Hey all! Thanks for coming by reading this. =D Its been a while since I wrote anything. So I hope you do enjoy this. Okay several things I would like to mention before you start reading.

This is combination of Digimon Season 2 and the manga V-Tamer 01. So there are no OC characters in this story. I'm pretty sure most of you guys know about Season 2 characters but not so much on the manga. Go check it out at onemanga or mangafox or for those of you that are lazy go and Wikipedia it. If not…I guess you might have to consider them as OCs then. ^^; Sorry if the character gets OCish.

Updates on this chapter is going to be inconsistence consider I'm near the end of winter break and classes area about to start up again. So keep a look out for this. Lastly I thank my dear friend for helping me edit this! ^_^

Anyways…I think that's all I have to announce.

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon or V-Tamer 01. Though I wish I did. -_-;

Chapter 1: Party

It had been several months since the defeat of Diaboromon and graduation is coming up for the digidestined. This is a special event, especially for Tai, Sora, and Matt who are graduating from Odaiba Intermediate and going to Odaiba High together after major hours of studying for the entrance exams. Kari, TK, Davis, and Ken will be graduating as well and will be entering intermediate school. Currently most of the digidestined are at the Yagami residences, sitting in the living room planning out the party. The only ones that are missing are Mimi, who is still in America, and Joe, who is studying for an upcoming exam.

"Wow…can't believe we're finally graduating already." Tai exclaimed as he ruffled through his chocolate brown hair while he sat on the couch. The blond suddenly nudged him from in the side. "Ow! Matt!"

"And I can't believe you actually passed the entrance exam and got into the same high school with us." Matt said as everyone else laughed and Tai groaned. Everyone knew that Tai (in his own words) wasn't the "brightness chip out of the Sunchip bag" considering he prefers his soccer ball over a textbook. He had a lot of help from his friends and especially from Izzy who tutored him almost everyday after school and on the weekends just so English and Math would sink into his soccer-obsessed skull.

"Oh stop teasing him, Matt." Sora said. She came up from behind the blond and wrapped her arms around his neck. "He kept his promise and that's all that matters."

"Barely." Izzy stated as he rubbed his head. "You wouldn't believe how long it took just to explain to him how to understand adjectives and nouns in one night. I had to explain the same thing at least five times."

"Oh come on guys! Stopping talking about studying and let's just start preparing our party already!" Davis shouted with excitement.

"Yeah!" exclaimed Demiveemon as he jumped up and down from his partner's excitement.

"I agree. Let's get a list going then!" Yolei said. She took out a sheet of paper and a pencil from her bag. Kari came by with Gatomon, set down some drinks for everyone and then sat down next to her brother, while Gatomon sat on the floor drinking a bottle of milk near her.

"Well the main thing is probably where we want to celebrate it at." Kari said and took a sip of her juice, "Food and games are most likely easy to come up with. So we can leave that for later" Everyone nodded.

"Hmm…how about the soccer field!" Davis exclaimed.

"NO!" almost everyone in the room yelled at him.

"What? Why? I thought it's was a good idea." Tai looked at them confused.

"Because then we'll have to play soccer." Izzy said, "And not all of us are good or even like soccer. Plus we're gonna get creamed."

"But that's why you spli-"

"NO!" everyone except Davis interrupted Tai before he could finish his sentence.

"Okay okay okay, I get it, no soccer." He said waving his both of his hands in front of him.

"Hmm…well…" Ken thought for a moment, "How about we all go Karaoke instead?"

"NO!" screamed TK and Tai at Ken. Ken was startled at the sudden outburst as everyone else looked at the both of them confused. Tai and TK had a disgust look on their face.

"Oh, come on come guys...what's bad about Karaoke?" asked Matt, "You guys know how to sing. Well…maybe not as good as me, but still."

"I thought it's pretty good compared to going to the soccer field." Yolei said. TK's left eye began to twitch, remembering the horrific moments, of when both he and Tai went out for Karaoke with his brother and Tai groaned as he rubbed his head.

"You never want to go Karaoke with him!" TK pointed towards his brother, "He always steals the spotlight. No one is going to be able to sing with him around!"

"And he mostly sings mushy love songs about a particular someone…" Tai added. Sora blushed and put her hands on her cheek. While Matt's face also turned red and he coughed.

"TAI!" "SHUT UP!" as they both threw a pillow at Tai and TK's face as everyone laughed at them.

"I KNOW! How about the Digital World?" declared Cody. Everyone looked at each other and thought for a moment and then one by one they nodded in agreement.

"Perfecto!" Yolei said. "And it'll be easy for us to invite Mimi to join us."

"We can also invite all of the other Digimon to join us." Kari contributed in.

"Nice going Cody!" Davis gave Cody a light punch on the arm.

"OW! Davis!" Cody rubbed the sore spot that Davis punched.

"Sorry. Sorry." Davis chuckled.

"Well then, I think that settles that. Though where in the Digital World?" Izzy questioned.

"Don't worry about that." Patamon answered.

"Patamon and I will handle that part and gather up all the other Digimon." Gatomon winked.

"Well now that settled, let's go on with the foods and games." Yolei announced and wrote down that Gatomon and Patamon will handle finding a location in the Digital World The digimons were all chattering about what kinds of food should be there while the digidestined thought of games and possibility entertainment. Yolei tried her best to list down all the suggestions that were given out.

