Hey guys =] It's GEN AND IZY!!!! We really hope you guys enjoy this first chapter and PLEASEE review, it really gets us inspired to write =]

UPDATE: We made some changes =] Hope you guys like it.

Miley POV

I couldn't stop the tears that were falling down my face. My head was reeling and I couldn't stop the ache in my heart. Nick and I used to have the perfect relationship. We were young and crazy in love. Now we never had any time together and we fight constantly. I love him with all my heart, but I can't do this. We're seeing each other in a half an hour and I can't bear to think about how much pain we both will feel after I say what I need to say. But I know this will be mutual because I know he hates the fighting too.

I felt a vibration in my pocket and realized that someone was calling. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw Nick's name on the phone. I wiped my tears and cleared my throat.

"Hey, Nick." I said in a mock cheerful voice.

"Hey, Miles. Just called to say I'm on my way. Is something wrong?" He could always tell when I was upset…

"We'll just talk when you get here, okay? See you soon!" I had heard my voice crack and I knew I wouldn't be able to stay on the phone much longer. I hung up the phone quickly before he had a chance to speak.

Nick POV

"Uh, I love you too?" I answered as I heard the dial tone. I walked out the door of my house and began walking down the sidewalk on my way to Miley's. I could tell something was wrong and I had a hunch as to what it was. Me and Miley's relationship felt like a rollercoaster sometimes. One minute we'd be laughing and whispering sweet nothings into each other's ear, and the next we'd be fighting and the day would end in tears. There was nothing in this world worse than seeing the love of your life cry because of something you said.

Before I knew it, I was walking up the driveway to her house and I reached the door to her wing. We were past the knocking stage, so I turned the knob and walked right in. I saw my Miley huddled up in the corner of her room, legs folded up with her arms around them. Her head was in her arms, hiding her beautiful face from my eyes. I quickly made my way towards her and hunched down to her level, wrapping my arms around her. Her arms released the grasp that they had on her legs and found their way around my neck. I lifted her up and carried her to the bed. I sat her down with me and began to stroke her hair.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked sweetly. I was getting worried and now I was almost positive that my hunch was correct.

Miley POV

He was being so gentle and I could tell he was nervous. All I wanted to do was redo the past few months and take away all the fighting so that I wouldn't have to do this. But deep down inside, I knew that wouldn't solve anything. We had tried solving our problems before, but it never seemed to help. I looked up at him and almost got lost in his soft nutella eyes. (we're both stuffing ourselves with nutella at the momento, so bear with us!!)

"Nicky, why do we fight so much?" His eyes filled with sadness and I now know that he had caught on.

"Because we love each other so much. Because we need each other so much all the time and we depend on each other. We fight because we can't stand to be apart. But after each and every fight, we only come out stronger. And it shows how truly strong our love is. We overcome it all and that's what makes our relationship so special." I could hear the slight begging in his voice.

Nick POV

I couldn't help but try to save our relationship. I loved her too much to just let her go without a fight.

"But Nick, after every fight I feel so worn out, so defenseless. I don't know how much more I can take without fully breaking down. My heart aches and it's beginning to shut down. I love you so much but that's what it makes it so much harder." Tears began cascading down her face and I immediately brought my hand up to brush them all away. My other hand was tightly enlaced with hers and I wanted nothing more than to take away all the sadness that was erupting in her heart. But every word that came out of her mouth was not only heartbreaking, but true.

"If I had known this was the way you were feeling, I would have ended every fight before any damage was done. I love you more than you could ever imagine and I hate that I am the reason for all your heartache. I'm so sorry, Miley." I said as I buried my head into her hair. I could feel a silent tear roll down my face. Her delicate hand reached up and softly brought my head back up, our eyes meeting. She swiftly brushed my small tears away. Her hand cupped my cheek and her gorgeous blue orbs looked deep into my small brown ones. It was like her eyes were telling me exactly what she was feeling. I could see all the love but along with it, all of the sadness.

Miley POV

I wanted to stay in his arms forever. I felt safe when I was with him and he was always so warm. We stared deep into each other's eyes and I could feel his face inching towards mine. I leaned in a little closer and he closed the small gap between us. His lips were soft and fit perfectly against mine. We both knew that this kiss would most likely be our last. Both of our eyes were closed and we tried to get as close to each other as possible. One of my hands clutched his neck while the other played mindlessly with his perfect, soft curls. One of his hands was gripping my waist while the other was cupping my cheek. Not wanting the kiss to end but knowing it must, I slowly pulled away.

"So I guess this is it?" I asked softly. My mind was screaming yes, while my heart was screaming no. I was always one to go with my heart, but I know that this is different. Nick looked down and replied,

"I guess it is," he looked back up "but never forget, Mi, that you will always have the key to my heart." I wish he wouldn't say such heartfelt comments at a time like this. All it did was make me want to beg him to forget everything I had just said. But life doesn't work like that, and this is the only way we'll both be happy. I think…

"Same goes for you, Nicky. You'll forever hold a place in my heart. And maybe in the future, when we're more mature, we can start over and be happy again."

"Of course, Mi. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Nicky." And we lay there in each other's arms until sleep overcame us.

~~~~~~1 ½ Years later…~~~~~~

I felt a vibration in my hand and I looked down to see the name of someone I hadn't spoken to in over a year. "Joey!!" flashed on the screen. I hesitantly picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I said.

"Miley! You have to help me. I wasn't supposed to call you, but I know that you're the only person who can help."

"What is it, Joe??" I said, starting to get nervous.

"It's Nick. He's miserable, Miles. He's depressed and doesn't talk to anybody anymore. He hasn't been the same since you guys broke up. In the beginning, we thought it was only normal to be upset after a break up. But we didn't know it would last this long. I just thought that if you came to see him, maybe it would make him feel better. I'm not asking for you to come as anything more than just a friend. But please, he needs you."


Hey guys! So this is the very first chapter of Risque Romance. We hope you all liked it =] Please, PLEASE review! We're begging youu, we really need to know if enough people like this story for us to continue. It only takes a second and we can continue depending on how much feedback we get =] We love you guys, hope break or school is great!!

Also, be sure to check out other stories on our account! Thanks =D