to the source of the feminine voice. He saw four people walking towards him. The four of them are wearing black blazers and black bottoms along with their school shield patched onto to their breast pockets shining white and gold. A pink-haired girl with twin ponytails, who was about as tall as Mimi or maybe a bit taller, gave him a hug.

"And you're as chirpy as ever Mari." Tai smiled and hugged back. She giggled and let go of him. A teen boy with long hair blond teen tied in a loose ponytail walked to her side and seemed to be as tall as Izzy. The teen looked at him with his deep blue eyes and gave a small wave.

"Hey." He said. His voice so soft, that Tai almost didn't hear him. Tai looked at him confused and tried to register in his brain who he was. He swore he had seen this kid before but he couldn't seem to remember. The teen sighed as he noticed Tai's confusion and took out half his mask from inside of his blazer. He then held the mask up on his face.

"SIGMA!" Tai yelled in surprised and pointed his finger at the teen. Everyone laughed and Sigma looked him annoyed. "Wow you really changed a lot. I didn't recognize you."

"You mean, you don't remember how I look without my mask." Sigma scowled and put his mask back inside his blazer.

"Yeah, that too. I was so used to seeing you wearing that everywhere back then in the Digimon World." Tai chuckled. He then turned his attention to the striking neon green-haired teen. "So what's going on with the Digimon World?"

The teen had a grim expression, not knowing how to tell him the truth. The other teen with dark brown hair put his hand on the neon hair teen's shoulder and nodded at him as in saying 'Its okay just tell him'.

"He's back." There was a long tense silence in the air. Tai felt his blood run cold and his hand clenched into a shaking fist. He looked at the other as they all now had a grim expression after the neon teen said the magic word.

"You're joking right Neo?" Tai said, breaking the silence. "This isn't possible!"

"He isn't a joke. We've been trying to contact you about it for months. " The dark brown hair teen said as he step forward from behind Neo.

"What? What do you mean months, Hideto?"

Hideto rubbed his temples and sighed. "Remember five years ago when Zero destroyed him?" When he mentioned Zero's name, Tai clenched his teeth and stared down at the ground. "According to HolyAngemon, his data was sent through another dimension that someone, maybe Zero, might have opened up by accident."

"Okay so you're telling me that he's might have been trapped in another dimension where he possibly might have gotten stronger, and created a new and improved army. Is that what I'm getting at? Dang it! Why can't he stay dead?" Tai exclaimed.

"Not possibly, he did." Neo stated and Hideto continued on.

"Then several months ago, he appeared back in the Digimon World and destroyed several villages. Gabo happened to be delivering a message back to the castle in one of the villages and was attacked personally by him. He told Gabo, 'Tell HolyAngemon and those pesky tamers that I am back. Especially the one with those goggles.' After that Gabo told HolyAngemon what happened and called us back into the Digimon World."

"You were the only one that didn't come when he was calling for you." Sigma said. "But then again you were busy trying to save the world around that time too."

"I would have never expected you to be a hero for two different Digimon Worlds. You looked really good in the computer!" Mari winked.

"Neither would I." Tai gave her a weak smile and shook his head. "So it was around the time when we were fighting Diaboromon. But wait, how are you guys sure that he's been trapped in another dimension? I mean for all we know his data could have been in the Digimon World the whole time and we just didn't know it."

"Holyangemon did send some of his troops to scout around to make sure there weren't any traces of him, but then again it is possible that he could have easily hid himself well in the Digimon World. However, when we were battling his armies, there was something unusual about them." Neo explained. "The digimon were-"

"Creepy and disgusting!" Mari cut in. "They were saying some creepy things like 'He'll help us find our Queen' and 'We can finally bring her back to our Master'." She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered, remembering those words.

Why does that kinda sound familiar? Tai thought for a moment.

"Anyways, the thing is, the Digimon World is getting worse and we need your help." Neo said. "We would have contacted you earlier but we couldn't find where you were exactly since you cut ties with us five years ago."

