Oh god has it been a long time since I started writing again!

So sorry for all those who have been reading my fictions!

So finally here is the next chapter! Please review!

Chapter 4: This again?

What the hell am I doing?

Allen looked around from where he sat, trying desperately to find Lavi or Kanda or the strange woman wearing the neon green hat; though it was pretty hard as he was going around in circles.

"Yay! This is so much fun!" The little girl to the right of him squealed in delight, holding onto the horse she was riding. Allen clung onto his own horse, trying to not fall off. Finally the merry-go-round stopped and Allen helped the girl down.

"I want to go again!" The girl demanded to Allen.

"Umm….how about we go find your mom now?" Allen politely asked. The little girl glared hard at him.

"But I want to go again!" She crossed her arms. Allen shook his head.

"I think it is a better idea if we find your parents." The girl ran back onto the horse and clung to its leg.

"I WANT TO RIDE THE HORSEY AGAIN!" The girl shouted. Allen looked cautiously around to see several other families glaring at him.

Won't this girl just shut up! Allen pleaded. "How about we go back to your mother and then-"


Allen covered his ears from the girl's screams, and turned to look for her mother when his head bumped into someone. He looked up to see the mother in the neon green hat glaring back at him.

"Why is our little angel screaming honey?" She said sweetly to Allen. Allen couldn't help but stare at the hat more than the woman.

"Um…..miss, I think you fail to get the point…" Allen answered back.


The woman grabbed Allen's shirt bringing him in closer. "What did I tell you?" The woman hissed at Allen. "Because your friends failed to help out after running over my brand new purse with that stupid car, I will make you pay back for it."

Allen groaned. "It wasn't my damn fault. Lavi was the one-"

"Now go on the merry-go-round with my daughter again." The woman shoved Allen back towards the horse.

Reluctantly, Allen went back on the horse and rode it around again. And again. And again. The small girl went on that ride at least ten more times, and Allen felt that if he did that again, he would get seriously sick.

"If I ever see Lavi again, he is so dead…" Allen mumbled to himself. If he hadn't run over that lady's purse, then I wouldn't have to be doing this.

At the end of the ride, Allen angrily placed the girl on the ground before stomping out the exit.

"Again! Again!" The girl squealed. Skipping in front of Allen, making sure he wasn't going to run off.

Allen stopped and stared sweetly at the girl.

"Again. I want to go again daddy," The girl shot daggers at Allen, making it clear it was either go again or face the wrath of my mommy.

Allen smiled at the girl and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Now sweetheart, I if you want to go again, then go. But I will stay right here."

The little girl smiled just as sweetly back at Allen. "But daddy, I want you to go with me too!"

Allen gripped the girl tightly causing her to flinch at the sudden surge of strength from him. "I don't care if you want to go or not I am not riding those stupid horses around and around and around again so if you want to go you will have to go without me." Allen turned and headed towards the castle.

"Mooooom!" The girl started to scream, "Daddy is leaving me here alone!" Allen saw the neon green hat bobbing through the crowd towards him.

I don't care what you want you crazy woman! Leave me alone! Allen cringed as she caught up to him, pissed off more than ever.

"Where do you think you are going? Come back here and ride that!" She yelled and pointed at the merry-go-round as Allen continued to walk through the castle and towards the main street.

"Where the hell are you Lavi?" Allen mumbled as he looked at the thousands of people continuously streaming in from the main entrance. Allen glanced back to see if that crazed lady with the neon green hat was still chasing him, but luckily it looked as if she gave up.

Allen sighed. Finally it is quiet, and there are no more crazy people to deal with...

"Well hello there sexy." Allen flinched as someone laid their hand on his shoulder. He turned to find that damn Tyki with his stupid grin staring at him.

"How the hell did you find me?" Allen growled at Tyki.

"Lovers always have a way of finding each other," Tyki smiled at him. Allen glared at Tyki. He, luckily, was not wearing the Tinkerbell costume and instead was wearing casual clothes, which made him only slightly less creepy.

Allen removed his arm from his shoulder. "Well it was nice meeting you again, Tyki, but I must go meet Lavi and Kanda so good bye!" He stood up to leave, but Tyki pushed him back down.

"Don't think I'm letting you leave now Allen," Tyki smirked at him.

Allen grew pale as the man came closer to his face. Then before he got too close, Tyki suddenly stopped and stared at Allen intently. Allen was confused. Now that he stopped he couldn't punch him and yell out sexual abuse.

"What?" Allen asked as he pushed Tyki back. Tyki smirked at him.

Without Allen realizing it, Tyki pulled him closer and kissed him.

"Oh nothing," Tyki smiled as he walked away. "Have a great day!"

Allen sat shocked on the bench as to what just happened. Then suddenly pissed stood up and yelled.


Allen rubbed the taste of Tyki off his lips and silently stomped off towards Tomorrowland.

"I better find those two before I get even more abused."