The light burned into Harry's eyes as he threw open the hangings to his bed. His head was pounding and his muscles ached he'd woken up much the same way since the beginning of July but today was much worse.

Harry didn't want to dally any longer and give Sirius a reason to come looking for him he'd been preoccupied enough since Harry arrived there at the end of the school year.

Sirius had been a free man since the end of his godsons fifth year of school but with Voldemort still on the prow Harry had been forced to go back to his aunt and uncles house.

Now things were different Voldemort had messed up and allowed Harry to catch him off his guard and take him down forever just before the end of school exams this past year. They wouldn't be meeting up that way ever again.


Theres the worry wart himself. Harry chuckled to myself. "Coming Padfoot!" He opened the door and yelled back cringing as his own voice echoed in his head.

"You okay kiddo?" Sirius asked a bit too loudly for Harry's tastes as he sank into a chair at the table and massaged his neck with one hand and temple with the other

"I dunno what's going on Padfoot. I've been having this pounding migraine and my muscles feel like they are being stretched apart." The teen explained wincing as he tried to stretch the knots out of his shoulders.

"Maybe it's the morning runs and weight lifting you've been doing."Sirius pointed out taking a sip of his coffee.

"No I've been doing the same routine for almost two months I haven't added anything extra that shouldn't have anything to do with it." Harry replied giving up on stretching and piling bacon and eggs onto his plate.

"You've been doing a lot of cleaning since you got here scrubbing the floors without magic can't be easy.." He continued to try and give his godson reasoning for the pain.

"Oh good grief Sirius I've been cleaning the Dursley's house from top to bottom since I could reach the cleaning supplies do you really think that would bother me?" Harry huffed pushing away his empty plate. " I've probably just been sleeping the wrong way."

"Been? What do you mean been? How long has this been going on?" Sirius asked choking on his bacon.

"Since the beginning of July. So about two weeks. It's just been getting progressively worse maybe I need to go to Mungo's." Harry sighed slouching back in his chair and closing his eyes from the light. He didn't see Sirius sputter and spit his coffee out on the table.

"Don't be ridiculous Kiddo you're probably just sleeping wrong like you said or maybe the mattress is too hard or too soft or something."

"Yeah you're probably right." Harry sighed pushing his chair out. "Either way I'm going to skip my run this morning and finish cleaning the drawing room on the third floor and that'll be it. My head is seriously killing me."

"Okay Harry. Remus will be back later today I've got some errands to run. Don't over do it." Sirius eyes him.

"I won't Padfoot I promise." Harry rolled his eyes heading up the stairs he'd been working on this room for two days and the only thing left was a desk.

He eyed his opponent silently before opening the drawers and pulling things out. Old parchment, Dried up old ink bottles,broken quills nothing interesting at all Harry thought with a huff. He pulled a few book pages out and reached into the back to see if he had missed anything. Harry's fingers brushed metal.

What on earth could possibly be stuck in the back of this thing? Harry thought to himself getting a hold of the strange object he pulled on it. There was a loud thunking noise and a drawer Harry hadn't noticed before flew open almost hitting him in a place he'd rather not think about being hit.

The drawer was extremely shallow and lined with red velvet. Cushioned in the velvet was a quill but it couldn't have been any ordinary quill though because Harry swore it was made of a phoenix feather. Harry couldn't take his eyes off the thing he felt as if it was his and it had been taken and hidden from him.

He snatched the quill out of the drawer and stuck it behind his ear to take back to his room with him he doubted Sirius even knew it was there. After getting the rest of the garbage bagged up and ready to dispose of Harry head off for his room twirling the quill between his finger and thumb.

Once in his room he sighed thankfully for the charm Remus had put on his room before leaving for the week. It acted like a muggle air conditioner so even in the middle of July his room was nice and cool.

After picking up his journal Harry crawled into bed pulling his knees up to be used as a desk and decided to use his newly found quill.

July 14th

Things have been exceedingly odd today. My headaches are nearly unbearable and the muscle ache makes me not even want to move. Padfoot knows what's going on but he acts like it's nothing. I doubt he'd tell me if I asked him. I finished with the drawing room today but skipped out on my morning run. Moony will be home later today I miss him when he's not home. He kind of balances out Padfoot's spontaneity. It'll be good to have him back. I feel my eyelids getting heavy a nap couldn't possibly hurt.

Harry laid his glasses and journal on the nightstand and wiggled into the covers falling asleep almost instantly.

"Wake up pup it's time for dinner."

Through a haze Harry heard someone talking to him and rubbing circles on his back. With a groan he tried to wake up. A flash of blond hair flashed through his brain before waking up.

