Operation 18: Silent Conversation

I was wedged rather snugly into the corner of the sofa and had slunk down into the seat in comfort. The grilling Skipper received off Marlene was wonderful to watch and allowed me the moment to relax while Skipper was tense. He'd been sat up straight and leaning forwards slightly to engage in the heated discussion with Marlene but now he was able to relax again.

Marlene had moved onto Rico, so it was his turn to sit to attention and finally give back some space on the crammed sofa.

Skipper sat back properly and his arm slid along the back of the sofa while he brought his drink to his lips to take a sip.

I frowned into my tea and tensed as I found myself once again tucked under his arm. I tried to subtly move my arm so it wasn't touching him in the hopes of making it look less obvious that I was- unwillingly- leaning against his side.

The position left me in a squashed sit with no room to put my arms and far less comfortable than I had been before.

Skipper turned to look down at me and I saw the movement so turned my attention to him, "What?" I queried quietly, clutching protectively at my drink.

A single brow raised on his face and he took his time as he regarded me. The look made me nervous about what he was seeing and I could feel a sweat start to creep over me. "What's with the t-rex arms?" He finally questioned with a nod to my crunched up position.

I frowned at him before looking down at my self. I had my drink held in both hands and tucked up to my chest with my arms squeezed in as tight as they would go. I couldn't deny they did look like little t-rex limbs. "W-well- there's no room!" I tried to defend, barely managing a shrug in how I was sat.

"Don't be afraid to get comfortable, Doll, you'll only lose the space you give up!" He grinned.

"You know what!" I huffed as I lowered my drink a fraction. "I'm just going to go grab a different chair!" I decided with a determined nod.

I turned away from Skipper and tried to rock myself forwards to get enough momentum to pull my self out of the wedged position. I didn't budge. A frown came to my face as I tried again, holding my drink out to protect myself encase I ended up spilling any thing, but again I couldn't move out of the seat. I tried some shuffling to move my back side a little closer to the edge of the seat before again trying to rock myself out of the position but my hips were well and truly wedged between the arm rest and Skipper.

I could only flop back in defeat with a huff, my position lower and more slouched than before.

Skipper lifted his hand from the back of the sofa and pressed his knuckles against his temple as he leaned on his hand and rested his weight on his elbow. "Well, don't you look snug!" He commented with a grin.

"Not by choice, I can assure you!" I clipped back, trying not to pout over it.

"If you wanted more room-" He started as he leaned forwards in his seat and placed his cup down on the table, "-why didn't you just say so?" He gave a calm, smooth smile as he leaned back in his seat and over me a little more.

I tried to lean back from him but I had no where to go and the only other option was to angle my self to face him as I slunk down a little further. "I thought it was rather obvious!" I tried to defend as he reached towards me and I looked away.

He gripped my cup and lifted it out of my grasp, leaning away as he placed it on the table. A breath I didn't realise I was holding tumbled out of my chest and my nervous gaze flitted about before I locked eyes with Kowalski sat opposite.

I caught as his eyes shifted from me, to Skipper and back before he then noticed my gaze and swiftly looked out the window with a tint of embarrassment coming to his cheeks. My face flushed instantly as I dreaded to think what was possibly going through his mind and I was scared to look at the others encase I saw the same look, but I did so- timidly.

I relaxed when I saw Marlene was still very much in her moment of telling off Rico, who in response waved his arms around in various gestures and gave gruff, grunted replies that were difficult to understand. Not that it mattered, Marlene wasn't listening to anything he had to say, and poor Private was trying to simmer Marlene down and bring some peace to the group.

Kowalski was left out of both conversations and instead had taken to observing, and what it was he thought he was observing was another matter.

I glowered at the side of his face until he dared to peek back at me and the moment he did, I fixed him with a look that was both questioning and challenging. What is it exactly you think is going on here? Go on, say it!

He looked a little sheepish in reply to my look, until his eyes shifted to Skipper and both his brows slowly rose as he watched the leader lean back over to me.

"Want more space?" Skipper uttered quietly like he was planning something; unaware of Kowalski's assumptions.

I risked taking my eyes off Kowalski's calculating face. "Please." I gave Skipper a nod before turning back to the smart man sat opposite.

