Disclaimer: Much to my own dismay, I do not own Criminal Minds if I did I seriously have words with the scripts... yes I mean scripts not writers...

6 Months On

'I can't do this.' Penelope panted as Derek's hand sat in hers, his free hand massaging her back trying not to think that his hand was about to explode with the squeeze she had on it.

'Oh yes you can P.' Derek urged her. 'You can so you can get our bambino out and then we can kick start our life as a family.'

'This is not a happy beginning to a happy life.' She told him sarcastically as she feel back as the contraction ceased to exist. 'This is way too tiring.'

'Well you can rest up when we have our little fella out.'

'You're so convinced it's a boy aren't you?'

'Well gotta hope for a mini me.'

'And what about a mini me?' She said as the urge to push picked up and her smile faded as the tension grew and she fought the urge.

Hours later when Penelope was given the all clear and the only urge that took over her was to rest she watched as Derek cradled his new daughter, as he put it, he had a mini Penelope.

'Except her skins darker than mine.' Penelope had whispered emotionally as she had the first cuddled with the new addition. 'She's perfect.' It was then the dams broke and Penelope began to silently cry.

'Hey, hey, hey baby girl, stop that.' Derek said sitting himself on the edge of the bed. 'I hate to see you cry.'

'I'm sorry, but I don't think these are going to stop anytime soon.' She laughed at herself but the tears didn't stop. 'This is for real right?'

'Definitely is Pen, you, me and Rosie.' He said with a bright smile. 'How about you get some sleep, you look worn out and I'll take this little princess to meet the family.'

'Okay, go now, show her off.' She said and kissed her daughter before handing her over to the safety of her father's arms, she then lay down completely and before she or Derek knew it she was asleep, the exhaustion of everything proving more and more evident as the minutes ticked by.

He stood up, kissed Penelope's forehead and watched her smile as he pulled her away, he then looked down at the little girl in his arms. 'Come on then beautiful, you've got lots of people ready to meet you.' He whispered and slipped out of the room and slowly but proudly approached the gang of begins that awaited this very moment.

The women all ooh'ed and ahh'ed and then slowly closed the gaps to see the child that they were clueless about, the men all stood and stepped in to take a look.

'Guys meet mine and Pen's daughter, Rosie Morgan...' Derek told them stoically, already calculating the many ways he could keep his daughter happy and protected as she grew up.

'How's Penelope doing?'

'She's exhausted so much that she's just literally fallen asleep, she told me to get out here and show our little treasure off.'

'Well you've done that now I think you should take her back and wait out your wife waking up.' Derek smiled at the thought, his family in one room, his life together. He took notice and went back to her room, finding her still sleeping he took a seat and watched over the both of them, the little girl sleeping in his arms and the baby girl sleeping in the bed.

When Penelope opened her eyes she couldn't help but smile, Derek slept with their daughter still in his arms, the grasp on her gently yet powerful, the tiredness on his face, she just watched the sight and thought of how closely it was ruined, how close they had come to destroying one another. How eavesdropping almost made her lose everything she possibly held close.

However, one look at her little girl told her that they hadn't destroyed one another, merely strengthened what they already had and from that loved one another more than should've been possible. She had everything she could possibly want and she was happy with everything.


The End!


A/N: Thanks to everyone that reviewed and read! Glad it went down okay! =)