Okay, I updated much faster for this one :) And it's all cuz I went to check my e-mail and saw all your awesome reviews. Thanks for reviewing.


Shinigami was angry. But, though he knew he was angry, he wasn't quite sure who he was angry at. Was he angry at his son for getting in a fight? Was he angry at the boy his son got in a fight with? Or was he angry at the teacher for not preventing it? The more Shinigami thought about it, the more he leaned toward being mad at both the boy and the teacher. Of course, Shinigami was a little upset with his son, but he was actually worried more than anything else. And besides, he wasn't really clear on the situation. All he knew was that Kid had gotten into a fight with some boy. He didn't know who started it, what it was over, or if it was a case of self defense. But that was exactly why Shinigami was currently walking into the relatively large office of the school.

"Ah, Shinigami-sama." The receptionist looked up at him with a mixture of respect and fear. "Please, go right inside." She gestured to the door labeled 'Principal'.

The first thing Shinigami saw when he walked into the office was the terror-filled, slightly bruised face of his son. And that was when Shinigami knew for sure that this anger he felt was not for his child. He whirled around to look at his son's attacker. And then stopped. And stared. Kid was a good fighter.

A blonde, green-eyed boy sat across the room, glowering at Shinigami with a deep hatred. And he was more than just a little bruised. Shinigami didn't know what he should be more surprised at; that Kid could fight like that or that the blonde boy was still conscious.

A fake cough from behind the red oak desk directed Shinigami's attention to the gray-haired man sitting in a swivel chair. "Ah, hello, Shinigami-sama. I'm Principal Tsugawa and I'm very honored to meet you and I'm terribly sorry for the inconvience-"

"What are you apologizing for?!" The blonde boy jumped up, swayed a little, but then held his ground and began yelling again. "His son attacked me! He's a monster just like his dad! Oh, I know! His dad killed my parents so now he's trying to kill me!" The boy announced triumphantly, as if he thought Shinigami was going to be in some huge trouble as a result of his proclamation.

"Leon!" Principal Tsugawa reprimanded. "This is Shinigami-sama you're talking to." The Principal turned back to Shinigami. "I really sorry about this, you can leave with your son whenever you like, Shinigami-sama."

Shinigami stared at Leon for a long moment, while Leon glared hatefully. But then Shinigami looked down at his son and cheerfully announced. "Well, Kid-kun, let's go."

Death the Kid rose from his seat and silently followed his father out of the office and out of the school.


As he followed his father home, Death the Kid frantically tried to come up with an apology and explanation for his actions. Would his Chichuie get angry the same way his mother did? Half of Death the Kid didn't think so, but the other half feared the worst.

After what seemed like hours of silence but was really just minutes, Death the Kid was walking through the doors of his mansion after his Chichuie. As soon as Shinigami turned to face his son, Kid began sputtering out his apology.

"I'm really, really sorry, Chichuie. I-"

"Kid-kun," Shinigami cut him off with his silly tone of voice. "What, exactly, happened?"

Death the Kid looked down at his shoes. "He was saying bad things about you. So... I.... I got really mad and..." Kid drifted off, knowing that his Chichuie already knew the rest.

Shinigami stayed silent for a short stretch of time, contemplating what to say next. "Do you still want to go to school, Kid-kun?"

Kid continued examining his shoes. "...No."

"Well then, I'll have to get you a tutor. And also, you seem to be very good at fighting. Maybe I should start training you in that."

For a moment, Kid forgot all about his fear in a rush of excitement and he looked up at his Chichuie with an enthusiastic expression. "You mean like a meister?"

Shinigami felt a flash of amusement at this before continuing on. "Well, you're actually a Shinigami. You don't need to have a weapon. You can be a great Shinigami without one."

Kid felt just a twinge of disappoint at this, but he refused to show it. He'd rather be disappointed himself than have his Chichuie be disappointed in him.

"Okay," Kid smiled up at his Chichuie. But then his smile was immediately wiped away when he suddenly remembered what the two were talking about just a minute ago. "But... aren't you mad about what I did?"

Shinigami looked down at his son. "Hmm... well, I am a little upset, but I'd be even more upset if you'd have attacked him just because he called you something mean. Instead you did so because he insulted someone you really care about. It's good to fight for the people you care about, Kid-kun. But it's also important to know when and when not to fight. And I think you already know that this was a 'when not' situation."

Death the Kid stared up at his Chichuie in awe. "Yes, Chichuie. I'll definitely keep that in mind next time."


The blonde boy is finally given a name. I finally found a place to put it in. Too bad it's right before he's gone from the story. Also, what do you guys think of Shinigami's little pep talk at the end? I don't usually write mushy stuff like that so I'm not sure if it came out right.