Half a year later and Rido was taking long strides through Cross Academy's halls to Toga's office in the main building. If Rido was being painfully honest then he would have admitted that he loved the turn his life had taken.

Due to his knowledge of the arts more specifically paintings he had been recruited by Toga Yagari-his new 'master' so to speak- to become a teacher. He taught both the Day Class and the Night Class. However, all the secrets had finally rid Cross Academy once and for all. Every student knew the truth concerning the Night Class and Yuki Cross had reawakened into Yuki Kuran, the young sister of Kaname and Rido's niece. Everyone had thought that her best friend Zero Kiryu would be devastated with the revelation, but he handled it just fine due to the fact that he was Kaname's lover. Yuki on the other hand had taken up a relationship with Takuma Ichijo.

Rido smirked as some female students looked at him, blushed, then scurried off to their dorms. The peaceful times at the school had resumed even though Kaname and Rido's son Senri hated his very existence let alone him living nearby. His current residence was the cells underneath the school, thanks to the Hunter Association.

Speaking of the hunters, as much as the calm atmosphere was welcome to him Rido's thoughts were consumed more and more by one man. Toga Yagari had a very special place in his heart. He gave him a purpose in life, and Rido would give anything to see that boy be happy and healthy. Toga was the type of person Rido wished he had met sooner. He was bold and cocky on the outside with a warm and loving disposition to all those who held a place in his kind heart. He was like Rido in many ways but he had managed to cultivate his kindness in a way Rido had never learned to. He couldn't even bring himself to hate Toga or the curse he held over him.

Which was why the farther he walked down the darkened corridor the faster his long legs carried him. Seeing Toga could do funny things to him; sometimes he could hear his own heart pounding in his chest or sometimes he would randomly get hard in his slacks. But when Rido saw Toga smile he wanted to kiss him, he wanted to make him laugh; he wanted to…tell him he loved him.

As impossible as it seemed it was true. He loved Toga more than anything, maybe even more than Ju-Rido shook his head resolutely deciding to not think about his late sister. Yet Toga didn't love Rido. He didn't have very many feelings towards him except maybe indifference. To him Rido was one more pureblood under control; one more problem out of the way.

But that wasn't the relationship Toga had with Kaname even though he held the same curse over both of them. The fact that Toga actually cared about Kaname made Rido hate him all the more if it was feasible.

Then of course there was the fact that Toga already had his heart claimed by somebody else. Kaien Cross and Toga Yagari had been lovers for years and while very few people knew about this, they knew that they were extremely loyal to the other man. In other words Rido didn't have a hope in hell of being able to make Toga understand his feelings, and it made him slowly begin to hate the sweet and mild mannered Cross as well.

Rido sighed deeply as the door to Toga's office came into view. He had a pretty good feeling of what Toga wanted from him that night so he put his shoulders back and knocked on the door. He heard a gruff call to come in and he opened the door to see Toga red pen in hand relentlessly grading papers. It was Friday but the man never seemed to stop working. Rido's gaze softened when he saw how tense Toga's shoulders were.

Toga barely acknowledging his presence continued his task, even when Rido put his book down on the edge of his desk and walked round the back of Toga's chair before starting to rub at the knots in his neck and shoulders.

Toga put his pen down and enjoyed the long fingers that were easing his tension. They didn't feel as could as Kaien's fingers but that was to be expected. But Toga was in one of those moods he seemed to get in whenever the pureblood was around. The need to make Kuran obey flooded every thought-a side effect of the bond they now shared. Yet Toga was not a sadist; he wasn't a vampire and he never felt the urge to cause another being pain or fear. Actually his main and true motivation was to make sure that Rido wasn't able to retaliate at all.

He had become pretty docile in the last six months to where he had no need for human blood and consistently took blood tablets, he submitted to every request Toga said, and never tried to escape his… residence in the basement of the school to the point that they only had to use minor spells to prevent him from doing anything stupid. Still in the back of Toga's hunter based and worrisome mind he always had a suspicion that Rido would wind up trying to break free and injure or even kill someone, which fueled Toga's need for displays of submission. If Rido was still obeying him then it only reassured Toga that the curse was unbreakable.

However, escape was the last thing on Rido's mind for he was the happiest he'd ever been in three thousand years of life. As such he never minded submitting to Toga, but there remained a constant ache in his heart.

He was startled from his thoughts when Toga murmured abruptly, "You know your fingers are more useful in another way."

Rido swallowed thickly as a large amount of heat pooled in his groin. He shook his head slightly discouraged by the fact all Toga had to do was speak and he was standing at attention for him.

Toga stood up causing Rido to loose him grip on him before moving his chair away from his desk. He turned around to face Rido leaning his rear on the edge of the desk as he tangled his calloused fingers in dark locks pulling Rido onto his knees.