A suggestive look came to Kowalski's face as his eyes flashed to Skipper and back to me. I narrowed my eyes at him, unsure what it was he was thinking but repulsed by it none the less. Just what did he think was happening!?

"Rico!" Skipper barked as he turned to throw a frown at the other man on the sofa. Rico quieted and turned instantly to look at Skipper, confusion clear on his face as to why he was being shouted at, "What's with that posture!" He snapped. "Stand to attention!"

Rico jumped into movement as he stood and managed a flustered salute before sorting himself out with a gruff apology and straight spine.

Like a shot Skipper slid across the sofa and occupied the other arm rest while simultaneously pulling me out from my little crevice. "Good man!" He nodded to Rico as he settled comfortably into the seat, throwing his arm over the arm rest and releasing me so he could stretch his other arm across the back on the sofa again.

"Aww!?" Rico gave a confused and defeated grumble as he looked between Skipper and myself from where we were now stretched across the sofa.

I frowned lightly from where I was sprawled across the seat and had to prop myself up on my elbow. I'd gone from having no space at all to lounging across most of the sofa, it was impressive but rather unnecessary. I was expecting Skipper to tell Rico to shift over a bit more, not evict him from the seat all together.

I sat up properly and shifted over only enough to give myself the right amount of room but to take up no more than necessary. I huffed as I reached forwards for my drink- I had to admit, it was an effective way of getting space.

My eyes met Kowalski's and there was that seemingly understanding look on his face. I paused what I was doing to frown at him and he flicked his brows up.

A light cringe came to my face as I narrowed my gaze and tilted my head- what ever he thought was going on, I didn't like it.

Rico spotted the space open up between me and Skipper and made a move to step over to capture the spot, but Skipper was quick. He kicked a leg up to claim the space first and allowed that easy smile to come to his face. "Not so fast soldier!"

Everyone turned to watch the action between Skipper and Rico, mostly confused but when I looked to Kowalski he had a knowing look on his face. I frowned and shook my head to question his understanding because I was sure that what ever answers he'd come up with for Skipper's actions, they were wrong.

Rico gave a dejected grumble at being declined a seat and Marlene turned her furious gaze back to Skipper, "You don't need that much room, Skipper!" She frowned.

"Rico will only take all the room if I didn't." He shrugged in reply, like he didn't have a care in the world.

I gave Kowalski a confirming nod at what Skipper had just said to silently tell him that had been the sole point of our conversation and reason for our closeness.

The smart man didn't look convinced.

"Oo, we finally got an arrest!" Skipper cheered. His tone excited and laced with amusement as he vaulted up and knelt on the sofa to lean closer to the window to watch the action outside, while Rico used the opportunity to take his seat back.

I jumped in shock and was forced to cower back in the corner of the sofa as Skipper hovered over me with one hand braced on the back of the sofa behind my head and the other on the arm rest next to me.

I sat in shock, peering over Skipper's arm as a single brow slowly rose on Kowalski's face. It was a look of disagreement and I could hear that knowing voice of his droning out a low and slow -really?- to match the look.

Throughout or silent conversation of facial expressions Kowalski had assumed something about the closeness of Skipper and myself and I have both been trying to figure it out and deny it.

How could he not see the closeness was forced, Rico was taking up all the damned space!

I frowned and shook my head at him.

Kowalski looked at Skipper currently hovering above me and returned his eyes to me with a slight narrow of his gaze and tilt of the head- You sure?- the look was asking.

I rolled my eyes and gave a shrug- What are you on about?

He gave a slow nod and lifted a finger to tap against his chin as he thought, and I clenched my jaw and shook my head.

He needed to stop it!

Growing more irritated the last straw was when I got a bump to the head from Skipper's chest as he leaned closer to the window, "Oh, for goodness sake just switch seats!" I flapped as I threw my arms up to both push Skipper away and knock his barricading arm from in front of me so I could stand.

With flushed cheeks I huffed and smoothed my hands down the front of the jacket I was wearing- perhaps that was why Kowalski is getting the wrong idea- I'm wearing Skipper's jacket. I shook my head as my bare feet padded around Skipper. No, it's not like I requested the jacket, nor did he offer; he just flung it on me.

