I walked into class. I felt so good! I was ready to do anything. I mentally squealed and continued walking to my desk. Then Ikuto walked in. He smiled from across the room and I just melted. I walked over to him and gave him a hug. This was going to be good. I got the guy and I prayed to GOD we won the Bands contest. Then the PA dinged and our principal's voice came on.

"Ok students I shall now tell you what you have all been waiting for. The winner of the BOTB contest."

People were still talking and in their own little worlds not caring about the announcement. I had it.


Ok that wasn't me. I looked over to the front of the room and a substitute teacher was standing there. I turned back to look at the kids and sure enough they were all seated and their eyes were full of terror. Wow. She sat down at the teacher's desk and looked at me.

" Oh hello sweetie, I didn't know you went to this school too. Hmm strange, a boy wearing a skirt. Oh well."

It took a moment to process. Where had I heard her voice before? OMG TADASE'S FOSTER MOM?AND SHE STILL THOUGHT I LOOKED LIKE A GUY!

" H-h-hi." I stuttered and gave a weak wave.

"And finally in first place…." The principal continued.

Oh right. I sat and listened intently for the outcome.

"The magnificent Black Cat Magic!" She said enthusiastically.

We won. WE WON. WE WON!!!!!!! I won the bet! I got up and jumped up and down and Ikuto came over and gave me a hug and kissed my lips playfully and smiled. Wow did I feel good or what? Rima grabbed my hands and we started jumping up and down again squealing. Wait. I stopped in mid jump and Rima went flying to the floor. Now I have to go enforce my bet! I practically sprinted across the school to the student council room with Rima and Ikuto hot on my heels. I didn't even stop when I saw Kukai and Utau making out in the hall on the way. I opened the door with great force and announced my business.

"Where's Tadase Hotori?" I looked so determined only one person spoke.

"We don't know." He said quietly.

"Right." I said and headed to the teachers room.

I stopped at the door and composed my self. I was alone now because Rima and Ikuto gave up long ago. I opened the door and walked brusquely in. I looked towards the principal and asked in the sweetest voice I had.

"What happened to Tadase miss?"

"He had to change schools for some reason but he left something for you."

And she handed me a box with a letter tapped on the front. I took the letter and gently tore it open.

Dear Amu,

Sorry about this week. It was another one of my mood swings and temper tantrums. I am now in the US right now. I am taking some counseling for my "problem". Well I'm sorry about the bet. I would go through with it but I'm not at that school or country anymore. Oh well. Maybe I'll see you again some day. Maybe I'll be sane this time. My jealousy wasn't really that bad. I just needed a reason to stick around and feel like I belonged somewhere. Yea well you'll be hearing from me.


Tadase Hotori

P.S. Look in the box ; )

I opened the box slowly and looked inside. A collar that would fit a large sized dog was inside. The tag read, "I belong to Amu Hinamori" and under it was a skirt that looked like it would fit Ikuto. I smiled and remembered the conversation we had the first day of school.

"Well I get the chance to try and humiliate you by making you look like a freak who dresses up like a guy for fun. Everyone will think you are a weirdo."

"Ok but if everyone votes for us and we win you have to dress up in a skirt the whole year and wear a collar that says owned by Amu Hinamori."


"And that children is the story of The Bet." A 30-year-old woman said to her kids.

"Oh how romantic!" The first child, Amulet said to her mother.

"Yea mommy the best bed time story ever." The other child, Yuki chimed in.

"Well kids its time to go to bed. Bed time story over." She smiled and tucked them in. Giving each a kiss on the head. And she closed the door behind her stepping into the hall remembering the story for herself.

"Don't you think they are too young to hear that story?" A voice said behind her and two masculine arms slithered around her waist.

"No I believe 8 and 9 are pretty good ages don't you think?" She giggled and walked to their bedroom. She stood at her jewelry box and placed a necklace with a little music note on it carefully inside. Then her husband came up behind her and brushed her bubble gum pink hair from her neck and kissed it.

"Stop it." She giggled. And he whisked her on the bed, leaving the jewelry box open. She swept his midnight blue hair out of his face and kissed his lips tenderly. He glanced over to the jewelry box.

"You still have it?" He questioned.

"Yep, best memories of my life." She said and kissed him again.

Inside the box laid a collar with a tag that read, " I belong to Amu Hinamori Tsukiyomi."

"Hey you know Utau and Kukai's wedding is tomorrow." Amu said.

"How could I forget?" Ikuto replied.

"Oh and Tadase and his wife are coming to visit before going to Hawaii." Amu commented.

"Mhmmm." Ikuto sighed as he nuzzled into her neck.

"And Nagi and Rima are gonna get married the-." Amu tried to say before Ikuto kissed her once again on the mouth. As they broke apart he said…

"Honey, your ruining the mood."

Amu was happy now. What more could she want? All of it included a crazy bad guy that's now her friend, an insane bet that leaves her with fond memories, and romance with a band mate she couldn't love any less. And it all started and ended with a song.

Can you feel the love tonight

How its laid to rest

It's enough to make (kiddie)kings and vagabonds (stray cats)

Believe the very best 3

"Hey honey." Ikuto said.

"You know the story is supposed to end now don't you?" It was Amu's turn to sigh.

"Yea but do you remember my bet I had with the guys?"

"How could I forget."

~Flash back~

All of the high school grads sat in chairs right next to the stage and names were being called.

"Ikuto Tsukiyomi." The announcer called.

All the girls started to scream as Ikuto walked onto the stage wearing nothing but the guitar that he held in front of him and his graduate cap. He smiled directly at Amu sitting in the Guests and Parents section. He took the guitar strap off his shoulder and threw the guitar to Amu. All the girls screamed once again.

"Hey, I lost the bet Amu. I fell in love with you."


Well the deed is done and I will continue writing stories. Sry for the late update any way. Finals and TAKS are little bastards. I love that song, : 3. Kiddie Kings = self-explanatory. Vagabonds (stray cats) = Ikuto. Get it now? Oh and the new ending I got is from She's all that. Sort of.

3 Slinky762