"I can't wait to see how this turns out." Sora whispered into Matt's ears as she walks around the couch and squeezed between Matt and the armchair. Matt then wrapped his arm around her and rubbed her shoulder.

"Yeah…it'll be fun." Matt whispered back as they both watch everyone laughing and throwing out ideas after ideas. "It's funny how elaborate they're making it when we're only just graduating to high school and middle school"

"We should be celebrating!" Tai chimed in, "We're graduating and the three of us got into the same school! Kari, TK, Davis and Ken are going to Middle school as well! All this hard work is all worth the celebration!"

Sora giggled. "He's right. I guess we deserve it."

"Well I'm not gonna just sit around and watch them plan out our whole graduation party. I say one of the games has to be soccer!" Tai exclaimed.

"Heck no! This is my graduation party too, so I say we should have a singing competition." Matt said as Tai made a disgusted look on his face.

"Eww…no...aren't you tired of singing so much to your fans already…" He said to Matt.

"Well it's good practice." Matt smirked. "Plus the fans love my good looks."

"Yeah, practice for you." Tai then stood up and put one of his feet on the table. He then imitates Matt singing with an invisible microphone in one hand. Matt threw a pillow at Tai to make him stop while Sora laughed at the both of them. The other digidestined soon noticed they were in their own playful world and started to join in. The phone rang and Kari decided to go pick it up as the others were still having fun with her brother's playful act.

"Tai! It's for you!" Kari shouted and Tai froze in place as Matt gave him one more whack with the pillow.

"Ow. Who is it?" he asked as he went to get the phone and massaged the sore spot that appeared when Matt had hit him with the pillow. The others settled down and went back to planning out the party.

"He didn't say," Kari shrugged as she handed him the phone. "But it sounded urgent." Tai looked at her confused as she walked back to the group. He looked at the phone for a moment and wondered who could have been calling so urgently for him. After all, he wasn't the captain of the soccer team anymore so there wouldn't be any meetings, his schoolwork is done and he was passing all his classes (for now hopefully), so who could it be? Tai brushed back his hair and then put the phone on his ear.

"Hello. This is Tai speaking."

"It's been a while…" He recognized this voice. The voice he hadn't heard for about five years or so. Memories of back then start to flow back. The good times, the bad times and most of all, the memories. Memories that he wanted gone.

"You're…" he stopped and bit the bottom of his lips, not knowing what he should say. There was a long awkward pause and then a sigh on the other end.

"Listen…do you have time right now?" Tai blinked and looked at his friends all chattering happily and Davis making a whole dramatic scene about something as Ken tried to calm him down.

"I guess…" he said as he drums his fingers on the wall.

"Then meet by the dome where we last had our V-pet battle with your v-pet device."

"Wait. What? Why? I haven't heard from you for five years and now you're demanding me to just go and meet with you?" Tai said frantically. "What's going on?"

"I'll explain once you come here." There was a short pause. "Something bad has happened in that WORLD…"

What world? The Digital World is safe…so what world could he be…Tai thought and then everything clicked into his mind. Oh...that WORLD.

"Fine." Tai sighed, "I'll be there as fast as I can. You have some serious explaining to do."

"Yeah…whatever…"And then it hung up on him, leaving the other line beeping. Tai then put the phone down and then dashed to his room to look for his v-pet device. Everyone in the living room wondered what was going on when they saw him dash to his room. Kari waved them off saying that she'll go check. Frantically, he looked through every drawer, closet, bag, and even underneath his bed for it. It's been about five years since he last touched that device.

Where is it? Where is it! As he threw another bag out of the closet, the clean floor was now a mess with clothes and toys scattered in different directions.

"Tai!What are you looking for? Maybe I can help?" Kari offered and was startled that it only took a few minutes for the room to be turned inside out.

"Ah don't worry about Kari. I think I know where it is…" as Tai continued on his search through the next bag. Suddenly he spotted the rectangular device and grabbed it in triumph. "FOUND IT!" Kari moved closer to see what her brother was holding that he had been desperately looking for.

"What is that?" she asked.

"It's a virtual pet game I use to play years ago. Back then it was really popular that they use to have tournaments where kids would train their pets and then we would battle each other. I used to beg Mom to buy me one, and when she did I treasured it a lot." He cheerfully said. Because he was my best friend and partner…if back then I hadn't…Tai clenched at it as he remembered the tragedy that unfolded in his mind.

She looked at her brother in confusion as to why he had to make a mess in the room to just find one little device. Tai's smile suddenly turns upside down as he stares at the empty screen. This worried Kari. "Is something wrong?"

"Huh?" Tai snapped out of his thoughts. "Oh! Nothing! Nothing at all! Ah! Forgot there weren't any batteries in this thing. I better go buy some along the way!" He stuffed the device in his pocket and ran out to the door to put on his shoes with Kari following along. The other digidestined stopped what they were doing and looked up to see what the commotion was about.

"I'll be heading out! Kari, tell Mom that I'll be a bit late coming home!" He shouted. Tai shuffled into his shoes and tied his laces.

"Hey man! What about the party?" Matt asked.

"Sorry! This is really important!" Tai quickly opened up his wallet in his green uniform blazer jacket, making sure he had enough money, and then looked for his key on the hook. He put on his jacket and brushed off some dust on his shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Kari asked before Tai left the apartment.

"To meet with some old friends." he smiled and slammed the door behind him, leaving everyone wondering who.

To be continued…

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