Disclaimer: All belongs to Kishimoto.

A/N: Hi everyone, i'm just trying to translate one of my fanfics on English, and just let me know if it was bad, right?) I already think so, though ^^

Cross on my chest

Just look at him.

What in you can he

Dramatically change?

The man in red robes was going at sunset. Cold gaze once blue, now gray eyes, was sent forward to its goal. Somewhere out there, behind colored in gentle tones horizon, was his goal. Jailer one demon going to the jailer of another... not for a friendly conversation.


Naruto grimaced slightly at the sight of devastation that reigns in the cemetery. Although, to be more prosaic, the true reason for this is an unbearable stench of rotting corpses. Raising one hand, heavy rings on which sparkled in the rays of sunset, he crossed himself, leaving after his fingers pale red glow. Immediately came relief - the air was no longer poisoned. The holder of Kyuubi grinned, carefully inspecting the neighborhood in search of Yugito - so probally her name was on the information of Ero-sennin. Despite some of his... hobbies, the old man was very knowledgeable about everything that happened on the territory of all the great nations of the ninja.

Unable to find anything suspicious, Naruto frowned slightly. Well, he had other methods, if she does not want to leave voluntarily. In his left hand appeared vial of holy water (Naruto mentally frowned again - it was very wasteful to use it only to find), and in the right - a small cross, shining gold. Throwing a tube into the air, he abruptly threw his hand forward, and cross enveloped the same bright red glow. There was the sound of breaking glass, and over one of the ruined vaults on the moment appeared a dark glow.

'Gotcha'. A small cross disappeared - a time for games is over, was to be a serious fight - and out of nowhere was taken a long, almost in his growth, a golden staff with a cross-shaped knob. Raising it above his head, he sharply struck the ground, sending a wave has vertical orange energy in the direction of the very crypt.

When the dust has dissipated before gaze of the priest appeared a girl about 20 years old, standing in a kind of combat positions. 'Somehow she protected herself from attack' - thought Uzumaki, not noticing any visible wounds on blonde. She began to gather around the bright blue chakra, forming a cover.

"Jinchurikki of Nibi" almost whispered Naruto, feeling the inhuman nature of this chakra. Once again raising the rod with one hand, he cut air in a horizontal direction. The priest frowned, not seeing the effect of repeated attack. Cover, meanwhile, formed completely, taking the form of mini-Nekomata.


Dodging the next, if not lethal, then very painful blow of blue claw, Naruto murmured something, which casts doubt on the sex orientation of Yugito, as well as the identity of her parents. "I'll have to still use it ..."

A moment later, a heavy rod sunk into the ground, his cloak flew off in the same direction, and Naruto remained in the black uniforms, which reminds him of past years. Years, when he was a ninja. Another moment, and blood-red chakra hide him, forming the similar cover as his opponent's. Except for the fact that the number of tails was equal to nine.

"HAAHH!" The outbreak of a truly demonic chakra shakes the earth.


Dragging from the pocket a notepad, which merely remains unharmed, Naruto opens it. On the first page was a list. The list of eight names. Personal List of Jinchirikki of Nine-tailed Fox and missionary of forgotten religion.