Authors Note: Last chapter *sobs dramatically* Heather, thanks for constantly getting at me to write this, I know it's been a long time but I couldn't think of anything to write (I still think this is pants but I want it over) and Jess who demanded I finish this. And I will just take a moment to get hyper again over the fact we will be getting some sort of Robbie/Jackie kiss in the new episodes - Blythe said so in an intervew with The Hour on STV yesterday, go to their site to see the video.

Disclaimer: I end as I began, I don't own anything other than my original characters (Dave).

Travel Time

Robbie woke up to the sunlight coming through the window into his eyes and felt the weight under his arm which reminded him instantly of what had gone on the night before. He smiled down at Jackie, who was just beginning to stir, "Morning sweetie," he mumbled, wrapping his arms around her again as he must have moved while he was asleep.

"Morning," she whispered as she turned around to face him.

"Home time today." She could feel his voice reverberating from his chest on to her shoulder. "Yep."

Jackie went away into the bathroom to get showered and changed whilst Robbie attempted to wake up properly and move from the bed. She pulled on a simple light blue t-shirt and a pair of jogging bottoms on, choosing comfort over looking more attractive since they would be having to take that same bus back as they had on the journey here. By the time she had finished getting ready Robbie had got dressed and went down to the main building for breakfast to act as though things between himself and Jackie hadn't changed so much. This allowed Jackie some welcomed alone time to think about what had gone on the night before and whether she could let it continue when they went back to normality and their day-to-day jobs.

She wanted to be with him more than anything else but there was so much that made it wrong and harder that she had to think about the different consequences of her choices, although she knew deep down what her final decision would be.

Robbie leaned back against the minibus and was quickly joined by Jackie who stood next to him. Nobody could see them from their current position so it gave Robbie the chance to voice what was slightly worrying him.

"Jackie, when we get back to Glasgow I know you're going to put back all your defences and even if you say you won't, I know you and know that you will. I just want to tell you that when that happens I'll wait for you. I promise I won't go back to how I usually am; screwing every girl I can, being so arrogant, I have only ever really wanted you."

"You know me well Robs but I have considered all this and I will try my hardest to not let you feel as though I'm pulling away from you. I love you." Robbie smiled dwon at her before taking her hand and pulling her round to the other side of the vehical so they could watch what Stuart was doing quite a distance away with Dave. They were just talking but Robbie and Jackie could see that there was none to very little personal space between the two men.

"Is Dave..." Jackie trailed off.

"Considering how much time they've been talking for and the fact that Stuarty is the only one who has been partially getting along with that idiot, I think he might be."

"But he's so, I don't know, odd."

"Just because we don't like him, darling, doesn't mean he's not good for Stuart, you should know that by now."

Jackie's mouth droped open as she watched her younger friend with the guy who had made the past weekend a nightmare for them, "Did Stuart just exchange numbers with him?"

Robbie was just as shocked as Jackie, "I actually think he did."

Stuart rolled his eyes when he saw that the couple had been watching his progress with the outdoor education leader.

As the minibus started up to take them back home Jackie looked over at Stuart and Matt, "I am never doing that again! Even if they try to force me out here, they won't get me doing any of it again."

Robbie nodded from next to her, "Agreed."

Stuart smiled over at them, knowing that they had been in the same room fro the whole night alone. "No chance I'm going back either."

"I'll file the report saying we all participated fully and that we're a much better team from it but that it won't be needed any more considering how much effort this one took from us. Does that sound acceptable?" All three of the others nodded at their boss.

"But Stuart, won't you have to come back up here for Dave?" Jackie couldn't help but laugh against Robbie's shoulder.

"Shut up Robbie!"

Burke was trying to ignore the obvious change in Robbie and Jackie's relationship but it got harder as the journey went on. Especially as Jackie eventually fell asleep against Robbie's body, and he instinctively put his arms around her body, allowing her to get comfortable using him as a pillow. Robbie saw the look he was getting and reassured Burke that they would be completely professional when they got back to work. Even Stuart let out a snort of laughter, knowing there was no chance in hell Robbie and Jackie would be able to keep their hands off each other since they never could before if they were together in the station.

Stuart was secretly really glad the team had gone on this weekend away, not only had he got a handsome guy's number, his two friends had discovered the truth about their feelings and all four of them were actually a lot closer than they had been previously. Burke seemed to be a lot more relaxed with them which wasn't an everyday occurence but they would gladly accept this change of character.

When they reached Glasgow, all four of them knew something had changed in each of them over the weekend but were just glad to be back home, even if it also meant getting back to work and the unpredictable Scottish weather and behaviourisms.

The End.