Disclaimer: I don't own twilight or any of its characters. However the plot is mine:)

A/N Hope you enjoy!

Off to War


Edward and I was a very happy newly married couple. Yes that is until; he decides he's going to serve his country. Any wife would gladly support this request...Unlike me, who was totally against it. He was my husband, and even though he didn't know it a father. Yes you heard right, you may think poor Bella Swan. Well that's only half the story, Ha. You just wait and see.

(Chapter One: Leaving)

My name is Isabella Masen; I just turned eighteen on September 13th. And married my amazing husband, Edward Masen. It was one of the best days of my life, due to I finally took on the name of the love of my life. Yeah some say we married way too young, but when you're deeply in love with one another like Edward and I; what people say and think doesn't really matter. Today is are three week anniversary, I'm so happy. Me and Edward live in Jacksonville, Florida. We grew up here, met here, and hopefully we will raise a family here. I have family, but they basically live all over the U.S. My dad Charlie lives in Forks, Washington. If you haven't heard of it, it's understandable. While my mom Renee lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her new husband Phil. My mom and dad divorced when I was a kid. They let their marriage fail, that's what I say, but to them 'they weren't in love anymore' pffsh yeah right. Charlie loves her still; I can tell...he gives the same look to her that I give to Edward.

"Bella!" Edward yelled from down stair, "Love come down here. I have some news!" I was suspiciously cautious. He only uses that tone of voice, when he's about to tell me something he doesn't think I'll love.

"Coming!" I yelled back down to him. I slowly descended the stairs. He was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, with a bouquet of freesia in his hand. I gave him a gentle smile and a wave.

"Hey, Edward" I greeted him. His smile grew, "Hello love how was your day?" he greeted me back with his best crooked smile and a bear hug. "Surprisingly good, better now that your home" I whispered into the crook of his neck. I wormed my way out of his iron grip with a giggle, which caused him to chuckle.

"So do you know what today is?" he asked me. I played dumb... "Uh, a Tuesday?" he chuckled and started to tickle me. "Edward....stop....tick...ling....me" I said between laughs. He laughed harder. "Not until you tell me, what today is" he said while pressing himself into me. "Are three week anniversary!" I said almost yelling through my giggles. He smirked and stopped. Ending it with a perfect, passionate kiss on the lips. "That is correct, love" he said with a smile as he leaned away. I pouted, "That's not fair" I said while trying to hide the smile that would surely give me away. He took my hand and led me to the kitchen.

"So what do we have planned for today?" I asked a little more excited then before.

He took me around the waist and pulled me closer. "Well I have some plans on what to do" he said with a wiggle of his eyebrows and a huge seductive smile on his face. I couldn't help but laugh. He looked at me, as if almost to say 'what!?!' I just shook my head, with another laugh.

"I made reservations for that restaurant you like" he told me, more serious then before.

I looked up into his beautiful green eyes.

"I love you so much, and that sounds perfect" I said through my lashes. His smile faltered a bit, and then perked back up.

"I love you to love, so much you don't even know" was all he said before I took his face forcing his lips to mine once more.

"Oh, and thank you for the flowers. They're beautiful" I thanked him with all honesty.

"Nothing compared to you" he said with as much honesty in his eyes as me. I felt my face burn hot. He chuckled and ran his thumb over my cheek.

"I love it when you blush" he whispered. I looked at the clock, it said 3:35.

"Edward, what time did you make it for?" I asked. He himself looked at the clock.

"I made it for 4:00, so we should start getting ready" he suggested. I nodded enthusiastically, which caused him to chuckle at me. I gave him one of those glares as if to say 'don't laugh at me'. And with that I made my way up to our room to find something to wear.

~***Later that evening***~

We pulled up to my favorite restaurant (a/n sorry, I have no idea what nice restaurants' are out there lol). He looked me in the eyes, and then smiled. He opened his door and made his way around the car to open my door. Such a gentlemen I thought to myself. We made are way to the restaurant. "You ready love?" I just simply nodded. He smiled and pulled me through the doors.

"Table for two, please. I made reservations for 4:00" he said to the maƮtre d'. She smiled at him and nodded. "Name?" was all she said. He in return said his name. Her response was a smile with a 'right this way'. We followed her to the private room, with maybe five other couples.

"Your server should be right with you" she stated, and made her way back to her post.

I heard someone exhale very loudly. I looked up to see Edward with guilt written all over his face; once he realized I was watching him he composed himself with a smile. But it was wrong...It didn't reach his eyes. I was about to ask him what was wrong, when the server came up to our table.

"Hello, I'm Jessica. I'll be your server for this evening. Can I get you some wine, or any appetizers?" she said in an emotionless tone. Edward looked up to her, which caused her to brake out in a huge blush.

