Good morning/afternoon/evening/night! I have another chapter for today! Oh, and I don't own SSBB!

I had my first day back at school and haven't returned since! Isn't it odd?


Today, our story does not start with Meta Knight. It starts with...

"How come my taunts are all the same?" Snake is not the character this chapters starting with.

Master Hand had been woken up early to find himself surrounded by most of the Smashers. They were all complaining. It was bad enough being threatened by the author..., wait what? He must be going mad.

"They're not identical, they have slight differences! And why haven't I been seen yet?" Yoshi has made his first appearance!

"We not 130 words into chapter and we broke fourth wall twice!?"

"You've just broken the fourth wall again, Donkey Kong!"

"Now we've broken 4 fourth walls!"




"Master Hand, you just..."

"Stop it! Get back on with the story!"

"What do you mean? Hopefully not a FanFic."


Jigglypuff screamed.

"Now look what you've done!"

"You'll make readers unhappy!"

"The author needs pairings for me, Zelda and Sheik! He told me!"

"Yeah! Wait, what was that Peach?"

"AUTHOR MAGIC!" a voice shouted from nowhere, and everywhere after the point where Yoshi's responded to Snake has been forgotten.

"That's odd. I can't remember the past minute. I wonder if it has to do with..." Pikachu was cut off mid sentence, losing her train of thought. "Sorry, forgotten."


"Calm down, Kirby."


"Back to complaining to me!"

"Why am I crazy?!"

"Because you're Craz..."

"Why am I weak?"


"Why can't we have visitors?"

"Because, wait, visitors? That's a great idea!"

"No it's not!"

"Falco, why not?"

"Samus, Katt Monroe will come and she doesn't believe the fact that I'm going out with you."


"And she fancies me!"

"You're doomed."

"It'll probably lead to a dogfight between you two. She's a pilot, and you have a gunship..."

"I'm sure she won't do that."

"She will."

"She won't"

"Let's settle this with a brawl. Falco, you can fight Mario."

"Why me?"

"Because you're a mascot."



"I'm the winner!" of course, with Mario's strong accent it sounded like "I'm the wiener!" Everyone laughed. "What are you laughing at?" his brother whispered something in his ear. "Oh! I didn't say that! I said winner!" everyone laughed again.

"I'll notify the guests to be." Everyone cheered. Except Falco. And Meta Knight, who hadn't spoken yet that day.

Later (again), the seven (remember Pikachu)were in Meta Knight's room.

"How's your cut doing?"

"It's better."

"How did that happen?" Pikachu had blinked at the point where Sonic crashed, and saw him bleeding heavily on the ground. When she asked, she was told to shush because of the commentary, although Crazy Hand had put subtitles on.

"He didn't turn at the second corner."


"And there was a rail there."



The PA sounded. "Attention peoples! Swimming lessons are starting right now!"

"You didn't warn us?!"

"Nooooo!" screamed Sonic. He is a hydrophobic after all.

"Do a..."

"Shut up Peppy!"

Falco hung up.

Later, down at the swimming pool, Sonic had backed as far away from the pool as possible. With his back to the door.

"Sorry I'm late!" shouted Crazy Hand as he barged through said door, sending Sonic flying to the deep end of the pool.

"Help! I can't swim. For god's sake get me out of here!" Everyone left him. Until Sonic remembered he could run on water. So he ran out of the pool.

"Maybe you need the easy pool." Master Hand said as he pushed the Smashers into a corridor. They went into the other door...

...and ended up underwater. It led to a room filled with water except a bit at the top to breathe in. Enough room to swim but not to run. The door behind them locked. Sonic screamed.


Falco turned off his communicator. He was getting thoroughly annoyed with the hare.

Lying at the pool floor was a large reptile. A large orange reptile with a flaming tail was almost dead.

"YOU KILLED HIM!" screamed Red. Master Hand clicked his fingers and a bubble of air appeared around Charizard's tail fire, protecting it. Miraculously alive, he flew to the top in joy.

CRUNCH! He collided with the ceiling, landed on Sonic, and squished him at the bottom. Charizard flew back to the surface, while Sonic...

"Get me out of this death trap!!!"

"No." Replied Master Hand.

Sonic peeled himself off and shook his fist angrily at Master Hand. Crazy Hand clicked his fingers and then something strange happened. Some trees appeared.

"What did you do?"

"Turned it into Hanenbow." He said as exactly thirty seven Smash Balls appeared. They all focused their attacks on the door and...

...the door disappeared, causing all the Final Smashes to hit Master Hand at the same time.

A week later...

"Wazzup? Master's 'till in hospi'al and I'm still yer ruler for ze next god-knows what amount of time."

"I wish he'd stop being stupid."

"You're stoopid!" shouted Crazy Hand. Then Master Hand's voice came.

"I've recovered!" many people groaned. Sonic was like...

"Don't put me near water again!"

"I won't. Hereby, your swimming lessons are cancelled!" cheers sprung up throughout the Mansion, from the basement, roof, infirmary and kitchen (Tabuu had to swim as well). "I've got my popularity back."

"I'm still voting for Jigglypuff as next Head Smasher!" shouted Meta Knight. She had given him her sweet smile because she er, accidently hit Kirby with his sword. (She was getting some marshmallows at a buffet, and Kirby er, mistook her for one).

"There is no such thing as head Smasher!" shouted Master Hand, and the smashers shouted to each other for the rest of the day. Except for Meta Knight and Jigglypuff, who were tired (they had just brawled and Crazy Hand had put sleeping pills in all the food).

I wrote this chapter while annoyed. The Basic Brawl With Anyone won't get someone to brawl with. It's annoying!!!! And no, that MHxCH pairing was just a threat, I won't do it.