I shot the smart man a warning look, I was thinking too much into it now. I couldn't go picking through every little detail to try and figure out what impression Kowalski was under and why.

With a shake of my head I sat in the middle of the sofa, my best course of action would be just to deny anything and everything.

"Hey!" Rico cheered with a grin as I flopped down next to him and with out a word or worry he slung an arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side.

"Can I help you!?" I chirped with a frown, rather lost on the sudden contact. Rico I had experienced less off and I wasn't sure what to do or how to take this action. Was he showing me a form of endearment? Have I been accepted by him? Is he testing how much I'd struggle so he knew if Id be difficult to kill?

The man was a complicated mystery which I had no desire to delve into.

Rico did reply to me, but his tone was so gruff and words mumbled that I didn't understand anything he said. I could only go on the chuckle his own words brought from him as he gave me a few nudges that rocked me away from his body and back a few times.

I laughed nervously along with him. Is anyone going to help?

I shot Kowalski a pointed look just for the sarcastic sake of it- Is there something between me and Rico too!?

"Hey! Whoa!?" Skipper spoke up when he turned back to the group and noticed the new snug pairing. "What's going on here?" He demanded to clear his confusion.

I would have shrugged if Rico's arms weren't so tight and heavy on my shoulders but I did pass the man a very annoyed look.

Rico grinned as he brought his other arm around to double up his strength and squashed me into his side, "She's mine now!" He muttered.

I could only give a mere squeak in discomfort while Private slowly raised a hand, "Um, Rico?" He tried for the man's attention, "Perhaps you shouldn't squeeze so hard?" He cringed.

"I'm so sorry, Lola!" Marlene sighed in her own moment of guilt, needing to apologise for the situation as a whole but I was too concerned with my back possibly cracking from Rico's boa like arms.

"Rico! Release Lola!" Skipper frowned.

I had already accepted my fate of being crush and simply sat limp as Rico pouted and grumbled against Skipper's orders and the leader him self grappled with the man's arms to help release me.

"I do love relaxing on a day off." I huffed, trying to ignore getting jigged about by the pair.

With a final slap to Rico's hand I was released and Skipper sat back in his seat properly with a huff, before a thought popped into his head. "Kowalski!?" Skipper started with a look of suspicion, "What's with all the looks you've been passing Lola?" He quirked a brow and both Kowalski and my self were surprised he noticed. "Is there something I should know about?"

"Nope!" I chirped. "There's nothing!" I assured but was ignored. Skipper wasn't looking to me for answers.

"N-no, Skipper!" Kowalski shook his head, "Absolutely not! W-why- why would there be anything?" He gave a nervous shrug as he started to fluster at the unsaid accusation. "I-I mean, what reason is there?" He tried to sound calm and causal but he was anything but and only succeeded in seeming guilty.

"What are you hiding?" Skipper pried further in suspicion.

Kowalski avoided eye contact as he looked all about the cafe, "Nothing! What's there to hide?" He gave another jerky shrug, "Nothing, that's what!" he forced a laugh as he answered his own question.

"Then explain the silent conversation you two have been having?" He folded his arms and sat back to watch the smart man fluster.

"Oh, people are going back inside now!" Private's cheery voice popped up and I looked out the window in hope.

They were indeed! I can go back to my flat!

"Yay!" I cheered as I hopped up from my seat.

"Yay!" Rico joined me in my moment before he then roughly grabbed me and flung me over his shoulder.

"Hey!?" I yelled with a scowl as he simply headed off with me.

Skipper looked from Kowalski and after Rico with a bit of a lost frown. He was unsure what he should address first, "Rico!" He called after the tall man with a frown, but Rico continued on his way with his stolen Lola.

With a groan of annoyance the leader stood to follow after but not before he pointed a finger towards the brains, "We're not done!" He stated and Kowalski cringed.

"I am the worst friend!" Marlene fell back into her pool of guilt as she hung her head.

"No, you're not!" Private smiled as he gave her a pat on the back, unknowing that the reason she felt that way was because she had gotten Lola involved with the group.