OMG! We're updating hehe. Sorry for the long wait, our muses were being little bitches! But we hope you enjoy this chapter and we hope to update again soon!

Disclaimer in chapter 1

Nick couldn't help but laugh as Calleigh buried her face in his neck and wrapped her arms around his chest.

"Are you okay?" he whispered to her.

"I am, but I hate Jaws, I'm terrified of sharks." She whispered back to him. Nick chuckled again and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"You should have told me, we could have gone to watch something else." He said. "Want to leave?" he asked. Calleigh shook her head and turned towards the screen again. Nick could feel her trembling as the huge shark filled the screen.

"Calleigh, seriously, we can leave." He said.

"No! There's only about ten minutes left, I'll be fine." She said. The Texan laughed when he noticed that the blonde hid her face in his chest again, her arms tightening around him. When the lights turned on announcing the end of the movie, Calleigh was still clutching to Nick.

"The movie's done now." The Texan laughed. Calleigh blushed and let go of him.

"Sorry for urm…" she began as they began to walk out of the theater.

"For the vice grip squeeze you had on me? That's okay." Nick laughed, "You should have told me you were afraid of sharks." He smiled at her. The two stepped outside and looked at the starry sky.

"There's midnight showing in twenty minutes, want to go again?" Nick asked with a grin.

"No thank you." Calleigh smiled back.

"Would you like to go for a walk?" he asked after glancing at his watch.

"Sure." Calleigh smiled. He took her hand and they walked for a bit before he drove her back home.

Like a gentlemen, he walked her to the door.

"I had fun, thank you." She smiled at him.

"We'll do it again, then…without the sharks." Nick smiled. Calleigh laughed and looked down.

"I guess I'll see you at school." She said looking up at him again.

"See you Monday." He said. Nick placed a hand on Calleigh's waist, leaned in and placed a kiss on her lips.

"Bye." He smiled as she walked back to his truck. Calleigh watched him drive away and then walked into the house. Knowing she was alone, she let out an excited squeal. The blonde rushed upstairs to call Wendy as she had promised.

Catherine smiled as they left the diner and stepped out into the cool Las Vegas night. She looped her arm through Gil's as they began to stroll in the direction of the movie theatre. As much as she enjoyed the time they spent together in the privacy of his apartment, she couldn't deny how wonderful it felt to actually go out on a date together, just like a normal couple.

"Penny for your thoughts?" She glanced up at him and smiled.

"Nothing, I was just thinking how nice this is being about to go out together." He smiled in response and pulled her closer, pressing a tender kiss to her temple. "I like it too, now that I'm actually relaxing."

Catherine couldn't help the bubble of laughter that escaped. "I'm sure that poor waitress must've thought you were on the run from the cops, the way you kept glancing around every five seconds." Gil chuckled at the memory.

"She looked so relieved when we left I thought she was going to pass out."

Just as Catherine was about to respond a familiar sound caught her attention, making her blood run cold. Scanning the sidewalk ahead, her eyes locked on Nick and Calleigh headed towards them. Before Gil could say anything to her, she dragged him into a darkened doorway, pulling him to her so that his back was to the street and his body shielded her from view.

She rested her head against his chest and held her breath as she waited for the other couple to pass. Once she was certain that the coast was clear she tilted her chin and met Gil's questioning gaze.

"Nick and Calleigh." She watched his eyes widen in horror. "It's ok," she continued, placing a reassuring hand on his arm, "They didn't see us, and they walked the other way." He relaxed minutely under her touch.

"This was a bad idea Catherine. What would've happened if they had seen us?"

"They didn't."

"But they could have," he continued.

Catherine's face fell. "I'm sorry. I just wanted us to be able to go out like a normal couple."

"We aren't a normal couple though sweetheart," he replied, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. "We have to be so careful. Once false move and this could all come crashing down round our ears... I can't lose you Cath. You mean more to me than anything."

She smiled slightly and pulled back, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

"I can't lose you either." After a beat she continued. "So, no more dates outside your apartment?"

He shook his head. "But after graduation all bets are off. I'm going to take you out and show you off as much as I like." She giggled and kissed him again.

"There's a movie rental place down the block. How about we rent Jaws and cuddle up on your couch together?" Gil smiled and stepped back, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as they resumed their walk down the street.

"That sounds good to me."

"Plus this was, we won't get kicked out for getting carried away in the back row," she added and Gil laughed, struck not for the first time by how much he loved this woman.

"Don't forget to change KC before you put her to bed." Mrs. Faulkner said as she followed her husband out the door.

"Don't worry, Lisa, I've babysat KC before, we know each other." Natalia laughed as she closed the door. The baby girl in her arms began crying.