Rido wasn't surprised by this at all-it happened just about every time he came to see Toga in the seclusion of his office. On his knees in front of Toga Rido was at the perfect height to take Toga into his mouth, and he knew the faster he made Toga happy the sooner he would reward Rido for his good behavior. Rido flicked his mismatched eyes up to a solitary blue one seeing something akin to lust sparkling there. Rido smiled for a moment then he leaned in blowing out hot breaths onto the front of Toga's slacks and teasing him through the fabric with his fingers.

Toga's breath sighed out of his lungs as he could feel a familiar heat settle in his own groin. He found it shameful still that Rido could arouse him when his heart belonged to someone else. Even so Toga and Kaien had come up with something that might help alleviate the guilt building up in Toga. At the current moment though he had one very eager pureblood at his feet and he decided he might as well continue to make the best of it. He was definitely hard by that time so he undid his slacks and gave Rido a 'get on with it' kind of look.

Rido swallowed before leaning foreword again and giving Toga's shaft a firm lick on the underside base to tip. Toga groaned at the firm pressure and the guttural affirmation pushed Rido on. He showered Toga's length with licks and kisses before finally taking him into his mouth and sucking. Toga gasped at the sudden surge of wet heat and tangled his fingers in Rido's dark curls forcing him to take in more of his length.

Rido thought he knew what Toga wanted him to do even though it was difficult for him. Rido took a deep breath and did his best to move his mouth down to the base of Toga's erection. He immediately gagged however-Toga was quite well endowed-making his throat contract around the stiff rod in his throat in a way that didn't help him. His eyes watered uncontrollably and he had to pull away for a moment. Toga looked down at him and even though his mind was hazed from the sudden pleasure he didn't want Rido to choke himself trying to do something he just couldn't.

"You don't have to do that," Toga said gently.

Rido's gaze fell to the floor and he replied, "I know but…I just wanted to see if I could do it."

Toga sighed and patted the top of the pureblood's head. "I like it better when you don't wind up throwing up on me though," he teased.

Rido's cheeks colored unwontedly but he smiled anyway. Toga had a funny way of being sweet to people he didn't particularly care for. Rido nodded slowly and went back to his previous occupation albeit this time using his fingers at the base instead of his mouth.

And Toga really did like it better this way for his partner focused more on the sensitive tip. Toga's breath was stolen from him when Rido sucked hard and pumped him quickly. It was happening quicker than Toga would have expected but the tension in his lower abdomen was building higher and higher until he was desperately clinging onto the desk behind him. But he didn't want to loose it just yet, so he tugged hard on Rido's hair making him release his aching erection with a pop. There was a thin layer of sweat coating Toga underneath his now hot teaching wear and he breathed deeply to fuel his starved lungs.

"Just give me a second," Toga said breathlessly.

"O-Okay," Rido said. Had he done something wrong? He didn't want to ask but it started gnawing at him until he saw Toga glance at the clock and then nod to himself. He looked back down at Rido and smiled slightly at him.

Toga straightened himself and said, "Take off your clothes Kuran except your shirt."
Rido's heart just about burst out of his chest. Toga would have him pleasure him with his mouth or his hands but ever since Rido took him about six months ago it was very rare that Toga ever took Rido. He didn't take the hunter for that was one of the unspoken rules between them. Toga let Kaien take him, but Toga would barely take Kaien anymore. For him it was a way to make penance for what had occurred.

Kaien knew about it though and he was adamant that he was not hurt in anyway by what Toga had done. He just wasn't. Toga had been willing to give his life for everyone around him and of anything Kaien had only fallen more in love with him.

But Rido did as he was told and began to shed off his clothing with an unhurried grace only a pureblood could achieve. But his own arousal was painful and he hoped that Toga would be quick about it. He stood there in nothing but his shirt that barely went past his hips and Rido covered himself with folded arms. He wasn't embarrassed he was just…alright he was embarrassed but that didn't mean he didn't trust Toga.

Toga looked at him with an unintended hungry stare and Rido bit his bottom lip. As much as Toga didn't like Rido he thought he was cute sometimes when he did things like that. Toga walked up to him calmly and pulled Rido's arms away from him so the hunter could see him in all his glory. Toga smirked at him meaningfully and said, "Bend over my desk."

Rido swallowed thickly but nodded walking over to the desk and bending over it at the waist. Toga walked up behind him, placing his hands on the pureblood's waist nipping at his shoulder blades through the thin fabric of his white dress shirt.

