A/N -Ok guys so this is my first fanfic ever. So please keep the bashing to a minimum. I like constructive criticism though. Please read and review. Thanks :D

Disclaimer- Unfortunately I do not own Psych or any of the characters

Shawn was bored. Unbelievably, painfully bored. It was bad enough that Abigail had broken up with him last week, now Gus had a pharmaceutical conference in Nebraska? What is that about? Why not California, New York or Hawaii? Its not like they sell corn! I mean, come on people. Shawn thought bitterly.

And Abigail. Shawn sighed and walked over to his desk. He plopped down in his chair, resting his head in his hands. The truth was that he wasn't all that upset. Sure it hurt a little when she dumped him. Telling him he was too 'immature' or 'irresponsible'. But Shawn knew that his heart wasn't in the relationship. He had a certain blonde detective on his mind. Shawn stood up abruptly and started pacing. I don't get it. I really don't get it. What is it about her that makes me feel this way? Guess it could be the way she laughs. I love it when she laughs. Or maybe the way her smile lights up any room, no matter what else is going on. Or maybe—Shawn shook his head, hoping that it would clear his thoughts about Juliet. It didn't work.

Oh God I'm going to regret this Shawn thought as he picked up his metallic red phone and dialed a familiar number. After a few rings it went to voice mail.

"Hello, you've reached Henry Spencer—"

Shawn hung up the phone with a little more force that was necessary.

"I AM SO BORED!" Shawn yelled to the roof. He didn't know exactly what he planned to do if his dad picked up the phone. He just needed something to take his mind off of Juliet. Shawn shook his head again and resumed his pacing. Oh yeah, this is the weekend. The one that dad has been talking about for like a decade. Henry Spencer was currently on Maui at some huge fishing competition. The Blue Boat Marlin Extravaganza. Or something. Wait, or was it clownfish? No it can't be clownfish. Was it a marlin named Clownfish or a clownfish named Marlin? Definitely a clownfish named Marlin. Okay, so a marlin-catching competition. Oh Lord, I'm thinking about fish! What has this man done to me! Shawn went back to his desk and plopped his head down on the wood in a dramatic fashion.

After about three seconds his phone rang. Shawn dove across the desk and grabbed it. He took a second to compose himself before answering, realizing that it could be a client.

"Hello, you have reached Psych Investigations. Shawn Spencer speaking, how may I help you?" Shawn said in the most mystical voice he could.

"Lassie! How are you buddy?... What was that? You need my help on a case? But I thought that you were 'up to here with my ridiculous antics' " Shawn mocked. "But don't worry Lassie, I'm here for you. I'll be there faster than you can say 'strawberry tapioca'." Shawn hung up and grabbed his motorcycle helmet as he ran out the door.

Maybe this day wouldn't be so boring after all.