Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

The Twilight Twenty-Five
Prompt: Earnest
Pen name: Legna989
Pairing: Carlisle, Elizabeth
Rating: K+


She looked like death, despite the flush of fever. It wouldn't be long.

With a strength she could not have possessed, she gripped my hand fiercely. Her eyes were clear, though the words she spoke suggested delirium.

"You must do everything in your power," she insisted. "What others cannot do, that is what you must do for my Edward."

If she knew, she could not want this for her son, yet the sincerity in her voice rang out.

That is why, an hour later, despite my uncertainty and fear, I was resolute as I sank my teeth into his skin.

Thank you to ElleCC for the beta, and thank you to Stephenie Meyer for Elizabeth's words. Elle is now a VIP author at A Different Forest, where she has joined several other fantastic authors, including four of my faves: LaViePastiche, hmonster4, profmom72 and Lillybellis. A link to ADF is in my profile.

I will be posting drabbles for the Twilight 25 here, and one-shots in a separate story. My first one-shot, Collide, is up if you want to check it out.