Lateness, as usual. I had to study hard for my finals. Aced everyone of them though. =]

I finished almost the whole chapter a long time ago, but I had some trouble wording certain things. So yep. Sorry

Liz woke my disoriented self up, by jumping up and down and screaming, "Wake up!!!" The age old way to effectively wake somebody up.

I slowly sat up. As I became less disoriented I noticed that it was quite dark in our room. "Liz, what time is it?"

"Five." She said and proceeded to throw clothes at me.

I blocked the clothes attack as I ask, "Liz, honey, why the hell did you wake me up at five in the morning."

"Well we have a lot of sights to see. There's the Buckingham Palace, Stonehenge, Big Ben, oh! And we have to ride those cute double-Decker buses. We have to stick to the schedule. "

I groaned and pulled the covers over my head. "Count me out Liz. I rather just sleep and avoid all of this 'cultural experience'." I decided not to mention I already been to the Buckingham Palace twice, once when there was a bomb threat and once with Bex, where we got to meet the Queen of England. I also had been to the Stonehenge for no clandestine purposes, but just for a visit.

"Come on Cammie!"

"Ugh, no really, I'm fine. No need to drag me along."

"You can't just stay here. Remember, we're supposed to look like normal teachers, out for a visit. What better way than to check out the sights?"

"Act like there isn't a Cammie, or rather Avery, alive."

Liz gave me a glare, which, for a 100-pound pixie-like girl, is pretty scary. "You have 5 minutes Cammie." She sauntered out of the room, probably to torture Macey and Bex, who sleep in the next room.

I groaned again as I hesitantly got up and got dressed in a white cami and grey knit sweater, with plain blue jeans. I pulled on my Uggs and went to get ready for this fun and exciting day.

We ended up getting out of the school at six, in part to Macey taking a long time to choose between two sweater dresses that I swear are the exact same style but in different colors, before finally choosing the same sweater dress, but in navy blue rather the original two colors. She and Bex agreed it complimented her more. I didn't see the difference.

The other part, to my pleasant surprise, was because Damon at the last minute decided to join our outing. It brought on a lot of winking from my friends, but I was glad he decided to go.

We exited the school grounds, and a something occurred to me. "Um, guys, how are we going to get out of here?" I asked, since nobody ever bothered to think of transportation.

Damon spoke up. "I got that covered. As I was rushing out I saw Zach and he asked why I was in such a rush. I told him what we were doing and he offered to give us a ride. I accepted. I hope that isn't a problem. " He finished and noticing my narrowing eyes, he gave me a sheepish grin.

I spun away from him, so he wouldn't notice my gritted teeth. "No, it's not a problem at all."

"Great! He said he'll be out… right about now."

As if on cue, Zach strode out of the school. He smirked at me and said in a pleasant tone, "Morning Cammie." After a beat, he said, "Morning Bex, Liz, Macey…. Damon." He was greeted with a chorus of good mornings.

As we got into the black roomy car (which was more of a van), Zach decided that I got shotgun. He patted the passenger seat on the right of him (I wasn't all that used to the left is the driver's seat thing), and I grudgingly got in. He leaned back and said in the worst British accent I ever heard (what kind of spy is he?), "Sorry ol' chaps, but you're just going to have to wait a few more minutes. I promised Autumn that I'd take her sightseeing."

Liz panicked, complaining about how this was going to put her behind schedule, while I felt knots in my stomach. My mind was thinking things like -why do they always have to be together?, and they better not be together.- against my will. My fists balled up into fists and I said to myself, it isn't jealousy, over and over again. And no, I wasn't convincing myself. I was trying to un-delude myself.

Soon (if 30 minutes later was your definition of soon that is) Autumn came up in a very um, flashy outfit. I swore she was heading to the passenger seat when she saw me there. In the most non-obvious way she could muster, she headed toward the back seat. Macey, who was seated in the middle seats next to Damon, coldly moved to the back seats where Bex and Liz were. I noticed that Bex smiled at Macey as a sign of gratitude. See! My distaste toward Autumn wasn't because I actually liked Zach, since Bex, Macey, and Liz felt it too.

It seemed she felt the frostiness. Too bad she didn't wear anything more than her hot pink short-sleeved dress and sheer tights.

She leaned forward and said, "Zachy, I'm cold. Can you turn the heater up?"

Instead he gave her his jacket.


After a rather uneventful tourist-y morning, it was time for lunch. I was looking forward to it, until, we couldn't agree on where to eat.

I really just wanted American food but it seemed everyone else wanted to experience "British" food. I didn't even know there was such thing.

In the end, Macey and fed up and simply suggested we split up. I protested that I was the only one that didn't want "British" food, so Zach said that he'll come with me. His exact quote was "I'll come with you if you want to be protected. Since I'm so manly and think I'm all that." Well he didn't actually say the last part but I bet it's true. Autumn, whose getting increasingly more annoying, decided to change her mind and come with us. So that's how I ended up going to lunch with Zach and Autumn.

Needless to say, it was extremely awkward. As soon as we paid for the lunch, I practically ran out of there.

And Zach ran after me. Of course.

"What do you want?" I said, annoyed. Then I noticed that his smirk was missing from his face. That's when something dawned on me. "We're being followed aren't we?" I whispered.

Zach nodded. "Guy running. When we were walking here, he was in a business suit. I also noticed a woman subtly staring at us when we were eating."

I didn't reply, because I was just shocked. Whoever those people were, they were good. They tracked us here, on another side of the world for God's sake.

When I got over the shock, I whispered the only thing I can think of. "Let's do it."

We separated, trying to elude our followers, as proper spies should do.

When I was going up an elevator for the 3rd time, I realized that Zach probably didn't warn Autumn. I stepped out of the elevator, a smile on my face as I head into the girls restroom for the 5th time.

Review? I need some fresh ideas. Thanks
