Disclaimer: I don't own the brilliant characters of the movie Inglourious Basterds, nor the original idea. Ellie is mine and the plot of this story.
A/N: OC, but not Mary Sue, don't worry. Just a beginning to se if anyone is interested, so reviews define if I'll continue or not. I hate to throw conditions like this, but I simply don't have a reason to write this if no one reads it... so tell me what you think :)
"My name is Eleonore Raine. In short, Ellie. That's what I want you mutts to call me."
She paced in front of them with long calm strides, while eyeing the six men she was to lead.
"I bet you already know why you're here, but I'm gonna tell you anyway."
She stopped to have a look at the lot. She knew them better than they knew. They knew nothing about her, which fit her better than well. The fact that they had an unknown 20something-year-old woman as a lieutenant must've been confusing. She almost smiled at the thought, but managed not to. It was good for the men. To learn some respect for those who have earned it. These men had earned theirs, that was for sure.
"Years ago, you stood here, on this same spot, listening to a man rant about Nazis. He gave you rules. You obeyed and killed the Nazis. But one lived."
The faces of the six men in front of her and the one almost by his side, hardened if even possible. Hers did too.
"Landa. Hans Landa." The name fell from her lips like it was the worst curse in the world. The one word in the universe she did not want to say. Her nose wrinkled and upper lip curled. Then she spat to the ground. "That's how much we think about Hans … Landa." The men growled as if they had something to say about him as well, but resisted the urge. She noticed, took a deep breath and her composure calmed noticeably. There was no need to get them more riled up than they already were, their concentration was needed in listening.
"Listen. I need me six men. We're back in business, and our business is killin' Nazis. Just like last time. But now we also have a little more precise mission to accomplish. As you know, we ain't takin' no prisoners. The Nazis do. Right now, they have a prisoner we have to free."
The men didn't dare to show their agreement as some of them would've liked to. They had been told about the prisoner, of course, as they had been told about the mission. What they hadn't been told, was who would lead them and how they would do it.
"You know the man well. 1st lieutenant Aldo Raine, your former and future leader and my father. So we all wanna get him free, am I right?"
The men, with barely hidden surprise, cried: "Yes, sir!"
Now Ellie allowed a smile to spread on her face. She turned to look at the man on her left, sergeant Donny Donowitz, The Bear Jew.
"Go get your baseball bat. You're gonna need it…"
A wolfish grin lightened the man's face.
"Yes, ma'am. With pleasure."