Welcome one and all to "A Razor and a Bottle of Gin"! Please note that reviews are wildly accepted...and that i suck at summaries, so please do me a favor...READ ON!!

The streets of London were quiet as Sweeney Todd paced back and forth in his barbershop. He had grown more and more frustrated with each passing day that the judge didn't show. With a deep sigh, he went about his business sharpening his razor.

Suddenly he heard loud screaming from downstairs.

Tobias was having another nightmare.

Sweeney growled as he folded his razor and carried it with him as he started down the stairs. This had to be the fifteenth time he'd woken up screaming since he'd accidentally walked into the barbershop when Sweeney was with a customer.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, he thought about that evening. It was too clear.

It was after the dinner rush had left. Toby was polishing off one of the tables while Mrs. Lovett was inside, cleaning up the counter. A man walked in and went upstairs to Sweeney's shop to get a shave.

It was then, watching the man go up the stairs, that Mrs. Lovett realized she had forgotten to bring Mr. Todd his dinner. She quickly grabbed a pie and a tumbler of ale, dashed outside and proceeded to go toward the staircase, but had forgotten about the upswept bits of meat pies that remained on the floor. Before she could blink she slipped on them and fell flat on her arse, spilling the ale and dropping the pie.

Toby immediately rushed over to help his adoptive mother to her feet. "You need to be more careful, Mum."

She let out a small laugh as she stumbled back into the shop to get another pie and refill the tumbler. Toby followed and grabbed the food from her.

"I'll go give this to 'im." he said.

Mrs. Lovett let out a small gasp and rushed after him, but, being tired from a day's work and not having the energy (or the knees) of an eager 13 year old boy, she failed to stop him.

The bell to Sweeney's shop dinged lightly as Toby threw the door open.

"Evenin'. Mr. T!" he said happily. "I brought you some- OH MY GOD!!"

But it was too late. He had stumbled in, just as Sweeney slashed his razor through his customer's throat. The startled barber looked up at the small boy, who was shaking. He took a step forward to try to fool the child with some story, when he began screaming and took off back downstairs.

"Mum, mum!" Toby cried as he made a run for her shop. Mrs. Lovett, who had heard the commotion and had come running, collided with him right in the middle of the garden. Quivering and blubbing, he stood and wrapped his skinny arms around her waist. "Mr. Todd! I was right about 'im!"

Sweeney came out of his tonsorial parlor and looked down at his partner in crime, who simply shrugged. They both knew Mrs. Lovett couldn't bare to part with Toby, so killing the lad wasn't an option. They had to tell him the truth…

The memory vanished as the screams got louder. Sweeney's hands flew to his ears while he wished he had a second razor with him so he could stick both in his eardrums. During those 15 years in prison, he had heard a lot of strange and upsetting noises, but Toby was shrieking loud enough to wake the dead bodies in the bake house.

Why can't she throw that incompetent fool in the bake house oven? Sweeney wondered with a grin as he strolled into Toby's room. Mrs. Lovett was already there, gently caressing the boy's face.

"Shh, hush, Toby, hush!" she whispered to the small boy in her arms. "No need to be alarmed. I'm 'ere now…it's alright, love!" Toby's screams began to turn to sobs.

Sweeney stood in the doorway, eyeing the odd couple who sat on the bed before him. Mrs. Lovett acknowledged his presence with a nod and then titled her boy's chin up so he was looking at her.

"There now, dear." she whispered. "Nothing to fear. 'Ow bout I go fetch you some gin…'elp you fall asleep?"

Just as he was about to nod, Toby noticed Sweeney standing nearby. Terror filled him and he once again latched onto his mum.

"Can't I sleep in your room tonight?" he begged. Mrs. Lovett gave in with a sigh.

"Alright. But just for tonight." she picked him up and carried him out of the room. She gave a glance to Sweeney as she past him. "Go back to sleep, love." She and Toby then disappeared into her room.

Sweeney rolled his eyes. He couldn't sleep until that bloody ol' judge was finally dead and she was well aware of that. Nevertheless, he trudged back to his shop and continued to sharpen his razor as he sat at his window, pondering and planning the Judge's demise.