As everyone is practically begging for it, I might be continuing this superspecial oneshot of awesomeness. And I want to do it too.
There might be few supernatural-ness…but then again, England has his fairies and Sebastian is a demon and stuffs…well, we'll see.
But also, I have other fanfics I need to keep up with so you might have to be patient if you are waiting for a sequel.
But wait! I need help! What help? Maybe you can help me think of some kind of plot device or twist in the story, or even the entire plot itself. Yes, I'm a retard that way xD
So the storyline in Kuroshitsuji has Queen Victoria, and I know at least one colony…and that's Hong Kong. I wonder if Singapore was also a colony at that time? I don't know. But I know Hong Kong was a colony around the time while Singapore was a colony. Hmm…anyone know any colonies around Queen Victoria's time?
So…be patient for the sequel! This little note will be deleted when the first/second chapter comes up, but that'll be a long time…o3o I haven't watched or read Kuroshitsuji in a long time either so I can't help but wonder if I might make them OOC or something.