Almost done two more chapters! Maybe?

Thank you so much for taking this wonderful ride with me!

I don't own Eragon.

Iszak Sully.

"Alright Saphira, I'm going to trust you." I contorted my face into a strange and very pained looking face, "Will it hurt?"

'No, young child it will not,' said a group of new voices as their minds invaded mine. 'Camille, daughter of Juno and Orimis we heal you. So you can help The Rider save us.'

I froze and shivered then lost all thought as Saphira's and Isidar's nose brushed my face.


I woke to blackness. Nothing new and unusual. My head buzzed and hurt to no end. Well, that was new. And I couldn't really remember why either. I could smell grass, so I must be outside. My arms and legs were zinging with numbness from the stupid position I'd been in when I passed out. The soft muttering and mummers of two people and the heavy breathing of dragons fill the air.

The gift! The dragons had given me a gift! What gift? What was it? Why did I pass out? Who was here with Saphira and Isidar?

"Saphira," Eragon growled, "Must you be so stubborn? What happened? Why is Camille passed out on the ground?" I felt Saphira's mind brush against mine, letting me know she could tell I was awake. Projecting her thoughts so that I could hear them, she rumbled in her deep dragon's voice, 'You do not care for the Halfing, do you? Please Eragon, leave her be. She is in so much pain. There is no need to make the pain any worse. Camille will be awake in no time. And then if she wishes, she will tell.'

"Saphira! That is no excuse for not telling us when the daughter of a Dragon Rider is most likely dying." Arya barked at her. The ground shook as both Saphira and Isidar growled as one. The sound of rustling filled the air and then hot moist breath hit my face. I slowly opened my eyes expecting to see nothing but the dark that I was used to. Light blurry moving figures filled my line of sight. I blinking I stayed as still and quiet as I dared. The burry masses soon became more distinguished, revealing my emerald green protector and friend, Isidar, the great rich blue Saphira, brown haired brown eyed Eragon and the black haired, green eyed Elf Princess, Arya.

"Isidar? I asked sitting up and reaching out rub his green scales. The feeling my finger tips was still extremely sensitive. "I never knew how green you really are."

He looked at my blinking his great big eyes at me before flicking out his tongue and barely touching me with it.

"Arya, look." I glanced over at Eragon who was pointing at me. Who knew that seeing was such a great thing! I love it! Seeing… my sight! Oh how I wish that my Father was here! He would be so proud! I grinned to myself. I could see. My gift was the gift of sight. To have my eyes back.

"Eragon!" I laughed as he sprinted towards me. "Don't crush me!" I shrieked. He stopped a hands breath away and reached out to touch my face. I flinched back. Reflexes. He was test me to see if I could see.

"So you can?" I nodded, his hands still cupped around my face. "Arya wants to say something to you." He stepped aside revealing the Elfin Princess.

"Cami," her sing song voice lilting, "I would like to apologize for my actions and inactions. You were very bold and brave standing up to me those few times. And I would be glad to take you to the courts of my mother to show her the fact that you really are a Rider." I frowned confused, and at the sudden inching in my hand.

"No I'm not." I said, looking down to study my feet. The brown knee high boots. With soft leather padding on the bottom, were rather interesting. "I'm not a Rider, I never will be."

Isidar and Saphira both pushed me on the shoulders. I shook my head and turned to leave. As I walked away, Eragon grabbed my hand and pushed in front of my nose. "See!" There in the middle of my hand was the silver mark that I'd always wanted.

"Isidar?" I looked to the dragon that smiled in a wolfish sort of way, and nodded his head a little.

"Please excuse me," Arya smiled and walked away, into the tree line back to the city. I watched her go loving the feeling of seeing. The colors, the details, all of it. It made me want to laugh and spin around. But I didn't because Eragon still stood next to me.

"Can I help Agetlam?" I murmured, out of the corner of my eye I could see Eragon stiffen and shake his head.

"Please Camille, don't call me that." I turned around and walked back to my father's home. Opening the door I walked in and studied the room. Nothing had changed other than the fact that Orimis was no longer here. A chill ran down my spine.

"Camille, I'm sorry for everything. I treated you horribly and you probably hate me. Which I can understand, but—."

"Eragon I forgive you."

"Good, because I missed you." I blushed, and shook my head. I went back out to stand next to my dragon. My Isidar. Two dragon laughs filled the air and I turned to Eragon was a slight frown on his face.

"Come here, Eragon." He walked over to us. "Saphira I think Isidar, Eragon and I are going flying. Are you coming?"

'Yes, I'd never miss out on flying…' I smiled and laughed at her. "Eragon, get on."

"Isidar?" I smiled at him as he asked my dragon. "I'm riding with you?"

'Of course if Camille wants you to, then…Get on!' I leaned over and pushed his shoulders towards Isidar. He grinned at the pounced onto the emerald green leg. Eragon climbed up and reached down lifting me on to sit in front of him. I turned and kissed his cheek.

"Here we go!" I yelled, wrapping my hands around the spike in front of me.

"As the two final Dragon Riders?" I shook my head. "No?"

"No, as ourselves."

'And very much in love,' Saphira said softly flying right next to us. I blushed and realized that my life was perfect. I was a Rider, I had Eragon, and my best friend. My father would have been proud. 'Yes, he would have been proud,' Gledar whispered.