"Good boy," Toga murmured huskily. He took careful note of how Rido reacted which was only his cheeks turning bright red. Pleased with that Toga let his hands wander around the pureblood's lithe form causing Rido to wiggle his hips impatiently. Toga pushed his slacks a little farther down his own hips before taking off his flowing blue tie and unbuttoning the first few buttons of his shirt. He leaned back over Rido and asked, "Do you want lube or not?"

Rido trembled at the question for it was actually a difficult decision. Purebloods had the power to turn their pain to pleasure when sufficiently aroused. Rido was more than sufficiently aroused so the idea of not using any lubricant appealed to him. He shook his head and winced when Toga sighed annoyed.

He walked round the far drawer of the desk and pulled out a well used bottle of lotion. Seeing the fact it was already used made Rido seethe with jealousy knowing it had been Cross with Toga not him. Toga moved back to his previous position behind Rido and covered his own length with enough lotion to ease any discomfort for them both. Thinking it was good enough, Toga pulled up the hem of Rido's shirt revealing his toned buttocks.

On a whim Toga brought a hand and smacked a firm cheek wanting to see what Rido would do. Rido gasped and flinched but didn't react otherwise. In simplest terms he was still docile to whatever Toga wanted to do. With the knowledge that Rido wouldn't try to kill him if he took him Toga began to gently ease himself into Rido's tight body.

Rido moaned loudly as he was slowly filled with something very warm and hard. It wasn't painful it just felt a little strange at first, however it managed to send his lust for the man behind him sky-high and he started to push back against Toga seating the other man as deeply inside him as he could. Toga grunted as Rido made their joining quicker than it should have been but he wasn't complaining for his length was being enveloped in tight velvet heat and he wanted more. Toga gave Rido a moment to adjust but the pureblood soon pushed back against him impatient for what was to come next-hopefully him.

He pulled out then pushed back in creating a rhythm that became all too addicting for both men. Every time Toga thrust into him he brushed against Rido's prostate forcing him to bite his lip lest he wanted to wind up screaming. The jolts of pleasure surged throughout his body before winding up back at his member. Toga furrowed his brow as Rido's pulsing heat got the better of him and he started doling out harder thrusts that made the desk start to shake. Toga and Rido were so engrossed in their coupling they didn't really notice when Kaien had opened the door and slipped inside.

"Looks like you started the party without me," the older hunter smirked. Rido jolted violently while Toga looked up leisurely as if expecting Kaien the whole time. Which he was in fact.

"You got here just in time babe," Toga smiled. Kaien walked to his lover and their lips met in a leisurely but passionate kiss only lovers could ever share. Rido saw the whole thing over his shoulder and he drew his brows together angrily.

'Look at me,' he thought desperately, 'Choose me!' But his pleas were silent and his aura grew stormy as Toga's hands were wandering Kaien's body instead of his.

The hunters were aware of that however and Toga murmured darkly, "Take it easy Kuran."

Even though it wasn't a real command he felt his tension ease and his lust came back. He bit back a gasp when Toga firmly pumped his length a few times and Kaien chuckled.
"Hold on there Rido," he said good-naturedly as he pushed Toga's pants farther down his hips. Kaien grabbed the bottle of lotion and began to prep Toga for his possession. It would be one of the few times Toga looked truly happy to Rido. His lover and best friend was moving inside him, kissing him, touching him; all the things Rido wanted to do but would never have the chance. He'd felt the maddening stab of jealousy once before but he refused to let himself get so hurt again.

'Then why am I crying?' he thought as he felt tears run down his face. He was experienced enough at hiding his anger so neither of the hunters knew, but his heart that had only begun to beat again for the raven haired boy claiming him was starting to stop once more. 'Please,' he begged silently, 'I don't want to be the walking dead again.'

Yet unbeknownst to him Toga and Kaien had noticed everything. They shared a meaningful glance, Toga confused and Kaien reassuring, before Kaien smiled at the man who had his heart and gently pushed him foreword so Toga was leaning on Rido's back. Toga sighed quietly wondering how Kaien could make him into a sap when it came to anyone, and wrapped his arms around Rido who tensed in his grip.

Shit had they seen him…?

"Don't cry Kuran," Toga said gently nibbling at his ear. The contact and the sound of Toga's voice sent shivers down Rido's spine making him unconsciously tighten his muscles around Toga's length. Toga gave a very soft groan then turned to Kaien and nodded. Kaien moved foreword gently giving Toga the chance to adjust before Toga began to move again.

It slowly became a line of fire for all three men and with each thrust the sexual tension coiled a little tighter inside them. Toga continued to pump Rido with his fingers while Kaien's fingers toyed with Toga's nipples. When Toga ran a finger over the tip Rido buried his face in his sleeve and cried out helplessly. Toga smirked seeing the reaction but had a delayed thought about where exactly Rido was going to come.

"Don't you dare let me see any of your come on my desk," he growled.

