Well guys I told you I had a new idea~ Here goes tell me if ya likes it!-Sora

Just Perfect-

Roxas's life was perfect. He was a perfect A student. He had a prefect family, perfect friends, and a perfect girlfriend. Seriously he had the life that they show in movies.

And he enjoyed it.

It was like every other day, he woke up and took a quick shower grabbed his stuff and hurried down the stairs t catch a quick breakfast.

Did I mention that he hasn't been late since kindergarten?

His mother handed him a pop tart and kissed him goodbye as he hurried off to school. He lived in one of those perfect houses's that are only 10 minutes from school walking. Once he got there his girlfriend was with his friends talking. Like always, every day was the same. Again like the movies.

Namine Hart was his perfect girlfriend. A real image of an American refined girl. Blond hair pretty blue eyes. A perfect figure. She smiled and hugged him the second he caught her eyes.

"Hey Roxas, how are you?" She asked shinning those perfect teeth.

"I'm fine," He said, like every other day.

"Yo, Rox. Come meet my cousin. He just moved in here from Destiny Islands," his best friend Riku said waving him over. Namine grabbed Roxas's hand and lead him toward their group.

This is where Roxas's little bubble of perfection burst and smashes towards the ground. It's all because of him. But let's not get ahead of ourselves shall we?

Riku moved out of the way to reveal a small boy playing with his fingers. His quickly jumped when he realized his cousin has moved to reveal himself into the limelight. Roxas couldn't take his eyes off of him. He had big bright blue eyes that were the shade of the sky, tan skin, gravity defying brown hair that spiked where it pleased, long black eye lashes, high cheek bones, and cherry red lips.

Roxas was one to always regain his composer perfectly, that is, if it even broke. Like a gentleman he stuck his hand out, "Hello, I'm Roxas Strife. It's a pleasure to meet you."

The boy blinked a couple times but shook his hand smiling, "Heya I'm Sora, Please to meet cha!"

That language. He should have been disgusted to be around someone with that kind of vocabulary. But instead… he was interested?

Namine snorted and didn't offer her hand, "I'm Namine Hart."

Sora scratched the back of his head nervously, "Hi."

Riku looked horrified. But offered an apology saying that this is Sora's first time in a refined school. Sora blushed staring at the ground in embarrassment.

Poor boy, Roxas thought.

"What classes do you have?" Roxas asked surprising everyone.

Why would Roxas Strife care about someone so disgusting?

Just look at him.

Sora seemed relived to have someone to talk to, "Here's my schedule."

Roxas's jaw would have dropped but he made sure his facial expression was cool and distant.

This boy had every class with him.

As in he will see him all day.

"Well, seems like you're in luck. You have every class with my Roxas," Namine said almost as if Sora landed the jackpot.

"Really?" Sora said flatly.

Roxas should have been appalled. You never use that tone with a lady. Especially his girlfriend. But instead he found it amusing.

"Yes, it does seem so. That's good. I won't have to look for a homework helper," He said almost as if he was talking to himself. He looked up smiling, "That is if you would like to be."

Sora looked extremely excited, "Yeah!"

"Roxas you're always my helper," Namine spat angrily.

"Well this time you can be with Kairi, like you wanted last year. Come on Namine, he's new I want to help him." Roxas said keeping himself from shuddering imaging Kairi anywhere near his girlfriend.

Kairi Lockner was the schools homosexual. She confessed her love to Namine but had her reputation everything she worked for ripped and thrown in her face. They even say her parent kicked her out and now she pays for her dorm by working after school.

"Roxas!" Riku said appalled. "Why would you have that anything near your girlfriend?"

"Your language Riku," Roxas said icily.

"I apologize," Riku said bowing his head. "But please answer the question."

"I'd rather not," Roxas said detaching himself from Namine's grasp. "If you excuse me, I shall show Sora to his first period."

Sora nodded and followed.

"What was that all about?" Sora asked the second they were out of earshot.

"Kairi Lockner, the poor soul of this school," Roxas said with sympathy towards the girl.

"Whatcha mean?" Sora said getting closer to Roxas so they would have to talk so loud.

"She confessed her love for Namine," Roxas said hoping that would be all he would have to say.

"Oh," was all Sora said placing his hands behind his head as the walked. The halls are the school formed a perfect square. The courtyard lining the outside of the school was a square also so if you were looking down from an airplane it would look like a big box holding smaller boxes.

Roxas knew for a fact, his parents showed him once he graduated middle school.

"Hey Rox?" Sora asked absent-mindly.

"Yes?" Roxas asked. Surprised by the fact he didn't demand to be called Roxas.

"Can I-I m-maybe eat lunch with y-you?" Sora said stuttering with his choice of words.

"Sure," Roxas said opining the white door of his first period holding it out for Sora to enter. If he were alone Roxas would have slapped himself. Roxas Strife always ate lunch alone. If someone would find him he would switch his spot. It was his peace time. His time alone to think. What had he done?

After his teacher assigned Sora's seat next to Roxas, Roxas hastily whispered, "But you are not to tell anyone."

"Neh?" Sora asked

"Of us eating lunch together. I usually eat lunch alone. I don't want anymore people to join us. I will lose my sanity." Roxas whispered staring straight at his teacher.

"Ah, then why did you let me eat lunch with you?" Sora asked slouching in his desk.

Again, Roxas thought why he was even talking to this person. Compared to him he was everything but perfect. Just look at him. Disorganized, sloppy, and so much more.

"I guess I don't want things to be the same this year," Roxas said.

If he really knew what would happen to the rest of his life do to this decision he would have taken it back.

He should have listened to his mother when she said this fateful line.

'Roxas, Be careful for what you wish for. You might actually get it.'