AN: Hello my lovelies! I apologize if this came up as a new chapter, but I had to come back and fix disprepancies with with my story! For any newcomers, welcome to my Naruto world and I hope you enjoy the story I have in store for you. :) Don't forget to review! Good and Bad (constructive) reviews are all welcome! :) Enjoy!

Shadow Ninja

By, LadyShadowNinja18

(Previously Known as FaithfullyTeamEdward1)

Chapter One: A Storm Is Coming

/3rd Hokage's Study/

The third Hokage flipped through the files of many different Anbu Operatives, but none really caught his eye for the suicide mission he was going to assign. He didn't like to send his ninja on the suicide missions, but it was a necessity to protect the village. Sarutobi only chose the most skilled and most successful ninja for those missions. He wanted to make sure, as best he could, that his operatives would complete the mission and return home to the Leaf Village safely. That in its self was a difficult task.

To single out a max of six Anbu of the highest skill was a terribly long, tedious procedure because the Leaf Village was home to so many talents.

The Nara clan was very skilled in their shadow jutsus. The Hyuuga clan had a very efficient fighting style that was all their own. The Yamanaka clan did quite well with their body switch jutsus, and the Uchihas were very widely known for their fire jutsus and their sharingan. So, many could see how hard pressed the Hokage was to have to make the final decisions for a squad of about six Anbu ninja, or even a few Jonin at least.

Sarutobi was caught on the idea of the Uchiha clan as he thought about the different Leaf Village talents. Hmm…Uchiha…

There it was, right on top of the whole pile- one of the most successful Uchiha shinobi. The 3rd Hokage picked up the file and began thumbing through the stats and information of one of his newest Operatives:

Name: Uchiha, Naomi (Shadow Ninja)

D.O.B: 18 July 1981

Age: 13 Years

Siblings: Uchiha, Itachi (twin, 13)

Uchiha, Sasuke (younger, 8)

Rank: Anbu Black Ops

Former Sensei: Ren, Yukaro

Squad Mates: Mosomo, Raiku (deceased)

Obitaru, Yaten (deceased)

Successful Missions: 65

Failed Missions: 0

Suicide Mission Acceptance: 19

Skilled in: -Fire Jutsu

-Sharingan (obtained at 8)

-Shadow Movement


Sarutobi had heard a great deal of things about Naomi Uchiha, but they were usually linked with her and her twin brother, Itachi Uchiha. They were the Uchiha prodigies. Both Itachi and Naomi had obtained their family bloodline trait, the sharingan, at the earliest ages that the clan had ever seen their children obtain use of it. There was no denying that, even for their young age, Naomi and Itachi were very intelligent and strong.

Hokage Third quickly put Naomi's file to the side to start the team, and then shuffled carefully through for Itachi's file. When he didn't find one, he sighed in frustration. How could they get his hopes up for making half the team Uchihas, and then dash it by there only being one in the pile? No, there were two. Her cousin, Haru Uchiha, was in the Jonin pile.

He sat back in his chair, and folded his hands in his white robbed lap. There were too many amazing shinobi in the Leaf Village for this team to be such a difficult decision…

/Uchiha Clan/

"How's your ankle, Sasuke?" Itachi asked his little brother.

Sasuke had his arms clasped around Itachi's neck, riding on his older brother's back. They'd been at Itachi's favorite training grounds, training, when Sasuke tripped and twisted his ankle a bit. Itachi had been more than happy to give his brother a ride home, so that he didn't hurt himself more.

"Umm… It's fine. I could've walked, you know." Sasuke had been disgruntled about having to be carried, but he loved the attention from his brother.

Itachi just chuckled and continued to walk towards home.

They were silent for the rest of the trip, but that silence was broken as soon as they walked through the front gates of their home and the house came into view. A figure was sitting on the front steps, cleaning something shiny, probably a headband or shurikin. The person had long black hair and was wearing the uniform of a Black Ops shinobi.

Itachi stopped, just short of the little river that ran through the center of their front yard. Sasuke scrambled quickly off of his brother's back.

"Sasuke-" Itachi began to protest about Sasuke walking on his ankle. But his brother was already on the ground and making his way to the figure on the porch.

The girl looked up just in time to be tackled backwards onto the porch by Sasuke.

"Naomi! You're home!" Sasuke hugged his older sister tightly. She'd been gone for a month on a mission to the Sand Village. He'd missed her a lot.

Naomi hugged her brother back and laughed quietly into his ear. "Hey, Sasuke! Good to see you too!"

She stood, still holding her brother and pulled him up so that she could carry him. She knew he would protest to that, and laughed as he tried to get her to put him down.

"Fine. But what happened to the little two years old who never wanted me to put him down?"

Naomi wouldn't look at Itachi as she continued to tease Sasuke.

"He goes to the Ninja Academy now!" He almost whined.

"And so he does." Naomi nodded with a smile.

Itachi was glaring at his twin sister as he noticed that she wouldn't make eye contact with him. She was too busy teasing their little brother, but he could feel a tension in the air between Naomi and himself. She sensed something was up with him.

"Guess where I was today?" Sasuke's voice broke through Itachi's thoughts and he looked between his siblings.

Naomi sighed as if she already knew and wasn't too happy about it. "Where were you today?" She asked anyway, still playing Sasuke's game.

"Training with Itachi! He was teaching me the shurikin!" Sasuke was overly excited about the attention he was getting form his older brother. Itachi was Sasuke's hero and he reveled in any time Itachi gave to him.

The smile on Naomi's face was now tight and forced. Her purple eyes flashed with suspicion, or anger, Itachi couldn't tell. Either one was bad, but Sasuke missed them all together. He was too happy to let Naomi bring him down, and she wasn't going to try to.

"Really?" Her voice was as tight as her smile. "And how did that go?" Naomi shot a quick glare at her older brother, another thing that Sasuke didn't pick up on.

"It was awesome! And I was doing really well too, huh Itachi?" He turned for confirmation from his brother. When Itachi nodded, stiffly, Sasuke's cheeks colored a little. "Well, that is, until I tripped over my own feet and twisted my ankle."

The violet of Naomi's irises flashed almost black that time, but her smiled remained tightly on her face.

"Where was the shurikin at this time?" Her eyes had left her little brother completely and the question was aimed at her twin.

"Oh, I wasn't holding anything at that time!" Sasuke rushed to answer, still not noticing the fact that his two older siblings were leveling each other with glares.

"Hmph. Alright, well I'm glad you had a good time Sasuke." Naomi heaved an exasperated sigh, and turned to go. "I'm dog tired. I need some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow Sasuke."

She continued to walk, when something else came to her mind. She turned back to her brothers, Sasuke was already gone, probably to clean up, but Itachi was still there, glaring at her back.

In a voice as icy, and cool as she could force it, which would have scared just about anybody, she directed her words to her twin. "Oh, and Itachi, you'd best be at the squad selections tomorrow."

Itachi's chin came up, his jaw line tight and angry. Matching her cold glare and icy tone, he replied, "And why is that, dear sister?"

"Some things just need to be done. Otherwise, people begin to think that you're up to no good. Mustn't let the clan begin talk about you, now shall we brother?"

Without another word, Naomi's black hair swung over her shoulders and she was leaving to go to her bedroom.

As she went, she didn't hear the sad whispers coming from Itachi as he spoke quietly as not for her to hear.

"A storm is coming sister, and you've no idea that of its sorts. Enjoy what you have while you can."

The air became very cold that night, and a silence fell over the village like no other night had ever brought. A storm was coming indeed, and nobody could be prepared for the nature of what was going to happen.