Rido nodded ready to obey but not quite sure how to do it. Finally he decided on covering his length as best he could with his shirt, hoping that would take care of it, but Toga started stroking his arousal even quicker and with the strange feeling of loose cloth playing around him it created a delicious friction. Heightened sensations were a yet another pureblood gift so Rido wouldn't have been able to last long anyways, and with one last hard shove from Toga the sexual tension burst while Rido nearly screamed into his sleeve as his orgasm was ripped out of him. His long legs buckled underneath him and Toga had to grab him by the waist to keep him steady.

But the tightening of Rido's passage made Toga clamp his eye shut as the fire in his own groin reached critical levels. He pushed himself as deeply inside Rido as he could marking him with his essence, and in turn of course Kaien came right after he did. Although Kaien was the quieter out of the three.

As all three men stood basking in the afterglow for two, Rido flushed as he realized the warmth he was feeling inside him was actually Toga's essence working its way down with gravity. He tentatively looked up and saw Toga and Kaien sharing a sweet but tender kiss and he scowled darkly.

They might not have known how Rido felt but was that really necessary? Perhaps it was.

Kaien gently pulled out of Toga and did up his own pants while Toga followed suit and cleaned himself up. Rido stayed where he was bent over the desk hoping they wouldn't notice his feelings apparent on his face. Toga bit his lip before gently pulling Rido up off the desk and cradling him somewhat as the taller man leaned back against him. Rido wasn't usually this languid after sex and it worried him.

"Did I hurt you?" he asked softly. Rido shook his head but said nothing. "Are you alright?" Toga pressed. Rido nodded his head but opted to still stay silent. Toga looked over at Kaien cleaning up things around his office and he smiled as realization dawned on him. He turned his head back to Rido, leaned up to his ear, and asked softly enough so Kaien wouldn't hear, "Are you jealous?"

Rido said nothing to that as he desperately fought to keep his breathing steady and tried to ignore the stinging in his eyes as more tears pooled. Toga laughed softly and shook his head; this guy was something else but…he did like having him around. He kissed Rido's cheek and said, "Go and get some sleep. You're teaching the Night Class tonight."

Toga let Rido go and the purebloods cheeks flushed at the young hunters actions. He quickly put his slacks back on, grabbed his coat, and bowed his head to them as he shut the door. Now there was a solid item separating him and Toga and he began to feel a little better. He rested his forehead on it and his excellent hearing could pick up a conversation.

"You know he loves you Toga, don't you?" he heard Kaien ask.

"Yeah," was the sighed out reply, "but it's not of his own free will. It's because of the bond we have. I mean do you think he'd choose me if I wasn't technically his master?"

"I would," Kaien said simply.

"Kaien-," Toga began.

"Why don't you at least let him know that you know?" the blond haired man cut him off.

There was a pause for a moment before Toga said, "Because that would be taking advantage of his feelings for me. No, I mean I'd only wind up hurting him instead."

"But you do care about him don't you?" Kaien asked.

"Yeah," Toga replied hesitantly.

"That's why I still love you Toga," Kaien whispered huskily. Though Rido could hear them give each other kisses his eyes went wide at what Toga had said. He actually cared about him? Another bout of conversation brought his from his revere. "You can tell he's outside the door still right?" Kaien asked.

Rido tensed suddenly- he was such an idiot! He'd never even thought about masking his aura.

"I know," Toga said calmly.

"So you think he'll be happy to hear that you're not going to give his feelings any consideration?" Kaien questioned.

Toga sighed angrily and said, "I can't accommodate to his feelings Kaien. I don't love him I love you, and whatever it is he may be hearing right now is good because it's exactly what he needs to hear."

Rido sniffed slightly. Who'd ever said anything about love? Well, he had hadn't he? He did love Toga and he knew he couldn't expect the feeling to be mutual but…it still hurt. Rido turned around and slid down to the ground, back against the door.

He heard Kaien sight sympathetically but Toga broke the silence when he said, "That's not to say I don't want him happy."

Rido's head shot up and he smiled slowly. Inside the office Kaien did the same and he and Toga began to show their affection for each other once more. Sitting out there thinking about what Toga had said made Rido's heart warm. Toga may not love him but…there was something there he felt that much was obvious. Rido put his face in his hands and shook his head still smiling.

He got up silently and began to pace down to where his room was. His feelings for Toga Yagari may have been unrequited but he promised himself that he would show the hunter they were genuine. Fuck the bond or curse or whatever it was; he felt the way he did because it just seemed right. And Rido was happier than he had been in thousands of years and it was all because of that wonderful boy. Things may not have been picture perfect, but he did deserve some pain to compensate for his sins, now didn't he?

Bonus Chapter End.