"Remus?" Harry asked attentively a split second before throwing his arms around the mans neck.

"Miss me?" Remus chuckled heartily. Harry nodded in excitement before taking in the mans tired appearance. The dark circles under his eyes and stubble on his chin attested to how rough the past week had been on him.

Then a realization hit the teen square in the face. "Remus I'm not wearing my glasses!"

"No, they are right here on your stand pup." Remus looked at him with an odd expression and picked them up to give them to him.

"No, Remus you don't understand. I'm not wearing them and I can see everything quite clearly." Harry reiterated looking around the room in wonder.

"That's impossible Harry even in this world peoples eyesight doesn't just fix itself overnight." Remus shook his head.

"Remus I'm telling you I can see everything." Harry argued.

"Okay fine." Remus sighed waving his wand letters appeared on the far wall of Harry's room kind of like a muggle eye chart. "What does that say?"

" The top going down would be A HR84YJ3." Harry read down the list effortlessly.

"Merlin Harry! You're right!" Remus exclaimed.

"I told you see!" Harry bounced on the bed.

"I have to go see Sirius about something so as soon as you're ready come down for dinner." Remus gave a short nod and left the room.

Harry grabbed his journal eager to write down what had happened. He flipped open to the page his earlier entry should have been on and it wasn't there. Thinking perhaps he'd skipped a a page he flipped through it simply wasn't there.

He knew he hadn't imagined writing earlier and he knew there was nothing strange about his journal he had bought it at the beginning of summer in muggle London.

"The Quill." He whispered to the empty room.

Finding the quill he picked it up examining it. He found nothing out of the ordinary aside from the phoenix feather it consisted of.

Deciding to give it one more go Harry wrote his new entry.

July 14th,

The oddness continues, Moony is home and he knows whats going too I wonder if I can get him to tell me. Anyway when Moony woke me up for dinner I discovered I don't need my glasses anymore my vision just corrected its so bizarre.

Harry laid down the quill and looked at his journal entry. Then blinked and looked again the words were there then suddenly they weren't. They just disappeared. Harry's first thought of was Riddle's diary. He quickly wrapped a tissue around the quill running downstairs to show it to Sirius.

Harry skidded to a stop outside the dining room hearing loud voices.

Remus never raised her voice never.

"Sirius you can't keep hiding this from him!" It sounded like he was pacing.

"You know I can't tell him yet!" Sirius yelled back.

"Sirius, His vision just corrected itself in a matter of a few weeks. You said yourself that it started at the beginning of July and its been getting worse the closer to his birthday we get! You don't know what else could improve or get stronger or whatever else could happen." Remus shouted.

"I didn't expect any of this to happen Dumbledore gave me the spell none of this was in the fine print and now I can't tell him either." Sirius spoke quieter and Harry had to lean forward to hear him.

"Then let me tell him Sirius." Remus pleaded.

"No! Its my secret to tell I will tell him no one else!" Sirius yelled again.

Harry took that as his cue to walk in. "Tell me what?" He asked solemnly rather sick of his life being kept secret from him.

"Nothing Kiddo. How are you feeling?" Sirius turned to look at him.

"Bullshit Sirius I heard everything. What's being kept hidden from me now?" Harry crossed his arms sinking into an armchair.

"Harry there is a reason you've been in pain and your eyesight and everything you've been going through. Forgive me though there is a spell preventing me from telling you until your seventeenth birthday. Please understand." Sirius dropped to his knees in front of the raven haired teen.

"But Remus could." Harry stated pointedly.

"Yes, he could but this is something I'd really like you to hear from me. Please just trust me Harry." Sirius bowed his head into his hands.

"Fine I trust you but I hate being kept in the dark." Harry sighed pulling the quill out. "I found this upstairs and it bothers me."

Sirius looked wide eyed at the teen and the quill.

"Wow! That's been missing for years. Did you write anything with it?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah and thats what scares me it all disappeared." Harry whispered as if afraid the quill would hear him.

"Don't worry it won't possess you." Sirius chuckled. "Whatever you write down with that quill just travels to wherever its match is."

"Okay and where would I find my quills match or whatever?" Harry rolled his eyes.

"Your soul mate will have found theirs around the same time as you found yours." Remus answered this time.

"Okay so I'm supposed to use this quill to write back and forth to my soul mate?" Harry scoffed in disbelief. He then huffed and stomped out of the room.

He looked down at the quill and pulled out a piece of parchment.


If there is anyone out there reading this. Could you write me back?


He sighed down at the paper then headed downstairs for dinner