
I don't own WWE or any of the wrestlers! Only Sayde.

Notes: Ok I'm in love with the storyline personas of the B.o.D. You know the powers and darkness stuff. So this story has been floating in my head for like eight months. And it's been on my mind a lot lately, so I decided to just wing it and write down what I was thinking. I don't know exactly where this is going, or if I'm even gonna keep it up. But I like it so far. So I will have a Chapter 2, at least.

So basically, this story kinda supernatural and a bit kayfabe. But for the most part, it's pretty realistic. Um, it takes place in '03, but there will be plenty of past and present Superstars in this. I'm not following the real rosters or their storyline feuds. Hopefully it won't be confusing.

P.S. See if you can figure out what the name means. *Hint Hint* It's kinda the main focal point in this chapter.

Tell me what you think. Review peeps!!

Ch. 1: Different

As I opened my eyes and looked out the window of this hotel room, I can't help but feel strange. This room is just disgusting with its white walls and peach curtains. Ugh, it's making me sick. I looked down and saw my shirt. Pink, oh pink. I'm really starting to hate that damn perky, happy color. Wait, I love pink.

I can't help but wonder why the hell I would think, even for a second, that I hate pink. Maybe it's hormones. My phone started to ring. "What!" Damn, am I cranky!

"Dang, who woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?" I really don't have time for Keibler's perkiness today. "Whatever. You know, I'm feeling a little sick, so I'm gonna go take a shower" She bores the hell out of me sometimes.

"Okay Sadie, I hope you feel better." Ugh, does she have to call me that! My name is Sayde. You know, like Jade, but with a S.

When I got to the bathroom, I stood over the sink and cut the water on. I felt a sharp pain in my back and gripped the sides of the sink. I closed my eyes as I winced from the pain. When I tried to open them, I couldn't. My hands wouldn't let go of the sink. My head tilted back, without me wanting it to. I felt a cool breeze on my arms.

I saw blue. Then I saw black. I heard laughing in my head. Shit, I'm going crazy! I started to shake uncontrollably. My eyes opened and rolled in the back of my head. I heard glass break. When my eyes decided to roll back, the mirror in front of me was shattered. I jumped and the next thing I knew, the shower curtains were up in flames. I heard thunder coming from the sky.

I passed out on the floor.

When I came to, I was in the hospital. "Why the hell am I here!" I tried to move, but I couldn't. My arms and legs were strapped to the bed. What the, am I in a psyche ward?

"What the hell are you on?" I heard someone say. I wasn't paying attention on account of me trying to get my arms and legs free. "Did you hear me?" The person said again. I finally stopped wasting my energy with the straps and looked up. Stacy and a few of the Superstars were there. It was Rob. "Nothing. How in the hell did I end up here?" I said as I started to move my arms again.

"Just stop it, dude. You're not getting out." Rob said. "Come on, Robbie. This is not cool at all." I whined. Eww. Something's really not right. Sayde Hawkins does not whine. I really need to get out of this place. "Why the hell am in here anyway?" I growled.

"The hotel room caught on fire. Started in the bathroom. Faulty wiring." He said. "How did I get out of there?" I asked. "That's what everyone's been trying to figure out. Sadie, you had flames all around you. You don't remember how you got out?" Stacy asked.

"No. I remember the curtains in flames. Thunder, I heard thunder. Black and blue. I passed out. That's all I remember." My voice cracked as I spoke. My mouth is dry as hell. "Yeah, dudette. See, you inhaled all of that black smoke. So they had to hydrate you." Rob said in his laid back voice.

"Okay, why the fudge am I tied down then?" I asked, hysterically trying to get out of the restraints. Rob, Stacy and Trish burst into laughter. "Keep trying, hun. But you're not getting out of those." Trish spoke through laughs. "Yeah, Sadie. You tried to fight the paramedics." Stacy chuckled. "What? I thought I was out from the smoke." I asked, now noticing the oxygen tube thing up my nose.