"Yeah, uh love would you like some white wine?" he said to me. I nodded, and he smiled at me with an 'okay'. He looked up back to the server.

"Yes, we will have some white wine, please." he said very politely. God how I love this man, he's perfect.

"Alright, a bottle of white wine. Anything else?" she asked, never looking at me once. He looked at me for an opinion. I shook my head, telling him 'no, I'm good for now'.

"No were fine for now. Thank you" he said with his genuine crooked smile. I swear he can make a straight guy go gay. Jessica was taken aback by it, "Oh al-alright, I'll be with you when your ready." she said and swiftly walked away, I stifled a laugh.

"What's so funny, love?" He asked me with a questioning look. I breathed in.

"You shouldn't smile at people like that especially women, she's probably back there hyperventilating in the kitchen" I explained with another giggle. He laughed with me. Soon enough we had are food and wine, we were enjoying it very much...well I was.

"So, Bella I have something to tell you. I was going to tell you at the house earlier. But I decided to tell you now." he took in a deep breath. I didn't like where this was going.

"Bella, I'm going overseas" was all he said. "I don't understand" I responded. He looked up at me with grief in his eyes.

"Bella, I'm going off to war" He said each word separate and distinct. That's when realization hit me.

"Edward you can't leave. I love you to much. What if-what if something happens to you?" I pleaded. He took in a sharp breath, "Bella I have to do this. Especially if we wanna raise a family, don't you understand that?" he said in a calm voice.

"Of course I understand that but what I don't understand is why you marry me and then leave. Edward what if you don't come back. Huh?" I said coldly tears forming in my eyes. He looked at me with apologetic eyes.

"Bella, I understand where you're coming from, but I will never leave you" I was defiantly mad now.

"And what do you call what your doing right now!?!" I yelled. He went quite and looked around the room. "Edward I can't, and I won't loose you" I demanded.

"Bella, your not gonna loose me. I'm just going for maybe a year. I'll be back love" he explained. I got up harshly causing the medal chair to screech on the tile floor causing everyone to stare.

"NO!!!!" I screamed. And with that I made my way out to the car, stomping my feet. Ignoring all the stares and rude comments along the way. When Edward made his way to the car, his faced looked crushed. Was he expecting me to agree with this? To be all happy? I hope not because this is the worse news in my life. We pulled up to the house; I opened my door and made my way inside the house before he even had his door open.

I couldn't take this...my stomach is killing me, and I feel like I'm going to pass out. Must have been the pasta I had at the restaurant, I thought to myself. I went to bed early that night, not one word to Edward. Could you blame me?

~***The Next Morning***~

I woke up to the sound of rummaging. I looked up to see Edward digging through his drawers, placing his clothes in large black suitcases. So he's still going on with, even when I asked not to go. I thought to myself. I stretched my arms with a yawn causing him to jump. I giggled. He looked at me with a smile, but with such pain and heart ache in his eyes.

"Morning love" He said and continued on with what he was doing. I got up and walked over to him.

"I'm sorry" I apologized. He looked at me with anger in his eyes now. He pulled me close to him with so much force it actually hurt a little.

"Don't you ever be sorry" he said coldly. I pulled away to look in his eyes. One single tear made its way down his cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb. Seeing him cry caused me to start sobbing. We held each other, for who knows how long. Until he whispered "My flight leaves in 30 min, I have to finish packing love" into my hair. I pulled away violently. I threw my arms up in frustration, "I can not believe you!" I yelled and with that I went to the bathroom, and slammed the door causing the pictures to fall on the tile floor.

I screamed. "Huugh, god my stomach" I said gripping my middle area, next thing I knew I was puking. Gross? Yeah It is. I was finally done, just simply dry heaving. When I heard my name and knocks at the door. I got up and unlocked it causing Edward to fly threw, barely missing me.

"Bella" he looked around the bathroom, "What's wrong?" I just rolled my eyes and went for the bed. Yeah like he actually cares about me.

~****15 minutes later****~

"Bella?" I heard a hushed voice calling me. I looked up to see Edward standing, next to my side of the bed.

"I'm leaving now" he didn't even let me respond before he pulled me up in a huge hug.

"Be safe my angel, my love, my wife" he said into my hair. I broke out crying.

"I love you Edward...so much, please stay safe for me. I want you to come back to me, and I want to have kids with you...I wanna a boy and a girl. Okay?" He nodded tears forming in his eye, "And I want my husband to grow old with me" and with that I gave him the most passionate kiss I have ever given. He pulled away, grabbed his luggage, and made his way out. "Come back home to me Edward!!!" I yelled in sobs before I heard the front door close and a car drive away.

A/n So, I know I'm tackling a lot of stories at once. But one night I had this awesome Idea...this is one of the hardest stories I had ever written. I'm not too good at angst. But I hope you enjoyed it :)

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Samantha Rennay:)