Authors note: OK this story is really short and I apologize for it but recently I've had a bad cold like everyone else in my family. Even my dog has had one. Anyway I will be updating my other stories soon but this will keep you going for a while at least.

Early in the morning in the valley of peace the sun was just below the mountain peaks. Shifu went to wake the furious five up but found that Po wasn't there "Again ?! Where does that panda go in the morning ?!" Shifu said as the furious five just stood there quietly. Crane was the first to speak "actually master I saw Po leave his room about 4 O clock this morning as I went for a drink of water".

"Did he tell you where he was going" Shifu asked "well he didn't say much he just said he was going for a walk" Crane explained "well he'll show up. Lets go down to the kitchen for some breakfast" Shifu explained as his students bowed and said in unison "yes master".

At the kitchen...

As Shifu and the furious five entered the kitchen they found Po lying on the floor there was a complete mess everywhere, shattered jars,broken doors and shelves and there also was falling cupboards.

"WHAT IN THE NAME--- !!!!!" Shifu yelled at the panda who looked up at him "hi master boy I'm full" Po said "did you eat all of my almond cookies ?!" Monkey asked annoyingly at the broken jar that used to store his cookies. "And where is my jar of honey ?!" asked Mantis staring at the broken cupboard that used to store his sweet honey. "Did you eat my fish dip ?!" Crane asked looking at the corner of the room where he used to store his food. "Where is my snake juice ?!" Viper asked looking at the same corner as Crane where she also used to store her jar which was now in thousands of pieces. "And most of all where are my vitamins ?! Don't tell me you ate them as well ?!" Tigress glared at Po.

"Oh I don't feel good" Po said "well it serves you right for being such a pig" Mantis pointed at him as the others agreed with him.

Shifu wasn't impressed at all this panda had pushed it too far this time. Of course he had done this before but not this bad this time he had totally wreaked the place "You've pushed it too far this time panda I give you no choice but to go on a diet !" Shifu said Po looked up at this with a shocked look "WHAT ??!!" he said then passed out.

Authors note: OK I did tell you that this was a short chapter but I will continue soon please review and tell me what you think. Thank you.