"Okay, sweetie, it's okay." Natalia said as she sat down in the rocking chair. Natalia could think of no better way to spend a Saturday night than babysitting the little six month old girl. She was also excited that Sara was coming over to 'study' once the baby was in bed. The brunette rocked the baby in her arms, trying to calm her down, but she had no success. The Latina had been walking around and rocking the baby in her arms for an hour and forty minutes when the door bell rang.

"Woah! What's up with you?" Sara asked seeing Natalia.

"KC won't stop crying, it's been an hour and a half." The Latina said on the verge of tears. Sara leaned forward and kissed Natalia's forehead. "She's never done this before." The Latina sighed. She followed Sara to the living room and continued to rock the baby as she continued to cry.

"I'm going to try feeding her, can you hold her?" Natalia asked looking at Sara.

"I'd really rather not." Sara said. She wasn't comfortable with babies.

"Babe, please just for like five minutes so I can get her bottle and try and feed her." Natalia begged. Sara sighed and nodded, seeing the desperate look in Natalia's eyes. The brunette almost cringed as the crying little girl was placed into her arms.

"Thanks, be right back." Natalia said kissing Sara and leaving the room. The baby in Sara's arms was still crying and fussing.

"Urm, hi." Sara said looking down at the little girl, "I'm Sara…um…what's wrong, KC?" she asked. The baby kept crying her lungs out, a little louder this time. "Oh, no, don't do that, Talia doesn't like it when you cry and we love Natalia, don't we, we have to be nice to her, you know we have to show her we love her." Sara said looking down at the little girl. As if by magic, the baby stopped crying and looked up at Sara. The brunette rose up and walked to the kitchen to where Natalia was heating a bottle.

"What did you do?" Natalia asked when she saw the baby had stopped crying.

"I have no idea, I told her we loved you and that she needed to stop crying." Sara said with a smile.

"You love me?" Natalia asked with a smile. Sara blushed to a deep shade of red, her mouth opening and closing as she searched for her words.

"It's okay, I love you, too." The Latina smiled. She took the bottle and placed it on the counter. Natalia extended her arms and took the now calm baby from Sara.

"Bring the bottle, please." Natalia asked. Sara grabbed the bottle and followed the brunette to the living room. Once Natalia had settled in the rocking chair with the baby, Sara handed her the bottle. The two sat in silence as the little girl drank.

"Isn't she perfect?" Natalia asked as she gently ran a finger on the baby's cheek.

"Yeah, she is." Sara smiled. "You're gonna make a great mom someday." She added. Natalia blushed.

"Thanks." She mumbled. When it came time to burp the baby, Sara offered to do it. Listening closely to what Natalia was telling her she placed a hand beneath the baby's chin and gently rubbed and patted the little girl's back until she burped.

"Oh, my God! That is so cute." Sara laughed.

"Now, we have to change this big girl and put her to bed." Natalia said taking the baby from Sara.

"Wow, she fell asleep fast." Sara said as they moved onto the couch to watch a movie.

"I know, KC always does that, once she's full and burped, she sleeps." Natalia said as she leaned against the arm of the couch. Sara sat between the Latina's legs and leaned against her.

"What are we watching?" The brunette asked. Natalia smiled and pressed play.

"Seriously?" Sara said as 'Beauty and the Beast' began playing.

"I forgot to rent a movie and they only had Disney Princess movies." Sara shook her head with a smile.

"I guess I'll live." She sighed. Natalia wrapped her arms around the brunette's waist.

"Of course you will," Natalia said, "this one just happens to be my favorite." She whispered in Sara's ear.

"Mm hmm." Sara nodded with a smile. Natalia draped her arms and legs around Sara and the two watched the movie in silence.

When the end credits began rolling, Natalia looked down at Sara that was sleeping against her chest.

"Baby, Sara…you need to wake up." The Latina whispered softly, as she gently shook her girlfriend.

"Mm mm." Sara moaned in her sleep as she settled herself. Natalia slid her hand down Sara's back and gave her tush a tight squeeze, digging her nails into the flesh.

"Okay!" Sara said almost jumping up.

"Thank you." Natalia smiled. The two had just separated when the Faulkners walked through the door. While Mrs. Faulkner went upstairs to check on the baby, Mr. Faulkner paid Natalia and bid her goodbye.

"I'll give you a ride home." Natalia smiled at Sara. The two got into Natalia's roomy Mercedes and the Latina drove Sara to her home. Before the brunette got out, Natalia pulled Sara's face to hers. The two kissed passionately until the need for air became too much.

"Okay, I love you, too." Sara smiled.

"I wanted to do that at the house, but I knew they could come home early." Natalia smiled as she ran her fingers through Sara's hair. The brunette smiled and playfully pinched Natalia's cheeks.

"You should head home before your parents wonder where you are." She smiled. The Latina nodded. Sara stole another kiss from Natalia before getting out of the car and watching her girlfriend drive away.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter :) Please leave us a review!

We hope you update again soon with some Christmas stuff (just a warning) hehe