A/N: Here is an update that has been a long time coming. No excuses, except to say that I have been afflicted with RL and a horrendous case of the I don't feel like writing blues.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own

Read it and if you want review it


The horror of the grisly artwork was nothing compared to the thought that Red John had been in the room with them, followed by the realization that this was somebody's blood on the wall. The note was none too helpful either.

Dr. Crandall,

I am pleased you have taken me seriously concerning Patrick's well-being. This lovely bit of art is here to remind you just what the consequences of displeasing me will be.

Your Friend,

Red John

Patrick sighed in exhaustion and resignation. He was running out of energy for this game. The only thing keeping him here was the safety of his team and the Doctor's family. The smiley face on the wall just reinforced the futility of holding on. Still he couldn't let his desire to be finished with this life cause the death of others so somehow he found the strength to go on and spoke.

"Call Lisbon, now, and don't touch anything." Just that much effort wore him out and he was asleep again.

Pete shook his head and took his cell phone in his trembling hand and called Teresa Lisbon.

Lisbon woke with a start at the shrill ring of her phone. Momentarily thankful for the reprieve from her nightmares, but a look at the clock soon made her feel nothing but dread. No good calls happen at this time of night.


"Agent Lisbon, you better get down here."

She heard the shakiness in Pete Crandall's voice and it terrified her.

"Jane?" Was all she could manage.

"No, Patrick is okay, ummm it's Red John." He said softly.

Suddenly her blood ran like ice through her veins. "We'll be right there. Don't touch anything."

"Okay, please hurry." He said plaintively.

"It'll be all right Dr. Crandall, we'll be there soon."


He hung up and walked over to Patrick's bed watching him sleep. How do you stand it Patrick?

"I'm so sorry Patrick. I just didn't know." He whispered.

Jane heard him in his light sleep and without opening his eyes he replied. "It's me who's sorry Pete. I just want this all to end."

Pete sighed and placed his hand on Patrick's arm. "I know buddy, I know."


Lisbon called the whole team in, they were in the Suburban headed to Concord in 20 minutes, the forensics team following behind in the evidence van.

"What's going on Boss?" Cho asked after they hit the highway.

"I'm not exactly sure, but Dr. Crandall said that Red John had been there. Why don't you call him back and see if you can get some details?"

Cho began calling the doctor back. "Dr. Crandall, this is agent Kimball Cho. Agent Lisbon wanted me to let you know we are on the way and to ask you some questions."

"Sure, thanks."

"What makes you think Red John has been there?"

"Uhhh maybe the huge creepy smiley face written in blood on Patrick's hospital room wall. Oh and he left a note, well more of a warning really."

Cho swallowed knowing that the smiley face meant there was at least one victim out there. "Thank you, Doctor. We'll be there in an hour or so."

"Please get here soon."

"We will, remember don't touch anything."

"I won't."

Cho closed the phone visibly shaken.

"What?" Rigsby asked.

"It's Red John."

"How do you know?" Grace asked.

"He left the face."

"Oh my God!" Grace gasped. "That means…"

"Yeah, I know." He deadpanned.

Lisbon pushed the accelerator down urging the SUV to hurry.

"Anything else Cho?" Lisbon asked.

"Yeah, there was also a note; the Doc said it was a warning."


Pete collapsed into the chair on the other side of Patrick's bed in an effort to keep Patrick from having to look at the horror on the other wall. He reached out and held his friend's hand hoping to bring him some small comfort.


"Yeah Patrick?"

"I feel funny."

"What do you mean?"

"My head, it feels kind of weird."

Pete jumped up out of the chair and whipped his penlight out and checked Patrick's pupil response. Suddenly Patrick's eyes rolled up into his head and he began seizing.

"Shit! I need some help in here!" He hollered.

The seizure was violent and took all of Pete's strength to keep Patrick from hurting himself.

The nurse ran in. Pete yelled at her to get 2mgs Ativan IV push. The seizure lasted for another minute before Patrick quit thrashing around.

Lisbon and Cho arrived just as things were calming down.

"What happened?" Lisbon asked.

"He had a seizure."

"I thought he was on meds for that?" Cho said.

"He is. We need to get him another EEG. Hopefully it was just the stress of that." He pointed to the wall behind them.

"If it wasn't that then what?"

"Well let's just run some tests so we know what we're looking at."

Lisbon could tell by the tone of the doctor's voice that Jane having a seizure was a very bad thing. She looked down at the ghost of the man she once knew to be vibrant and cocky, so alive and couldn't help wondering if that man was gone forever.