Tai stood there in silence and looked at them, uncertain on what to do. He buried those painful memories of five years ago. He reached into his pocket and looked at his v-pet device. The screen was blank. Dead. Gone. Just like that. He knew that he could just restart his V-pet game but it wouldn't be the same. It wouldn't be the same Zero he knew. Tai put the device in his pocket and lifted his head looking at them. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I can."

"What are you talking about?" Mari exclaimed. "You're the 100% Tamer!"

"That was a long time ago." He replied.

"Then what about Gabo? HolyAngemon? Gon? And the rest of the digimon? They're your friends aren't they? Don't you want to help them?" Hideto said.

"I do want to help them." Tai sighed and looked at them with a gloomy expression. "But…"

"It's Zero isn't it?" Sigma said. Tai nodded and turned his head away from them so he could avoid their gaze. "I know you guys have a strong bond but I don't think Zero would want you to keep lingering over his death."

"Five years." Tai spoke in a miserable tone as he looked down on the ground letting his bangs cover his eyes. The others looked at him confused. "It took me five years trying to bury those painful memories. And yet I can't help but still remember it. I don't want another tragedy to happen again because of me. It was my fault that I failed as a tamer and as a friend."

"You didn't fail us. Or anyone!" Neo yelled at him and grabbed his collar shirt. He pushed Tai against the wall and held him there, glaring into Tai's sad eyes. "You did what you could and saved the Digimon World. Stop mopping about his death and be the 100% tamer you were! Zero wouldn't want you being like this!"

"I didn't even get to tell him I'm sorry." Tai whispered to himself. Neo was about to yell some sense into him until Hideto's hand was placed on his shoulder. Hideto shook his head and Neo let go of Tai. Neo sighed and backed away from him. Tai then straighten up his collar shirt and gave them a painful look. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I can help you." He then walked away from them.

"Wait!" Tai stopped and turned around seeing Hideto walked towards him.

"You brought v-pet device with you right?" Hideoto looked at him with piercing blue eyes. Tai nodded and then Hideto holds out his hand towards him. "Give it to me."

"Why?" Tai narrowed his eyes and put his hand in his pocket holding tightly onto his device.

"Don't worry; I'm not going to take it away from you." Hideto smiled. "Just a quick upgrade."

Tai hesitated at first but loosen his grip on the device and handed it over to Hideto. He signal Sigma to come over and then handed it over to him. Sigma then took out a touch screen device with a yellow and green cover around it that looked almost like the newest iPhone many teens have nowadays. Except on the bottom of the screen there wasn't just one button, but three. He held both device screens towards each other. Tai looked at him, confused on what he was doing. Then both devices began to glow, shining a beam of light into the smaller gadget. The light was blinding, so Tai used his arm to shield his eyes from the brightness. When the light dimmed down, he noticed it had transformed into an identical device just like Sigma's except it was blue and white. Sigma hand it back to Tai as he stared at it.

"This is…"

"Your new V-pet device." Hideto answered and Tai look up at him. "HolyAngemon got someone to upgrade quite a bit, actually no, a lot. A lot of things had changed with this device."

"Why did you guys upgrade it for me?" Tai asked. "I already told you I can't help you guys."

"We believe in you." Neo said. Tai looked at him in shocked. "We believe that you will come back and help us pull through. Just like back then."

"And if I don't?"

"We'll just keep waiting, because we know you're not the type to abandon your friends in their time of need." Hideto said. Tai looked at the device in silence and then started to walk away towards the street.

"All our numbers are in there! Call us when you change your mind!" Mari yelled. Tai stopped again for the second time and turned around with his eyes widen.

"You can CALL on this thing?"

To be continued…

I hope I'm characterizing the V-tamers somewhat alright. I used some of the information in the digimon wikia and what I saw in the manga to create what I think they would be when they're older to the best of my abilities.

Please review and tell me what you think. The button is right at your finger tips. Thank you. Stay tune for the next chapter…