Yeah I know. Short and somewhat . . . well I believe that this was not one of my better chapters. Anyway, yeah I know, I skipped the second book. Maybe I'll go back and write it eventually, but for right now this is the book I need to write because I'm trying to get to a very special fan fic for which this book will be somewhat important. Anyway this kind of explains what happened in the second book, if you have any questions just review and I will answer them. So here's another beginning to another year at Hogwarts!
Where We Must Begin
Harmony was sitting in her room, just reading. She looked again out her glass deck doors as if expecting something to happen, but almost nothing ever did. Unlike most children Harmony was a witch and was not enjoying this summer holiday because she was separated from her brother, her friends, and her world.
It was her real birthday today, but they had celebrated her fake birthday on the 12th so today was just like any normal day for her. It kind of bugged her that there was no one there to know about her real birthday. Her mom would have celebrated with her except that she'd done it all on the 12th so now she'd simply said happy birthday before she'd headed off to bed.
Harmony suddenly slammed her book down in frustration. This year had been a hard one. First of all she had battled the memory of sixteen year old Voldemort; second of all she had been blamed for the petrifying of a bunch of students along with her brother; third of all she had been thought to be the Heir of Slytherin also with her brother; fourth of all she had had to face the real monster, which was the Basilisk. Needless to say somehow she had survived through all of that and was now angry because of how cut off she was.
She hadn't heard from her friends in what felt like ages, and she hadn't heard from anyone in five weeks except for Harry. She knew Harry wrote her once a day, but she only got his letters once a week. Dumbledore had sent an owl to her on her journey home telling her that she would return to her foster parent's house and that the address she was to give her friends was not her house address and that all her letters would pass through him. In order to keep her whereabouts a secret Dumbledore sent her mail to her, the normal way, and that took a very long time.
Along with that, living a double life had just become extremely difficult. Everyone was asking her where she'd been and what not. Her cover was that she'd gone to boarding school in London then spent the summer with a friend and now she was returning after a second year of boarding school. Lying had never been easy for her when lying to friends and family, she just couldn't do it very well. She knew her best friend didn't believe her at all, but she kept quiet because she knew this secret was Harmony's own.
Plus everyone was asking why she looked different. Dumbledore had taught her the spell to change her appearance before she had left, but he only did it just in case he decided to send her back, which he had. She had changed back—for the most part. She had went back to being sandy-blonde and curly haired with blue eyes, but she'd made it look as if she lost some weight, she'd lessened her curl so it was only light ringlets, and she'd kept her slenderized hands. She'd okayed all that with Dumbledore before she left, just to make sure that was appropriate.
Also keeping her age straight was hard, here she was sixteen, but in all reality she was thirteen. When a cute boy at the mall had asked her how old she was, thirteen was on the tip of her tongue, but luckily she had stopped herself just in time to spit out her fake age. It was so stressful.
Just then the owl that Dumbledore had sent her all summer, Pandora, arrived. She was a beautiful white and brown tawny, who was very loyal and very smart. Today Pandora had two more owls with her carrying packages. She took the letters that Pandora held and the packages from the other owls. The two owls that had held the packages departed when she detached them, but Pandora stayed as usual. There was a letter from Ron, one from Hermione with a package, one from Hagrid with a package, five from Harry with a package, and one from Hogwarts.
Ron wished her a happy birthday from Egypt. He was there with his family spending the seven hundred galleons that his dad had won. He'd sent a present for her and Harry to share to Harry, so she'd see it when she saw her brother. Ron asked if somehow Harmony could get to London the week before term started, she'd have to send a letter to Dumbledore and ask him. Dumbledore had also told her that if she wanted to go anywhere or if she needed anything she'd have to write him at the address, which her letters were passing through, to ask.
Hermione was in France on holiday. She told Harmony about her essay in History of Magic. Harmony had finished all her essays already because it seemed like one of the only ties to the magical world that she had while she wasn't at Hogwarts. Hermione had heard from Ron and asked if Harmony would be able to make it the week before term. She had also sent Harmony a Broomstick Servicing Kit for which Harmony was very grateful. She hadn't been able to fly all of what had passed of the summer, but she was happy for the gift all the same.
Hagrid, the Hogwarts gamekeeper and Harmony's friend, had sent her a package that contained something green and leathery, but Harmony didn't have time to unwrap it properly because the parcel gave a strange quiver and snapped loudly—as thought it had jaws.
She knew Hagrid would never send her anything dangerous on purpose, but Hagrid's definition of dangerous did not match that of many other people. Harmony was brave so she simply pulled the paper off and watched a book land on the bed. She had time to read The Monster Book of Monsters before the book somehow got up and fell of the bed onto the floor and began to move. She followed it quietly. The book went to the space between her bed and he floor and went in. Harmony got down on the floor and reached for the book.
"Ahhh!" she screamed as the book snapped shut on her hand and than flapped past her. Harmony somehow managed to pounce on the book and wrestle with it to her closet. She somehow managed to keep a hold onto the book as she grabbed an old belt from her closet and buckle it around the book.
Harmony let out a breath and plopped down on the bed with the book still in her arms now unable to do much but sit and growl quietly at her.
"Harmony?" Her mom said opening the door. Harmony still wasn't used to her mom calling her that in private, she was used to the name she'd used for 10 years before she found out she was a witch.
"Yeah, mom." Harmony said.
"What was all the noise?" Her mom asked.
"A monster book that was trying to eat me." Harmony answered smiling.
"What?" Her mom asked in shock.
"This." Said Harmony holding up the book.
"Oh," said her mom, eyeing the belt-bound book. "Can you try to be a bit quieter dear? It is one o'clock in the morning."
"Okay mom, I will."
Her mom closed the door and Harmony picked up the card from Hagrid.
It simply wished her happy birthday and said that the book would come in handy this year; also that he had something to tell her when he saw her. Hagrid was always so straightforward and simple. Maybe that's why Harmony liked him so much.
She read Harry's letters next. They simply told her of day-to-day events and how bored he was. Also how much he missed her and how much he wanted to see her. To any other person they may have seemed boring, but to Harmony they were the best things in the world. Just for the simple fact that she was hearing from her twin brother. He also had gotten her the newest book from one of her favorite series for her birthday, which thrilled her. She'd give him his present when she saw him.
She put Harry's present down and opened the last letter, the one from Hogwarts. It told her that term would start on September first and that she was suppose to be on the Hogwarts Express at eleven on that day. Also it told her that third years were able to visit Hogsmeade and that she'd have to get the permission form that was enclosed signed by a parent.
Harmony would do that later, but for now Harmony was simply happy just to know that it was her birthday and her brother and her friends were there for her. Also that she wouldn't be stuck there too long before she was back in Hogwarts learning how to be an amazing witch.