"Don't worry. You didn't hurt anybody. You just scared the hell out of, like, everybody." Stacy scoffed. "Well, I'm alive. So can I go now? Rob get me the hell out of here." I screamed. "Dudette, chill. I'll go see if you can be discharged."

One week later…

"And she's alive!" Adam Copeland, or Edge screamed as he grabbed me and lifted me in the air. We're in Charlotte. And I've been cleared to wrestle. Yeah, I kinda left all the important stuff about me out. Couldn't help it, I was too busy almost burning to death.

I'm a wrestler, in case you haven't noticed. My full name is Sayde Emalf Hawkins. Strange ass name, huh? I love it. Let's see, it's 2003 now, so I'd have to say I've been doing this for about five years. I recently turned twenty-six. 100% Texan. Hell yes. And I'm a badass princess.

"Sades, be careful next time, okay." That's Jay, or Christian. "Oh gosh, chill guys." I laughed at the two overdramatic losers. One of which I've been dating on and off for a few years now. "Amy!" I yelled across the room to Lita. Getting away from E&C can be pretty hard. Especially the E. "Ah, the little devil is okay." She said as she walked up to us. "I am so not a devil." I whined again. Ugh, I think the fire and smoke burned a few of my brain cells, like seriously.

"You are too. The whole room caught on fire Sayde. How you managed to get out of there injury free, is either a miracle or you're the devil." She chuckled. "Amy, shut the hell up. I don't even remember how I got out." I said as I waved to everyone backstage.

I had a match with Amy tonight. Pretty good, if I may say. "Bar. Let's go." Steve Austin yelled. Now, normally I wouldn't go with these fools. But today is different. Everyone's been all worried about me and I need a little break. Hopefully Bradshaw, my fellow Texan, is joining us. That'll be hilarious. Somehow they always end up in some kind of beer drinking contest.

"A, we're going." I said as I headed out of the arena. "What about Rob?" She asked as I dragged her out the door. "He'll be alright. I'll meet up with him at the hotel later. Get those Hardys and lets go." I yelled as I walked toward their rental.

As she ran back inside to get the brothers, I walked to their rental. I had some weird chill going on. I also felt someone staring at me. I looked, but I didn't see anybody. I stared into the darkness of the sky as I waited. "You rollin' wit us?" I heard someone say beside me. I rolled my eyes at the voice. "No, I'm just standing by you guy's truck because I like so totally want you, Jeff." I sassily said.

"Damn, you mean." He said as he got in the back. "Sorry. My nerves are so shot. I don't even know why." I said as I got in beside him. Amy and Matt were in the front. Matt, being the designated driver for us future drunks.

When we got there, I noticed that half of the SD! roster was here. "Ya know what, lil devil?" Matt spoke as he got out of the truck. That's my new name now. It's better than Sadie. "What?" I asked, following him. "You should go make friends with Taker and his brother. Ya know, since ya'll three all have this little fire and brimstone thang goin on." He laughed.

"Not funny, Hardy. You know those two creep me the hell out." I shivered at the thought of those two. They're straight up weird. Straight up. I mean, Kane is one of the best in the biz. And Taker is already a damn legend. But they take storyline a little too seriously. Sometimes, I think those two believe they're really magical. Or something. They're just odd. I recently found out that they really were half brothers. Weird as hell. Well, maybe I shouldn't use the word hell when I'm talking about the brothers weird. It seems like they're familiar with the place.

"Hey, is Adam your boyfriend today?" Amy asked as we headed for the entrance of the bar. "No. We're just chilling. Unless he can't get any from a rat. Why?" I asked. "Cause, ya'll need to stop playin' and just get married, that's why." Matt chuckled. "That's funny Matt. See, I've been thinking the same thing about you and Aimes. I'll be the flower girl." I chuckled back.

"Good one, lil devil." Jeff laughed. Bedlam was the name of the bar. So when we walked in, we couldn't expect any less than that. Steve Austin was just getting ready to propose his drinking contest. "Perfect timing, guys." I grinned as I took a seat in one of the empty booths.

