A/n: So here's is the New Years fic I said I would write,I want to thank all of those that read and reviewed my fringe Christmas one-shot, I'm glad y'all enjoyed it and I hope you like this New Years fic ,this will not be a one-shot,but the story will be short , about three or four chapters long. I know I should probably focus on finishing Stolen Halloween,but I've started on the last chapter and I think once I get this story outta my head , I should be able to regain the focus/inspiration to complete Stolen Halloween, so I hope you enjoy this,this will not be as fluffy as my Christmas fic,but it wont be extremely angsty either I hope to have all of it posted by the end of the week.

-Pessi . Rom

A Fringe New Year

Summary :When a Blizzard suddenly hits Boston on December 30th,Olivia and Peter get trapped in Walter's lab and are forced to spend New Years there, they end up learning more about each other in three days, then they had in the one year they've known each other. Bolivia pairing.


December 30th 2009,Boston Massachusetts

The Forecast Predicts the arrival of more snow, so be careful out there folks, stay bundled and drive safe.

Olivia turned off the radio and went back to looking over the paperwork from their latest case;she was working out of her office in Walter's lab. This past case ,which they'd closed two days ago,had been a tough one, the fringe team had been driven to the edge , but as usual they'd been able to pull back,before falling off the edge. She smiled as she thought of Peter's stupid,yet daring,attempt to free her from the culprit who'd orchestrated the latest pattern incident. An attempt that had ended with Peter getting hit with a metal pipe, after untying Olivia.

"What's so funny?" Peter asked walking into the room and noticing the slight curve of her lips.

"Hows your head?" Olivia asked referring to the bandage and stitches above his left eye.

"Better, the Doc wanted to keep me for another day but..." Peter said.

"You're not exactly a fan of hospitals." Olivia said finishing his sentence.

"Yeah." Peter said with a slight smirk.

"So,what are you doing here?" Olivia asked,curious yet happy to see him. She figured he'd still be recuperating at the hospital, from his blow to the head, and they didn't have a current case so he had no reason to be at the lab.

"Walter was driving me crazy, he wouldn't stop hovering to make sure I was ok...took a walk, ended up here." Peter explained.

"Oh." Olivia said as she continued to sort through the paperwork.

"I was surprised to find you still here, I saw the light on,figured you'd be headed home by now." Peter said looking at the time.

"Why,what time is it?" Olivia asked.

"Almost midnight." Peter said.

"I didn't realize...lost track of the time. I should go home,I'm spending tomorrow with Ella and Rachel." Olivia said, as she began to pack up the paperwork, she was basically done, she just had to turn it in to Broyles.

"Mind, if I catch a ride...Walter should be asleep by now, and I probably shouldn't be out walking in the snow with this." Peter said with a smirk as he motioned to his head.

"Yeah,wouldn't want you passing out in the snow." Olivia said as she closed her folder carrier.

"Because you'd miss me." Peter said jokingly.

"No, it would mean, I'd have to handle Walter on my own." Olivia said back jokingly.

Peter just shook his head, pretending to be offended then laughing it off as he and Olivia exited the office and headed out of Walter's lab. They walked down the corridor,that would lead them out of the school. They could see snow falling , as they passed the windows,but the couldn't see how much till they opened the door to step outside.

"That's a lot of snow." Olivia said immediately being hit by a strong gust of wind as she took in the powder white surroundings.

"You could say that again." Peter said taking in the sight.

The road was full of snow, as was the sidewalks, Olivia SUV was covered in at least six inches of snow, and the snow was continuing to fall fast ,as the wind blew. There was no sign of the city snow plows, and Peter had a feelings,there wouldn't be for awhile.

"Looks like we'll be here awhile."Peter said thinking it would be a few hours,little did he know,how long they'd be there and the impact those days would have on his connection with Olivia.

A/n: So that's the prologue,let me know whatcha think. I was born on the east coast,but I was raised in southern California, so I have never been in a blizzard,I have seen snow,but only after its fallen,so if my descriptions are not accurate,that's why, I will try to have the next part up tomorrow or Tues, thanks for reading,a review/construct criticism is greatly appreciate.

- Pessi . Rom