After a little while of watching Steve drink every challenger under the bar, I started to feel hot. Like sweating hot. Like I need a fix hot. I decided to go to the ladies room. I grabbed Amy and we left the boys in the booth.

"Whoa, you're red as he-" Amy started. I cut her off. "A, don't say it." I've had enough of that word. Especially since I'm burning up. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah. It's nothing." I replied as I turned the faucet. As I splashed the cold water on my face, my eyes began to roll back again. "Okay, are you sure you haven't been hanging with the B.O.D? Cause you'd fit in perfectly if you keep that up." Amy laughed.

She stopped when she noticed that I didn't move. I was in front of a mirror. My pupil-less eyes staring straight into it. "Okay, Sades. What are you on? Like seriously." She said as she tapped me on my shoulder. When she did, my eyes instantly rolled back forward and my temperature started to cool down. "I'm cool, but could you get me some ice. I'll be out of here in a minute." I said as I tried to rush her off.

"Sure, whatever." She said as she headed out of the restroom. "I knew it!" I said to myself when I looked at the mirror. The mirror was starting to crack. Sound familiar?

When I got back to the booth, Jeff was gone. "Don't tell me he's trying the Austin challenge." I laughed. "Yeah right. He's gone to flirt wit someone, as usual." Matt chuckled. "So, I heard you went all psycho in the bathroom, lil devil." Mat said with a grin. I frowned at Aimes. "No, I just got real hot." I said as I tried to brush it off.

That was more than just me getting hot. That was strange. I swear I heard someone talking to me. A guy. But that's impossible cause only Aimes and I was in the restroom. I'm really wondering if those fumes from that fire is affecting me. The doctors said I was completely healthy.

Whatever. I'm fine.

I listened to the mellow music in the bar until I smelled cigarette smoke. Now, normally, the smell of cigarettes would make me want to puke. But to add to the weirdness, it smelled wonderful. I had to follow it. "I'll be right back, guys." I said almost in a whisper as I darted up to follow Randy Orton. He was the one with the cigarette. As soon as I got out of the bar, that cold chill came over me again. Like back at the arena when I swore someone was watching me.

"Sup lil devil." Randy smiled when I caught up to him. "Hey. Gimme one." I said. He gave me a funny look. "You don't smoke. Besides, isn't that kinda weird with you and fires and shit?" He asked. "Don't worry about all that. Just give me one." I growled. "Here. But you're finding your own way to light it, fire child." He said as he hesitantly handed me one of his cigarettes.

"Need a light?" This voice came from behind me. "Uh, yeah. Where are ya?" I asked. I had wandered over to the side of the bar. Pitch black darkness. The guy touched my shoulder and in an instant my body started to heat up again. "Here." He said as the lighter flicked. "Oh God." I gasped when I saw who it was. "What?" He asked.

"Nothing. I just, I didn't know you were here." I said in a soft voice. "I'm Sayde, by the way. Thanks for the light." I said as I started to walk away. I felt like I was gonna pass out and I needed that ice way more than ever. "Hey." He said from behind me. When he spoke, he grabbed my hand. "Aaahhhh." I screamed. I quickly jerked my hand back. I swear he had one of those joy buzzers or something in his hand. "What the heck?" I screamed.

"You okay?" He asked. "No. Did you just shock me?" I asked. Now, I know he's weird as heck, but I bet I sound like an idiot now. How in the world can a human shock someone. I need some aspirin or something. "Uh, I know you were in that fire last week. You sure you alright? You sound a little weird." He said with a chuckle.

"I know you did not just call me weird. You, out of all people." I growled. I had to catch myself. I mean, I could just go off on him. But then I'd have to worry about him breaking me in half or sacrificing me to God knows what, so I'll just keep my mouth shut. "What's that supposed to mean?" He said in a deep chilling voice. "Um. Nothing. Thanks again, man." I said as I headed back toward the front of the bar. "Call me Taker." He replied with a chuckle. "Yeah, Taker."